Title: Omegle is a Funny Place
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, possible smut later on

Summary: Lovino's always been very hard at trusting, and it's really clear in the way he talks to complete strangers. Sometimes even to his own brother. However, after spending a night on the website "Omegle," he and Feliciano come across a stranger who seems to take an interest in their antics. Even if he seems a little friendly, he has to be a great person, right?

Apparently not. Lovino's weary of him from the start, and it doesn't help Feliciano's always talking to him right in front of the Italian!

At least he never has to talk to him.
It's not like they live by each other.

Yep! I've started rewriting this story. Why? I had a lot of fun with it originally, however, 899 word chapters aren't going to cut it. I'd have liked to make this one longer, but, y'know, it's past my bedtime and I have schoolwork to do.

Anyways, hopefully I'll alternate between updating this and Bloody Frog, along with any new stories I begin writing! I hope you enjoy this!

"That is the fucking last adolescent dick I want to see today! I'm leaving!" Lovino's hand connected with the cushiony backing of his chair, wrenching it out from under him to give him a cleared path straight to the door. "Get the hell off of that website! It's disgusting!" Holding his head from the overwhelming disgust within him, he began heading from the room. However, before he had gotten a few feet, a desperate hand curled around his wrist and forced him to stop in his path. Glancing back, he came face-to-face with the younger Italian boy with the expression of a saddened puppy.

"Fratello, wait! I know it looks bad, but... It's actually a really cool website! There's cool people on here!" His dazzling smile was enough to force the other to at least stop and consider it, and with a slight inspiration to agree, he finally answered.

"Not happening. Let me go!"

"But... wait! We can go on the option of similar interests! That'd be fun!" With a grin, Feliciano tugged on Lovino and led him back to the computer by force, letting him fall into worn pillow that made up one of the two office chairs. He folded his arms bitterly, crossing his arms to match, refusing to pay any attention to the screen.

Feliciano clicked on the big, blue button after he had gotten his brother situated, and the grey words flashed neatly across the screen.

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hold on.

Lovino turned his vision to the screen the second he heard Feliciano beginning to clack on his keyboard, surveying the conversation to see the kind of things they were saying.

His eyes scanned across the orange and blue logo, reading "OMEGLE." God, this website was for creeps. All they had seen the entire day was teenage penis, groups of 12 year old girls with their tank-tops falling off, groups of old men laughing and insulting everyone they found, and the occasional character dressed in bright costumes or horse heads. And glancing over this guy wasn't any better.

You: ciao! ^_^ how are u?

Stranger: good u

You: good! :))

Stranger: whos that with you? ;))) u 2 up for sum fun times

You: my brother! tho hes being grumpy right now. yea sure!

Stranger: then how about I cheer u 2 up by showing u my big, fat-

Lovino snapped his hand down on the mouse, quickly disconnecting from the man they had been talking to. Feliciano turned a disapproving face towards his brother, continuing to cycle through people until he found someone interesting. The older sibling sighed heavily, disturbed by his brother's antics. If he wasn't here, who knows what kind of antics Feli could get into? After all, it's not like he didn't like getting naked, so what if he got tricked into thinking it was all innocent? What if he got video taped?

The Italian shook his head free of the thoughts, tuning back in to monitor his brother's conversations. On screen was a rather slim man who was shirtless. He seemed to be having a rather nice time with his friends, because there was food and alcohol and clothing strung everywhere. Lights flashed in the background, and in the faint volume of the speakers chattering was heard.

The man had a deep tan, followed by curly brown hair and turtle-green eyes to match. He wasn't super sculpted, but he had a good size of muscle for his weight. He looked a bit like a male model. A more drunken version of one.

Stranger: Hola!

You: ciao!

Stranger: What cha up to?

You: im with my brother! wbu?

Stranger: I'm at a party with some friends. Not anything special jajaja. asl?

You: asl?

Stranger: Age, sex, location!

