Hiya peoples! this is LadyReaper1992! i honestly have no idea HOW THIS PLOT CAME TO BE because i caught quite the messed up plot bunny some years back! anyways, this has mentions of rape, a SERIOUSLY CRAZY KING, a wicked cook (surprise -.-), and a plot that can be described as TRIPPED UP(yet somewhat good)!


Once upon an evening in 1300's England, there was a kingdom that had some of the most glorious and happy people, fruitful farmlands, and the most splendored of buildings, but there was a young king who had wanted to be married once again, but he could not find the kind woman his father had begged him to find on his deathbed. "My father, if only you were here, then my pain would be shattered and peace will come for me! Why do you tell me before your death never to marry a person of royal blood, but a commoner with royal qualities?" said King Alec as he weeps in sadness not only for his father, but his wife, who along with their unborn child died in a carriage accident when she had been visiting her father. "My love, why have you gone away from me?" said the king as he further laments on both of his losses. His servant then walks in to try and ease his pain. "Please, your majesty calm yourself!" said his trusted servant Harold as he ushers Alec to his chambers to rest his sorrowful eyes. "How can you tell me that? I have to be married, but I don't know who I would want as my wife in terms of being a commoner with royal qualities." Said Alec as he settles in his bed to rest for the coming night.

"How long must this fabric be for the priest's robes?" asked Miranda, a seamstress who was the most noble and gentle of people, and someone who would be considered the one person with royal qualities. "About six feet long, Miranda and have that sewn by the next evening, for you will need your rest for the upcoming dawn." Said the head seamstress as she heads to her home to rest for the night. "I hope something bad doesn't happen to her while she sleeps." Said Miranda as she goes to her house to sleep for the night. "Oh, mighty father, please watch over me as I sleep and also watch over the king too as he is still sorrowful over the loss of our queen and unborn prince or princess." Said Miranda when she goes to sleep for the next day to come to have the priest's robes finished. But, as she slept, Alec, while in a disguise, watches her sleep from the outside of her house and instantly knows he has found his future wife. "You will be mine, Miranda; for I have been waiting for my future wife and mother of my child as requested by my father since my wife and you fit the description perfectly." Said Alec as he heads back to his castle to sleep.

"Miranda, hurry up with the robes, for we won't want to upset them when they find out that the robes aren't ready!" shouted the head seamstress while gathering the other fabric to put away in the closets the next morning. "I am hurrying with the robes, head seamstress! Just let me have a few more minutes with this crazy thing!" said Miranda when she finishes the touches onto the robes for the priest at the church nearby. "It is finished! Let us get this to the priest before it's too late." Said Miranda when handing the robes to the head seamstress to give to the priest. The king, in his disguise again, watches Miranda come home to rest on the evening and then he plots how he will have Miranda for his own. "Soon Miranda, you will be with my child by the time you will wake the morning after the next, and then you will be mine." Said Alec when going back to his castle for rest.

He then tells the people of the castle his plot on how to have Miranda for his own. "I have found the woman as part of your deceased king's promise and I plan to make her mine by having her bear my child, that way I can be able to have her for my wife easier. So don't question my authority about this." Said King Alec as he walks away to his quarters for the night to sleep. "In the name of god! Has he finally lost his mind by having this barbaric scheme conceived by his own mind?" said the servants as they go to their beds to sleep for the night. The cook however, has an idea to make sure his plan cannot work. "I will tell this Miranda person that he plans to kill her and take the child so that she shall flee to France, that way he will never have her for the rest of his days." Said the cook with malicious glee as she sleeps for the night.

"Miranda, you must be ready for when the noblemen from Canterbury come for their sewn shirts that you worked ever so hard on throughout the morning and the afternoon." Said the head seamstress when she gathers the shirts for the lords and ladies of Canterbury. "I would love to, but I will need some sleep for the next day when it comes forth." Said Miranda as she leaves the shop to sleep for the night. While she had been sleeping throughout the night, King Alec sneaks into her house to finally execute his plot to claim Miranda for his own by first blindfolding her so she can't see who he is. "Finally, you will be mine for all eternity, Miranda." Said Alec as he starts the first part of his barbaric plot. He took her over like she was the greatest feast ever prepared by god. "You will be mine, Miranda, no matter what will happen to you now, you will be mine and no one else shall have you!" said the king triumphantly when he was finished as he takes the cloth off of Miranda's face and places more of his kisses on her face and then leaves.

"I don't understand this! How could I be pregnant if I have never met anyone in my life I loved?" said Miranda in astonishment and anger as she tries to work even while being with child. "I'm sorry Miranda; you can't work while being pregnant and you having no one else to take care of you" said the head seamstress as she escorts Miranda to the outside. Miranda then cries, knowing the next months were going to be a struggle with the pregnancy. The king then looks on while trying not to give himself away to Miranda. "Don't worry, my love, I will come for you after our baby is born, I promise you that." Vowed Alec as he goes back to wait for the day his baby is born to him.

Nine months later….

"Your majesty! Your baby has been born and it is a son named Gabriel, the messenger of god!" said Harold as he pants due to his exhaustion. "Finally, one part of the plot is complete, now I will come for her as I had vowed!" said Alec in Triumph when heading for the kitchen, but the cook looked at him knowing that she will keep him away from Miranda permanently. "Miranda, your son is beautiful, what did you name him?" said a tailor as Miranda holds her baby boy, knowing that she is now a mom and that new struggles will be coming for her soon. "I will name him Gabriel, after one of the angels of heaven who brings messages to the people of earth." Said Miranda with pride and pure joy as Gabriel sneezes on Miranda. Then, there is a knock on her door. "Miranda, you are to be in the castle within the next day, for he wants to see your child." said the messenger as he examines Gabriel suckling on his mother's breast. "Okay, let me be ready within the next hour good sir!" said Miranda as she heads for the castle with Gabriel in her baby pouch that's close to her chest. Alec, in his disguise yet again, watches Miranda go onto the roads to his castle. "I will have to take great care in telling her without scaring her off." As Miranda and her baby arrived, the cook watched them, engaging in her wicked plan. The king then watches them come to his castle, then walks away, with a smile gracing his features.

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