On the fourth day the icy silence between Rosette and Derek finally thawed.

She was sitting alone in her room when Derek came in, he looked sad and crossed the room to sit beside her,

"I'm sorry," he said softly, "I shouldn't have snapped at you." Rosette shook her head,

"We've both been acting like children, I forgive you if you forgive me." Derek chuckled and secretly moved to pull her closer to him. But before he could a maid burst in ruining the moment,

"Mademoiselle! Your father and sister have arrived!" Rosette's eyes widened, and she and Derek went running, they found Rosette's father and sister standing by Marius' bedside. Her sister was crying tears of joy over the unconscious Marius and her father watched quietly, almost wild-eyed Rosette felt like she couldn't breathe, her father caught sight of her and looked at her sadly, it felt as if her entire world had crashed down on top of her.

"No." Her voice just a whisper, weak. "No, no, no!" Rosette's voice quickly became a scream. Tears streamed down her face, her soul broken. Rosette just collapsed into Derek's arms sobbing uncontrollably, her tears soaked his jacket and she whimpered her lover's name into the sodden fabric as if to summon him, alive and well. Rosette was broken like a dropped china doll and it felt like she couldn't be fixed.

It was dark; wherever he was it was very dark.

And he was in a lot of pain. He moaned helplessly, he felt too hot but he couldn't think of why. He fumbled for a memory anything to distract him from the pain, hell he would even settle for remembering his name if it dulled the pain only slightly. Out of the deep recesses of his mind came a girl, beautiful, with elegant, (sometimes unruly) brown curls. Her skin silky and soft like porcelain colored silk. Her lips full and naturally flushed a startling deep pink. And then her eyes, big, round pools of blue fringed by naturally dark, thick eyelashes.

She was an angel.

He recalled her laughter, how he had come to love it so, he struggled to recall her name, but the harder he tried to remember it the blurrier her memory became. Finally she disappeared back into the depths of his subconscious. Leaving him alone in the haze of pain.

I have no fucking clue what I just wrote. It's a blur of pain, pain and ever more pain topped off with PAIN but to clear some things up Rosette thinks Enjolras is dead and Valjean isn't going to tell her otherwise for reasons. I am so sorry if I made you cry trust me I'm fighting back tears now. Please Review!