And so, things come to an end...


The air was silent. All creatures on Planet Casscadia grew still that night. The battle that raged on outside had finally come to a stop, but not before terrifying everyone. The citizens of Dualius had grown silent. Silence... Silence...

The dark skies that was the backdrop of the battle had slowly begun to fade around. Peering among the Dualians, its face a blissful purity, the white Casscadian sun.

But there was a certain blue hedgehog who was unaffected by all of this. He sat in his father's throne, his arms wrapped tightly around his red cape. His sister would appear every now and then, sadness on her face, and say nothing. The royal children felt it. They felt every moment of it... and they knew they were alone. All alone...

But finally, a black being appeared at the doorway. His red eyes scanned them up and down, and yet he said nothing. He was visibly hurt, but for reasons unknown. And yet, his eyes remained cold and dagger like.

"I... hate... you..." Manik said, his voice a crack.

The Dark King said nothing. He understood the boy's pain, he understood his loneliness. But he had to deal with it.

"Manik..." he said.

But the prince wouldn't have it. He jerked his jade eyes up, shot Shadow a deadly glare, and roared through his lungs


He was crying so hard, his eyes red from pain and strain. Every inch of his body trembled from his watery eyes. He wanted to kill Shadow so much, so very much. But all this killing had brought nothing but unhappiness to him, to everyone.

"How many died!?" he cried, sobs escaping his maw, "How many!?"

But Shadow wouldn't answer. The battle claimed the lives tens of thousands on both side, counting Seaflora and everything. But he couldn't tell Manik this... no, the boy was still young, still innocence.

The time of innocence lost would come now...

The king stepped forward, and reached into his red cape. Manik tensed up the sight, and leaned back into his father's throne. He wished he could sink away into nothing.

"Manik the Hedgehog..." Shadow said, pulling an object from his body.

The prince gasped at the sight of it, and he began crying more. The golden crown shined against the sky. It was Sonic's crown.

"You killed him, didn't you!?" Manik yelled, "You killed my father!"

But Shadow's face remained stoic. The boy had to learn responsibility, and now. Wether he liked it or not, his father had doomed him to this life. This... life...

"Manik the Hedgehog," he said again, but with a more forceful voice, "You are here, and now, the King of Mobius."

But the blue boy shook his head. He was only fifteen, he wasn't old enough to take the crown, not yet.

"I... I can't!" he cried.

Only Shadow wouldn't except that as an answer. He thrusted Sonic's crown in his arms, and said,

"Deal with it..."

"Why... why did you do this?" his young green eyes peered into Shadow's, "Why?"

The dark King grew silent instantly. Gazing at Manik, he pitied him. He didn't want to become King, but he knew all along he had to. And since Sonic's little rampage and war, he had sent his son a one way ticket straight to the job he loathed. But who else would lead the Mobians? Sonia? She was too young, a vanity was clear in her life. President Reese? No... only those with the blood of an Acorn could do it. It befell upon Manik's shoulders, and Manik's shoulders alone.

"I'm sorry..." Shadow said, "I really am... for all of this... for the war... for the lost of your mother, your father, your freedom..." Manik flinched, "But you have to lead them... only you can... King Manik..."

And yet, the prince couldn't stand the sound of it. He grabbed ahold of his legs, and held them close to his body as he continued to sob. Even though his father's crown laid in his hands, he felt as if he didn't deserve it.

"Manik..." Shadow said, "Manik stand up!"

The blue boy looked up. Shadow's face had become hard and demanding.


"Get up, Manik!" Shadow ordered again.

To his displeasure, the adolescent hedgehog stood to his feet. Yet he didn't give Shadow eyesight.

"Manik... you're a King now... and as King, you have to lead."

"But I can't! Not alone!"

Shadow listened to his words. Slowly, he brought his head up and down in a nod, before a smile crept upon his face.

"But Manik," he said, stretching out his hand, "you won't be alone..."

Slowly the prince gazed up. And, his eye caught something. Behind Shadow, at the throne room's entrance, his friend.

