**Authors note: Hi welcome to my story! :) I'm so excited to share this story with all of you! I hope you enjoy it and find that my writing is actually worth reading. To get things moving let me just quickly say that as much as I wish I can't say these characters are mine. (Boo) They are of the amazingly talented Stephanie Meyer though.:P With that said, I'll leave y'all to the story. Please review and follow and all that other good stuff!**

Chapter One

"Stop, dad please! You'll kill him!" I reached for the love of my life, for my Edward and quickly got slapped in the face by Richard.

"Shut up Isabella it'll just be worse for you!" He yelled at me.

Richard looked at my bruised and bloody Edward and pointed a finger at him. "If you ever get near her again, I swear I will kill you. You have done enough already bastard."

Edward looked at my stomach and then at me. "She's pregnant with our baby! You cant keep me from her or our child!"

I looked down at the ground knowing what was coming next. "She's not pregnant anymore, that was taken care of already."

"Thats not true. I dont trust lying pricks like you!" Edward yelled.

"Find then, dont believe me then. Why don't you ask her yourself?" Richard asked confidently. He knew what my response was after all.

I looked up at edward and saw the pained expression on his face. "Bella?"

I looked away from him, slowly nodding, knowing I would hate myself for the rest of my life for hurting him the way I was going to right now. "Yes. I realized how stupid I was Edward," I choked a little as I said his name. "Im too young to have a baby, I dont WANT a baby. . . So I took care of it."

I sounded like a great actor reading from a script. This is for your own good, Edward, I said in my head.

Fresh tears fell down my cheeks as I looked up to find my angels beautiful bright green eyes filled with hurt, so much hurt and pain. But then I saw them more closely and saw what i never thought i would see. They where filled with hate, so much hate,towards me.

I woke up drenched in sweat and tears. I looked at the clock in my tiny room and realized it was five in the morning. Sighing, I brushed away the hair from my face.

Grabbing some clean clothes I quietly went into the restroom to shower. The water felt nice on my freezing skin.

I quickly got out though and began to change. As I squeezed my swollen feet into my only pair of shoes I felt a tiny kick in my stomach. I smiled and rested my hand on my five months round belly waiting for another kick. When it came I giggled. This little person was the only thing that managed to make me smile or laugh ever since-

I quickly pushed those thoughts back. It was to soon.

I jumped when I heard a sharp knock on the door. "Get the fuck out! I need to use the damn bathroom and you need to make me something to eat!"

I quickly grabbed my things and opened up the door slowly trying to manage a way around Richard.

He stopped me though and looked at me. He was drunk, that much I could tell. "What took you so fucken long?"

I shrugged. "I dont know, I'm sorry though." I told him.

He looked at me closely and then he licked his lips. Grabbing my chin he smiled. "You know you look very nice out of the shower." I kept my eyes on the ground wanting to scream but holding it in knowing very well what would happen if I did. His hand slowly slid down my shoulder and began tracing the outline of my bra.

Still, I held in the urge to puke. I was so used to this and worse already.

"Seems like being pregnant with that bastard of yours has actually done you some good Isabella."

"My baby is not a bast-" I felt a sharp sting in my right cheek before I processed that he had punched me in the face. I grabbed my cheek and felt tears come down my eyes without my permission.

He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Next time watch your words. They can get you killed. That little bastard baby is going to bring me a lot of money when he's out. Don't make me lose my temper and end up killing you both. No one would care, but I would loose my money. Now, go make yourself useful and make me something to eat."

Squeezing my chin very hard before letting me go, he pushed me out of the way making me fall to the floor. I scrambled to my feet quickly, running into the kitchen.

For the past couple of months this had been my life since we left Forks and secretly went to Chicago.

Slowly things where getting worse with Richard and I knew I had to get back to Edward before it was to late. My Edward. As much as it broke my heart to think about it I truly needed him. He was the only happiness I had had in forks. Our love had made the little human growing in me and he needed to know of its existence. Still I couldn't just leave. Not yet anyway. Why did everything have to be so complicated?! With that in mind I made a plan to leave this hell hole once and for all.

After finishing his breakfast Richard got up told me to walk to the store to buy more food and left. I sighed frustrated. The nearest grocery store was so far away! My legs where already starting to swell and I didn't feel good. Grabbing my jacket I headed outside into the cold Chicago weather and started walking.

After a while I finally made it to a grocery store. Hurriedly I grabbed a basket and started heading towards the produce section of the store.

As I grabbed a couple of tomatoes I felt as if I was being watched. Looking up I found myself staring at Alice Cullen.

"Bella?" she asked me as if she wasn't sure.

I just stared at her not knowing what to say. I covered my stomach up hoping she wouldn't see it. If she saw, she would tell Edward, and then Richard would. . . I gulped not wanting to think about it.

"Bella! We've been looking for you everywhere! Edward has been worried sick about you also-we all have." Alice looked at me with so much pain that I knew I had hurt her bad.

I looked around for Edward hoping he would be here. "He's at our friends house. We came to Chicago for Christmas break. I came to pick up some last minute things with Tanya." she said reading my mind. Suddenly her friend was next to her, her strawberry blond curls bouncing around.

She was model like, beauty seeping through her. She had a natural kissed by the sun tan and a beautiful face. Her icy blue eyes eyes though stared at me with hate so much unknown hate.

"Bella this is Tanya. Tanya this is Bella. Um, Tanya I have to speak to her alone. . ."

"No no its ok I have to leave anyways Alice. Please dont say anything to. . .you know. He cant know that im here. When I get on the right path though I'll contact you just wait please." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and a small smile. Looking at Tanya I saw her staring down at my stomach and knew she had saw it already. She quickly smiled at me though the hate in her eyes vanishing as quickly as it had appeared.

At that moment I realized in what an unsafe situation I was in. The man who had repeatedly abused me was now the man who wanted to sale my baby to a rich family who couldn't have one of their own for the money. But I wanted this baby. This little human growing in me was the only thing I had left of the one guy I knew I loved and I wasn't going to let Richard take me away from what I most needed in the world. I wasn't.