On webcam, Lovino forced himself in front of Feliciano, quickly unmuting the mic. The stranger seemed a bit taken aback by the sudden action, and his smile faded in the slightest.

"Listen, jackass!" Lovino shouted into their webcam, a heavy glare coating his features. "Don't go preying on my brother! Go shove your questions up your ass and leave us alone!"

Stranger: Did I upset you? I'm sorry! :( I was just asking.

Feliciano quickly seized the keyboard before Lovino had a chance, hiding it from the tougher man.

You: dont worry its fine! he's just grumpy because of people on here. but he's backing off now!

Stranger: That's good! So, how are you today?

You: good~~~ ^^

Stranger: What's your name? :o

You: Feliciano Vargas! and my brother's name is hrgfuihdfsuihgtrfdvjhguirgfd h7yrfeudnghruiedfsyhrf

Stranger: ...?

You: stop prying on my brother you jackass!

Stranger: The one from earlier? Hola Feli's brother!

You: don't call him that you idiot!

Stranger: Alright... I'm sorry! :(

You: fratello just left... but we could talk some other time~ :33

Stranger: Sure, sounds nice. Do you have a kik?

You: yep! pastaluvr44554

Stranger: I'll add you tonight!

You: okay! I'll keep on watch :)))


Stranger: Feli's brother? Hi!


Stranger: caps lock? did i do something wrong?

You: srry about fratello :c his name is lovino if you want a name to call him!

Stranger: That's cute!

You: fratello came back :( he said i have to go cook dinner i'll message you later?

Stranger: Alright! Adois

Stranger: *Adios!


The knife in Lovino's hand harshly penetrated the potato under it, though there wasn't much to cut through. The blade slammed down against the hard surface of the cutting board, making the olive-skinned hand shake as the force vibrated through it.

"That website is so incredibly stupid!"

Once again, Lovino repeated his actions, taking out his anger on the food he was chopping to be thrown into his Spanish-styled dish he'd learned when he was younger.

"Feliciano, come help me with dinner!"

Lovino waited for minutes, however, no response came. Frustrated with the antics that had already taken place, the young adult forced himself from the kitchen, throwing the towel draped on his neck onto the counter behind him. "Feli, time for-!"

His heart stopped when he saw the sight in front of him. Feliciano glanced behind him, his face lighting up when he saw his older brother. On the computer screen he'd been watching was the face of the Spaniard, whom seemed to be enjoying a previous talk they'd been having over Skype.

"Fratello? Did you need something- Hey! Lovino, wait!"

Instead of doing as he said, Lovino stomped over towards where their computer was set, mashing down the key to mute the conversation.

"Lovino, what did I do? I'm just talking to him!"

"It's been two days! Haven't you gotten over him yet?"

Feliciano frowned, glancing back towards where the very confused Toni sat, waiting patiently for them to come back. A sound echoed from the computer, and a message popped up.

ToniToast5: Hola, Lovi! :) Glad to see you've joined the party!~

Lovino paid no mind to the message, his face only turning a light shade of red from being addressed. "Hang up."

"Lovi... we're talking!"

"Which I said no to!"

ToniToast5: Is everything OK Feli?

"Hang up."

"No! Fr... Fratello, he's my friend! I can talk to him if I want."

ToniToast5: Holaaaa~?

pastaluvr44554: LEAVE US ALONE

ToniToast5: I'm really sorry, Lovi! It's just... Feli's really cool!

pastaluvr44554: gtfo

ToniToast5: I'm sorry, Lovi! :c

pastaluvr44554: fuck u

"I'm sorry..." Feliciano mumbled, watching his brother leave the room with a bitter aura echoing around him, These moods left him dangerous... and... sometimes kinda emotional. "Fratello's just hard at warming up to people. But someday you'll be friends, right?"

"Of course!" Antonio grinned back, holding up a pinky. "Pass this onto him! I promise that, once we become friends, I'll be by his side forever, okay?"