"Jr.?" Manik said, shocked.

The dark prince said nothing, and merely uncrossed his arms. He gave Manik a glare through his red eyes, stepped over to him, and, to Manik's surprise, hugged him.

"Still crying?" Jr. said holding him tight, "Boy... you are a kid."

"Hey," Manik said in defense, "I'm no kid..." slowly he lifted his arms, and hugged Jr. back, "I'm... no kid..." he continued.

Seconds later, he began to cry. But Jr. said nothing. He merely hugged Manik close, and allowed him a shoulder to cry on.

When one King dies, another King rises.

"We can never be allies..." Jr. remarked suddenly, breaking his friends tears.

"Huh... huh?" he said.

"Or people..." Jr. said, pulling back, "The Black Arms and the Mobians... we can never be one. My father... King Shadow, defeated your father, King Sonic in battle..."

"Where is my father?" Jr. asked.

"I can't tell you." Shadow said, gazing elsewhere.

"So... he's not dead?"

"I don't kill those weaker than me." Shadow stated, "To exert power over others... that's a tyrant..."

Some how, in some way, Manik felt... relieved.

"Then... what happens now?" he asked.

"Reconstruction." Shadow said, "Be the King Sonic couldn't, Manik... listen to your friends, your allies... let them help you." his glare intensified, "Don't jump to conclusions. Be still, and listen..."

"PRINCE MANIK!" a guards voice boomed from the hallways, "We have reason to believe an intruder is among us!"

"We must make our leave." Jr. said.

"But... Jr., King Shadow," Manik said, "What do I do now?"

"Tell them I visited you," he said, "tell them I killed your father, and delivered his crown to you... they'll accept it."

"But my father isn't dead!"

"They don't know that, only you..." slowly, he turned away, "I'm sorry it has to come to this."

Jr. got close to his father. Raising his hand, he said in a comforting tone,

"Till next time, Manik?"

The struck a chord in his body. Gazing up, he smiled and said,

"Till next time... Jr..."

And before he knew it, the dark men had disappeared in a brilliant flash. Heavy footsteps echoed near the prince, now king's, position. He tightened his grip on his father's crown, and began to sob again. Why did this have to happen? He hated it... but... he had to... lead... Shadow was right... right?

The guards came in, and gazed down at the young lad before him. He merely lifted his father's crown.


The misty morning overlayed everything. Shadow stood on the cliff side overlooking his palace, and took in a deep breath. Once again, he defended his home and people from destruction. Then why did it make him feel so empty. He felt wrong banishing Sonic to Mobius, but... was there any other way? The man had led many of his people to their deaths, including his own best friends and wife. He couldn't go unpunished. They why, for the sake of Maria, did he himself feel... wrong?

It was wrong, morally, at least. To punish a hero, when he doubted himself many times.

His people had returned to their homes, and once again, life was settling in. Shadow decided not to return to Seaflora... it would just remain there, a testament to those who lost their lives during the war. A testament to both sides. It was the least he could do. After all, Sonic's people were the sheep, the blue one, the Shepard. They didn't deserve to be brought up in Sonic's head games, and they damn well didn't deserve to lose their life for it. But such was the way of war, he presumed. There was just one thing left to do...

"Shadow!" Hope's voice rung from behind.

The blonde haired queen prance up, wearing her best dress, and tied her arm around his.

"Come on," she continued, "the party's not dying down anytime soon!"

Call Shadow crazy, but he wasn't in the mood for a party. He turned his head to his queen, grabbed a hold of her hands, and held her close.

"Hope," he said, "we need to talk..."

She grew concerned.

"About what?" she questioned.

"About... Molly..." he said.

The red-haired princess pranced around the streets of Urimeace as the Black Arms around her showered her with praise and confetti. Though she did relatively nothing, save for blasting the Dualian air fleet with the Eclipse Cannon, she was still seen as a great leader of the Black Arms Army. The fact that she was the first-born princess didn't hurt either. Maria walked beside her sister, as she two waved to the many denizens of her people. Behind them Jr. who appeared unphased by everything, and behind him, Omega who only cared about protecting his creator.

