
Harry Potter/Star Trek Enterprise Fanfiction

Sometimes you just need a bit of time to find yourself. Harry, thrown into the future must find his way back to the past to defeat Voldemort. Part 1 of a series

Rating M

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry potter or any of the rights to the Harry Potter franchise, I am not making any money off of this fanfiction and am doing it purely for fun.

Chapter 8: Tales of the Past

To say he was confused was an understatement, Harry stood staring in shock at the area infront of him at the bottom of the hill, where he had expected many a thing, a ruin, a crater, nothing at all, advancement with the time, even if that advancement had been to a time period equivalent of the muggle world when had left. But this was definitely not what he expected to see.

There below him was the town of Hogsmeade almost as if it had been untouched over the years. He could see familiar shaped buildings, memories of climbing the hill to speak to Sirius during the Tri Wizard tournament. He could make out several of the shops. "Not what you expected?" Trip asked and Harry shook his head.

"No, not at all…" Harry muttered in confusion starting to make his way down the hill. "There should be some form of change, some adaptation, something with the passing of time. I know they're relatively stagnant with how magic and technology interferes with each other, but zero change?" Harry questioned as he picked up the pace of his decent down the hill.

"Those set in their ways are generally slow to change, if change at all, with their ability to remain hidden, they would have no need to change anything about themselves." T'Pol summarised and Hoshi found herself questioning it.

"But how did they survive? When you told me the location of this place I did some research. Back during the war there was one missile that was unaccounted for… As much as they could be kept track, one of them apparently had either malfunctioned or gone off course or something and disappeared in Scotland around this area." She told them and Harry froze mid step, looking down at the village.

"Magic, it interferes with technology, from what I've seen at least at my time, the magic interfered with any of the modern technology that ran on electricity. It for lack of a better term short circuited them. It's possible that if one of the missiles passed over this area the parts in it could have malfunctioned but if that's true then… how is this place still here?" Harry questioned and started moving again his pace quickening as the others followed suit to keep up. After a couple of minutes, they reached the bottom of the hill Harry continued straight into the village looking around in confusion at the unchanged village. Down to the street signs and shops. Nothing had changed. People dressed in various coloured robes walked by past him and around the group not even paying attention to them. "What's going on?" Harry questioned purposely stepping in front of one of the Wizards who froze for a moment before taking a step almost robotically around him. T'Pol drew her tricorder, flicking it open to scan the people but it didn't activate. Seeing this the others reached for theirs and seeing they didn't work shared a look.

"I guess magic still affects technology." Archer spoke, "take care, I don't like this, our phase pistols are probably out of action as well." He warned and the group walked forward carefully stepping around the wizards and witches as they meandered through the streets entering shops and holding silent conversations.

"This is creepy." Hoshi muttered as she walked around two of them that stood there their mouths moving as they spoke but no sound at all. "Are they aware or is this some kind of trick? An illusion to replicate what life was like here?" Hoshi asked and Harry shrugged his shoulders as he walked up to two of them waving his hand in front of their faces to see no reaction what so ever.

"If it is an illusion, who's doing this and how? If the area is knocking out electronics then I don't see how they could create a hologram like that ship we were on with a power source if it is disabling others." Trip chimed in then thought about what he said. "Unless theres a dampening field in place around this area specifically tuned in for this Hologram." He continued to theorize for several moments thinking of how it could be done with technology and T'Pol looked pensieve as she walked by the wizards stopping to look in a shop as she did.

"While it could either be technological or perhaps even magical, the question remains not what but who? Who is creating this illusion and why are they creating it?" She asked and Harry let out a sigh of annoyance as he pushed in between a couple of the people shoving them out of the way as he continued on his way towards Hogwarts.

"You know what, I don't care how this is being brought about, someone knows enough about this area, someone knew enough to recreate this town down to the scratches on the stone." He said as he pointed at the side of one of the stone buildings a couple of initials scribbled into it. "I remember seeing Fred and Angelina scraping their initials on that wall during the Christmas break during my Fourth Year." Harry explained and pushed by another of the wizards.

