Austria strode into his study early one morning to find something curious on his desk, which sat in front of a huge window overlooking his private estate. On his polished toneless writing table was his mail already brought up for him. Lately he didn't get his mail until late afternoon because the undeveloped Italian girl, who was his only maid, was agitated with unforgiving grief for the boy she adored had gone off to battle with his elder sibling. She hardly did her household work and wept more than she characteristically did. He caught a glimpse of a teacup filled with milk with a small cake beside it. He looked down where the cup had been and saw a tiny piece of blushing paper with a pleasantly drawn heart and 'H' off in a corner. Hungary…, he thought. He picked up the cup and tasted the drink. It was fresh and warmed. He smiled at the notion of kindness by the one he in secret loved more than anything.

He took up his letter opener and began his customary toil. The letters was from his boss. The monarch's letter informed the Austrian on life in the Vienna Palace and when he should return from his countryside home. He heaved a sigh pondering about going back to the deafening loud fortress and having to report all the disappointments of Italy. He looked at the three other letters he had to read and answer to, when he saw a black of paper among the grey envelopes. He laid down the king's letter and picked up the black one. It had a strip of black on both ends envelope and in the middle was his address written in golden liquid ink. How flashy, he thought, turning the letter over.

On the back was the crest of the Nation of Prussia, an albino nuisance to the Austrian, and the Holy Roman Empire, the boy that Italy felt affection for, Austria knitted his brow. These two brother nations had departed months ago to clash against France, a pal of Prussia and a longtime opponent of all the Germanic nations. Austria insisted that Holy Rome should stay since he was still in the form of an adolescent youth. But Prussia declared that his fresh little brother could endure the hostility of war and was all but prepared to earn his good name aside of his brothers.

Austria grabbed his letter opener and ripped the top of the envelope. The note was written on front and back by Prussia, which Austria knew his writing very well. Some parts were in unstable handwriting and portions of the ink were blurred, but it was nevertheless legible. It read:

Four days after we'd left the house we'd made it to the fighting grounds with France waiting for us. We got all of our shit together to get the match started. The next day we meet those bastards and bet them shitless! Kesese! Holy Rome had awesome fire in his eyes as our Vati did. He was ready to kick ass as much as I was! He was acting just like me when I was young! He fought like there was no fucking tomorrow! Later on he was so set on fighting he said we should do a sneak attack and was coming up with the most awesome ideas ever, man! Two week went by and we were still beating ass! Now, as for me, I got a few grazes but it didn't matter, nothing can stop the awesome Prussia! Kesese kesese!

In the middle of the third week France sent us an offer. His note said that he was taking the loss of men hard and there were only three ways to end the war. We could say sorry, pffff, one on one combat or fight till there's no one standing….. What a sissy right!? I wanted to keep on fighting just for the hell of it but to look like an awesome leader, which I am, I called in the war console. Those pussies wanted to go and whimper to France! Holy Rome yelled that he would do hand to hand combat. I really didn't pay him any mind. But he got so damn loud, he had everyone's eyes on him. He said that he had learned from me and could easily take France down. They all thought he had a good point but I… well… I-I guess I got to use to seeing him in love with Italy and playing to see him killing one of my friends….. Even though he is an ass… He did have a good point… Well he got everyone on his side. So we sent back the request for hand to hand combat with France and Holy Rome. The weapon of chose was swords, which you know Curly, France is best at. Well Holy Rome is good at it, but I still wanted to be ready for any dirty tricks France might have. France gave us a week to get ready so Holy Rome and I went over everything that might happen.

That Sunday came with all the men getting up early to pray for an awesome victory. We got to the field the same time as France was. The men and I gathered around the opponents. Holy Rome ready himself, took off his cape and hat taking his awesome stances, which I taught him. While France strolled around him flopping his cape in Holy Rome's face. He was making fucking fun of Holy Rome and trying to get his men to go along with him. Everyone was like 'What the fuck fight!'. I was really getting ready to end it all myself and cut the fuckers head off. Holy Rome was overly pissed and losing his temper.

Holy Rome charged France and… France, that son of a bitch, swung his sword slashing the Holy Rome's chest. Blood spurted out of him and Holy Rome fell dead. There was a silence on both sides…. Oh god… my heart clogged…. The fucking little shit wiped his rapier on Holy Rome's cape... he and his men left… I ran to Holy Rome and lifted him into my arms. Then thank god… Holy Rome let out a low groan. He still had a chance! Running as quick as I could, I got to the camp and gave him to the medics.

The med's got him all back together but he won't wake up… He's hardly breathing now and they say… he'll be dead soon…. Oh god it's just so unawesome… Austria… I don't know…. I'm sorry! Please don't… don't tell Hungary and… Little Italy….

Austria leaned back in his chair; he took off his glasses and pinched his bridge. He read over the back side at least three times before he found it all to be as it was. He couldn't grasp the fact that Holy Rome is going to die. I knew that I should have tried harder to keep him here, he thought. He felt tears well up in his eyes. How could not tell anyone, especially Italy? She had been asking about Holy Rome every day and weeping his name all hours of the day. He observed out of the window a flawless azure sky and saw his sheepherder stood in the distends allowing the livestock eat. He saw others gathering apples and He noticed Hungary on the latter. Her olive green dress and long light brunette hair billowed in the breeze. She was harvesting the ripe fruit and dropping into a large wicker basket. What I am to do…..?, He asked of himself.

"Mister Austria?" a petty voice rang out. Austria noticed the voice right away.

"Oh Italia, tardy again I see?" He said, pulling out his handkerchief and wiped his fallen tears. He twisted around looking at a small girl outfitted in an emerald colored dress with white apron and a matching scarf tied over her hair were her auburn bangs only showed.

"Ve~ Mister Austria, I'm so sorry! I didn't think I would be so late." She sniffled, her little body started to shake in fear of being yelled at.

"Maybe if you forgot about Holy Rome and spent more time working you would be better off, now would be a good of time as ever…" The Austrian boy thought a loud.

"What?!" Italy said in confusion.

Austria cursed himself for saying his mind. "Nothing, I was just talking to myself. Italy… you should really… take the day off. If you are just going to walk around like this you'll depress us all." He gave a bleak grin.

Little Italy was shocked by Austria's words, but she nodded, "Yes sir." She soundlessly walked out of the study, shutting the door behind her.

Austria quickly rotated back to the letter and questioned wither it would've been more suitable if Italy was told what had come about. He massaged his monogram ring in deep-seated thought. He looked back out the window and saw Italy running to Hungary. Hungary, was sitting some of the works, rose as the child scampered up. She took Italy in her arms and swivel her around in a tight embrace. Maybe Holy Rome would survive and come back. But if he didn't… what then?