Surprisingly, Rouge wasn't among them. The sultry bat stood on a roof top, her teal eyes on the waves, as she pondered her next course of action. The war now over, she felt an extreme lost of self. There was no need for the C.A.F. now, as G.U.N. now had no leader. And with Sonic banished, the chances of a Dualian uprising under Manik's rule was... weak at best. The blue prince, err, King, didn't know the first rule of war, let alone causing one. So what did Rouge do now? She could be a treasure hunter once again, but the thought of such a thing sickened her. She wasn't some young thing anymore, she was a grown woman. A lonely, grown woman.

"Hey Rouge..." a heavy voice echoed from behind.

She turned around, and saw, shockingly enough, a certain red echidna. Knuckle's body was wrapped in coils, but for a reason Rouge didn't know.

"Well, well, well," Rouge flirted, "If it isn't Knuckles. Tell me, Julie-Su finally kicked you out?"

But he wasn't in the mood for her childish games. Instead, he leaned over the roof's edge, and gazed down upon the dancing Casscadian's below.

"So tell me... what's next?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Rouge answered, as she looked away.

"What does Rouge the bat, after all of this world saving, plan to do next?"

"I... I never really thought about it..." she answered, truthfully.

"You know... we could always use some one like you on Angel Island." Knuckles suddenly commented.

"What was that?" she asked with a smirk.

Knuckles looked at her.

"Rouge... you are one of the smartest women on this planet. You're able to juggle so much things and keep command over many things... we can... use your help..."

"For what? Dare I ask?" she said, lifting a finger.

"You'll see," Knuckles remarked, "Just don't tell Julie I asked you... she'll kill me."

"Uh huh... we'll see what happens."

Suddenly, the partying at the streets below came to a deadly silence. Rouge and Knuckles, finding this as odd, turned their attention to the center of the city. Shadow stood there, on a podium, as his red eyes gazed down upon his many people.

"Now what's going on down there?" Knuckles asked as he leaned forward.

"My fellow Casscadian," Shadow said as he slowly crossed his arms, "This... past week... it shall go down forever as the darkest time on our planet. The King of Dualius, a hurt and devious man, intended on destroying our way of life... not because of what we have done, but because of what we did. Years ago, as the mindless monsters we once were, we attacked Mobius, and nearly brought them to their knees... The Mobians and their King, believing we were the same monsters, trying their hardest to defeat us... but we, defeated them..." A great powerful roar echoed among the people. Shadow allowed this to go on for three minutes, before he raised his hands to silence his people, "It's also now... with a great... pit in my heart... that I... turn away my crown."


The air... it grew dead silent. Nothing, nothing, made a noise. From the birds in the sky, to the bugs in the ground, they were all silent. What did he just say?"

"I Shadow the hedgehog, the leader of the Black Arms, resign from my role, and allow someone with greater skills than I to take my place." slowly, he removed his own crown, "The next in line... Molly!"

In an instant, every Black Arm in the city turned and face the red hair princess. Instead, she gazed down upon them with her dark blue eyes. She couldn't believe her father's words. For the next minute, her people stared at her, before they began bowing. Each and every Black Arm fell to their knees, and bowed toward their new Queen.

"No, no, no..." she said, frailly, "You... must be lying..."

"I'm not, Molly..." Shadow said.

With a snap of his fingers, he was in his daughter's face. She stepped back fearfully, before running up into her mother. Turning around, her mother gave her a proud glance.

"Shadow... was dead set on making this happen." she said.

"But Daddy... you have to die for me to come into power!" Molly claimed.

"Not exactly," he said, "I make the rules, after all... besides..." he removed his cape as well, "I think I'm done with this... King thing... I'm gonna retire... I think I've deserved it..." he handed his cape and crown to his daughter, "Now take it, Molly."