"Harry, even if they're not responding to our actions, surely it would be better to not actively cause them to start noticing us, at least not until we know what's going on." Archer said to him and Harry stopped pausing for a moment to take a deep breath and calm himself down.

"You're right Archer, I guess just seeing this, it's a shadow of what it was, it's a mockery of everything I knew!" Harry said in pure frustration. "I'm betting if I got into the Three Broomsticks over there, there'll be a shadow of Madam Rosmerta there. "Who built this illusion? Who knew so much about it?" Harry muttered as he stopped near the pub in question. "We won't find out what happened here, we'll need to head to Hogwarts itself." He made to continue then paused for a second. "Change of topic, I've got some curiosity I need to cure." Harry said spinning on his heel and entering the Three Broomsticks, the others watched in confusion from the street as he ducked in between each of the puppets heading straight behind the bar. "DAMN IT!" They heard the cry of frustration from Harry and looked confused as he walked back out. They looked at him silently waiting for an answer in regards to his outburst and he shrugged his shoulder. "I was hoping that even if the people are an illusion there would have been some Butterbeer still available." He explained and the reactions were mixed. Reed, Trip and Archer found amusement in this and started chuckling, Hoshi shook her head with a slight sigh of exasperation and T'pol raised an eyebrow in intrigue.

"You were hoping to find alcohol in there?" She asked in confusion, "is now really the correct time to be thinking about getting drunk?"

"Ah, slight confusion here, Butterbeer isn't alcoholic, it was a drink that has a taste and flavour all of its own." Harry explained and then shrugged his shoulders. "it was a moment of weakness for something familiar in all of this pageantry and showmanship." He gestured around at the buildings. "Everything here is the same, right down to a crack in that store window caused by Malfoy's goons on the last trip before the end of term." He thought back losing himself for a second. He shuddered slightly. "This doesn't feel right."

"You consider the Illusion normal?"

"I mean less right than even a make believe illusion should feel like." Harry muttered moving forwards and back on direction to Hogwarts. "If there's an answer as to what this is, then it will be at the castle."

As they drew closer to the school, the others started to slow down, it looked like the wards had drawn back, before the anti Muggle wards had stretched far past Hogsmeade but now they seemed to be just covering the area around Hogwarts. "That urge to turn around you're probably feeling are the wards, keep pushing through them regardless of how you feel or you'll end up turning back and heading the way you came feeling confused and disorientated as to why you came here in the first place. But get closer to the school and we should be ok." Harry explained as the others started to slow down slightly, the majority gritting their teeth in determination as they fought the urge to leave.

"How long do we have to fight this for?" Trip asked, the unease settling in as they moved closer to the castle. "my body says get out of here and I'm feeling not quite right." He explained and Harry nodded his head in understanding.

"I've been told it feels like that, hopefully once we get a bit further across the barriers it'll disappear again." Harry explained as they came up to the gates. He glanced back at the others, they still stood there, this time looking in confusion at what was ahead there.

"It looks like whatever illusion that's brought the village back didn't cover the castle." Archer spoke as he looked ahead at the ruins that awaited them.

Harry frowned in confusion looking up at the castle seeing it in what seemed to be all its glory before glancing back at them. "Are you sure? Because I can see the… oh wait, forgot, the last the part of the wards, you will see the castle as a condemned building before we cross into the grounds proper. It's normally at this point that people have already turned and ran."

"Right, another illusion. Is anything we are going to see here today real?" Trip asked in frustration at the situation. "Because so far all I'm seeing is a lot of deception and not a lot of information as to whats going on here." He said and Harry found himself nodding his head.

"If I had to guess, I'd bet the answers will be up at the castle."

"And you'd be guessing wrong." A tired voice spoke, a cloaked figure seemingly appearing from nowhere next to Harry and the group. The group jumped back in surprise the Starfleet personnel instinctively going for their phasers and Harry snapping up his wand pointing it at the figure. "Peace, I'm not here to fight you." The figure spoke and Harry frowned, refusing to lower his wand. "Though I don't think I need to remind your friends that their phasers wont work around here." He spoke calmly and slowly they lowered their weapons but Harry still pointed the wand at him.