She was apprehensive at first, but the moment her fingers brushed against her father's cape, she felt rejuvenated. Slowly, she removed it from his hands, and wrapped it around her shoulders. And then, before taking his crown, she gazed at it. It was a golden color, and vaguely resembled a crescent moon. She never gazed at the crown in such detail before, to be honest. But now, it was hers.

She removed it from her father's hands, hovered it slowly over her head, and laid it down upon it one second later.

Queen Molly Rouge Kintobor.

"If you think I'm going to call you Queen now," Jr. said, arms crossed, "you're sorely mistaken..."

Molly grinned. Raising her hands, she suddenly felt the entire Black Arms race bend to her will. They stood from their bowing position, and rejoiced. Suddenly, she was lifted up by two Black Oaks, who began to parade her around the city like some kind of trophy. She would be an amazing Queen... believe it.

Shadow crossed his arms and leaned up against the side of a building. Right now, his heart felt at peace. His people alive, he was no longer king, and Molly would lead on valiantly, he knew it.

"Finally happy to get that off your chest?" Hope questioned.

"Of course," Shadow said, raising his hands, "this ruling problem is someone else's business now!"

"Oh, you can be so childish sometimes!" Hope said, wagging her finger.

"Come on," Shadow remarked, stretching out his hand, "let's dance..."

"Shadow the hedgehog, asking me to dance!" Hope said, shocked, "Are you sure Sonic didn't hit you hard on the head?"

"I'm pretty sure he did," the black hedgehog replied, "so enjoy this moment while it lasts, which reminds me." reaching his hands into the invisible space that was his pocket, the hedgehog withdrew a shining yellow rose, "I made this for you," he said, "it took me ten years to get it perfect."

Hope gazed at the yellow rose with scanning eyes. It was so beautiful the way it shined and in her face. Slowly, she plucked it from her husband's hand, and held it against her eyes.

"Shadow... I don't know what to say..."

"Ah... it's the least I can do... since the beginning... you've been there for me, always at my side..." he stated, "I'd be... lost... without you..."

Suddenly, Hope's lips were pressed up against hers. When she pulled away, she grinned.

"And I'd be lost without you." she stated, "Now come one!" she remarked, placing the rose in her cleavage, "I haven't forgotten about that dance yet!"

Latching her hand onto his, the two trekked into the seas of their people.

"Come on! Let's see if Tails and Mina are up for a dance!"

"That cooky mongoose is always up for one..."


Sonic's green eyes gazed down weakly. He hadn't left the area for three days now. He just sat, his legs stretched out, his eyes trained on the grey dirt. He wished death was faster than this, because he couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to die. But he couldn't. He kept hearing voices in his head. He didn't know where they came from, or when they showed up, but they were driving him mad. They kept showing up, every second, every moment!

"I can't believe you, Sonic..." Sally's voice echoed.

She was there, the same age as when he last saw her. Holding her blue vest as she gave him this disappointed look.

"You killed me," Omega's voice boomed, "and for what?"

He stepped forward, and laid his claw on Sally's shoulder.

"Why did you do this?" Amy said.

She appeared before him, her skin festering from the Eclipse Cannon's beam.

"Why didn't you tell us you made everything up!? We still would have seen you as... a... hero..."

Slowly, she faded away, and so did Sally and Omega. The sky shook with a lightning bolt that coursed somewhere up. But suddenly, another voice peaked Sonic's interests.

"I can't believe you..." a relatively young voice said.

Sonic looked up. He recognized that voice. Turning around, he saw its speaker. It was... himself. The young, sixteen year old Sonic the hedgehog gazed at his future self with complete disgust.

"I mean," he continued, "I never wanted to be King, but this? This is our outcome? Defeated by our on friend, because you were too hard-headed to see the difference between fact and fiction? You drove Sally, Knuckles, and Tails away, got Amy, Antoine, and Bunnie killed, and doomed our people to be lead without a king? What do you have to say about this, huh?"

But King Sonic couldn't answer his younger self. He just... stared. This caused his young complexion to scoff in disbelief.

"I can't believe you," he said, "I'm outta here..."