"Who are you?" He questioned sharply.

"I am no one in particular, just a friend." The figure said as the gates opened, walking past them, the cloaked figure moved into the school grounds. "You'll find what you need at Hagrid's Hut. I'm sure you still remember the way." He spoke and as he walked away he started to fade away.

"Wait, who are you?"

"You will know in a matter of time." And with that the figure was gone.

"This wasn't some kind of group hallucination wasn't it? I mean we did all just see a cloaked figure appear and then disappear in a blink of an eye. What the heck is going on here Harry?" Reed asked looking at the equally confused teen.

"I don't know. I really don't know. He claims he's a friend, but how would I know anyone around this time period… how would they know me?" Harry asked scratching the back of his head as he slowly holstered his wand.

"Wait, that note you received before you were sent here. Didn't it say it was from a friend?" Hoshi questioned and Harry's eyes widened as the memory came back to him. "Perhaps it's the same person."

"But why? It doesn't make sense." Harry stated the more he looked for answers the more confused he became.

"Perhaps we should check this 'hut' for the answers that they spoke of." T'Pol spoke up and Harry just sighed walking off in the direction of the hut.

"Fine, it's not like we're going to get answers standing here." He half muttered and half ranted throwing his arms up into the air as he stomped off. Several minutes later they arrived at the hut. Harry froze as he drew up to the door. Everything looked like it had been untouched by time. He wanted to knock on the door hoping that Hagrid would answer but he knew that after all this time, there would be no answer. Giants lived longer… when they didn't kill each other through infighting but they weren't immortal. Time would have taken him by now if nothing else had happened. "I'm not looking forward to opening that door." Harry muttered.

"Take your time we'll wait here." Hoshi spoke and Harry again nodded his head as he reached for the door handle. It was unlocked, he closed his eyes and took a breath, he stood there for several moments in silence, feeling the breeze brush against his face before letting out the breath he was holding and pushing open the door.

He walked in, letting the door close behind him as he looked at the room. It looked identical to his last visit. The table, the bed, the dog bed, the fireplace, the kitchen, everything was like his last visit, minus the two who lived here. "Okay, what am I supposed to find here?" He asked quietly walking towards the table in the centre of the room. The answer sat there, a book with an envelope resting on it. He hesitated in touching it, the last letter he had opened had sent him forwards in time, now what would this one do? Several minutes passed as he tried to decide on what to do, eventually curiosity got the better of him and he grabbed it, tearing it open and pulling the letter free.


This book will have the spells you need to learn to defeat Voldemort.

I can't tell you why you're in the future without affecting the timeline.

All I can say is that it is vital for what is to come.

The only advice I can give you is to do what you feel you must.

Trust Yourself

Just like your friends do.

Just like I do.


A Friend.

He glanced at the book. It looked like a plain unmarked notebook he wondered how this one book would have all the answers for him. He picked it up and everything started to shimmer around him. He looked around in confusion as the building started to fade away, the others also looking around quickly as the terrain started to shift and everything faded away.

Soon they stood, in a field, a ruin of a castle ahead of them. they stood looking at it in surprise, the confusion about whether it was the effect of the wards or whatever just happened. "So this is how it looks now?" Harry asked, biting back the urge to cry out in anguish at what he could see.

"I don't understand, what happened?"

"Everything was an illusion, built for some reason, possibly me. To put me at ease or perhaps remind me what I'm fighting for." Harry explained his thoughts as he continued to focus his attention on the book.

"And the book you're holding?" Archer asked.

"Apparently, it's the answer to my problems, in a way that doesn't affect the timeline." Harry said without opening the book. "It's time for us to leave. There's nothing but ghosts here now." Harry muttered darkly walking back the way they came.


So, completely new chapter, that never appeared in the previous incarnation of the story, I wont lie, I'm not 100% happy with it, wanted to do more but it just wouldn't come.

But still, yay new chapter uploaded after all this time. I will finish this story