Slowly, young Sonic turned away. As he walked off, he faded into the air, another apparition created from Sonic's mind. The King muttered out a low and deep groan. Alone again. But, not completely, alone.

Over the horizon, he saw something. A bright green light dangled where the land met the sky. Sonic knew what it was.

He stepped forward.


And so, everything comes to an end.

I just want to say, thanks to everyone who actually sat through all 33 chapters of my story. I never thought it would get so big.

Yes, this is the end, unless I get the need to make a sequel for whatever reason. That ending, with Sonic finding an object over the horizon, is what's known as a backdoor, ya'know, just in case.

But I have some people to thank for all of this. First, I wish to thank all the people who followed and favorited this story, you guys gave me that energy to continue writing, cause I knew there was some one out there wishing for me to finish this.

I would also like to thank all my reviewers for their comments on my chapters and their continued support. I don't know, it just felt kinda cool having my own fans out there wishing me on. I specifically wish to thank ERA OF ERICK, Chad Doe, Shadow-of-death060, Laptop09, and Christiansoldier5, for always going out of their way to review, and to tell me what they liked about what chapter and what not. You guys are the best.

So now, it's time for pointless added bullcrap! Yeah, you know, the point in time that I tell you all what I wanted to happen but decided not on, and what not. Just in case some one out there wanted to know what was going through my insane head.

First off, character deaths. I never intended things to get so out of hand ya'know, with Amy dying and Antoine and Bunnie and Espio. In that original list, only Antoine and Bunnie were suppose to die, in some final fight with Omega, the original Omega not Omega Mark 2. In my original thoughts, Omega was not suppose to die fighting Sonic, and was going to survive all the way up to the war. He was going to kill Antoine and was soon going to be killed from behind by a dying Bunnie. In my original version as well, Espio and Amy never appeared, and Tails was going to help Sonic in the war, instead of helping Shadow. In fact, so was Knuckles, he was going to also battle Omega to see who was the most strongest being ever.

The ending was much different as well. I had come up with many endings, but I never found one I liked. The ending I had in my mind for the longest was with Sonic winning. Yup, Sonic would have defeated Shadow even though he was completely in the wrong. He would have won Casscadia, but he still would have been alone, as Sally wasn't going to stay by his side. In my original version, there was two ways Shadow met his end. First, in a straight battle with Sonic, with neither of them going Super. In this version, Shadow was going to retreat back to the Black Comet with his people and plan a counter attack, this was going to lead in to a sequel, duh. My other version, was to have Sonic defeat Shadow, both as Supers, but Sonic would have sent Shadow into a Chaos Gate where he's sent to some other dimension. With Shadow out of the picture, Sonic was going to have to deal with a Black Arms revolt, so he intended to kill them all. In this ending, Hope, in a means to protect her people, was going to marry Sonic to hold his anger. This was going to be like a reverse of the Mobius X years later, story arc, but with Sonic as the villain and Shadow as the hero. This ending was, of course, going to lead into a sequel.

Another change I had was with Jr. and Manik. In my mind, I wanted a battle between Jr. and Manik in the Casscadian Castle, while Sonic and Shadow duked it out. It would have been with Jr. trying to kill Manik, while Manik was trying to get Jr. to his senses. The battle would have occurred because Jr. thought Manik was betraying him even though this wasn't the case, the fight would have ended with Jr. being frozen in place by Lara-Su from behind, much like she did to Shadow at the end of Mobius X years later. This would have mad Manik incredibly mad, and he was going to break off his friendship with Lara-Su right then. Also, Knuckles was suppose to die, but I couldn't bring my self to kill anymore characters. You can kinda see that sense Knuckles was stabbed by Savage Espio in my story.

Any who, all that silliness aside, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for all the views and everything. I hope you continue to read my stories, and I pray I can continue writing them. Now if you don't mind, I've gotta figure out a way to get Casscadian Kings its own page on Video Tropes and Idioms... I think it's about time Sonic's Fanfic section got a fanfiction that was actually finished.

Till next time, Maverick Kay Prime.