I just wanted to apologize to everyone who's been reading as I updated for how long this took me to update! I've been working on a lot of Artist's Alley things and school has been crazy so yeah. So thank you guys for being so patient.

This is the last chapter, so I hope y'all enjoy it!

I am not affiliated with Adventure Time or Taylor Swift.

I said, "Oh my,

What a marvelous tune!"

It was the best night,

Never would forget how we moved

The whole place was dressed to the nines

And we were dancing, dancing

Like we're made of starlight, starlight

Like we dream impossible things...

It was only every five years that the Flame Kingdom held their ball, but if you thought the Candy Kingdom or Lumpy Space was the number one place to hold a party, well then, you've never been to a party hosted by a fire elemental. Sure, they had candy and crazy party-goers on their side, but Fire Kingdom parties were just...hotter.

Okay, so maybe I'm a little biased since I'm the princess of the Fire Kingdom. And I guess I was a little hesitant when Finn and I started heading in the pretty much opposite direction of my kingdom. He ran ahead, on the phone he always kept with him in case of an emergency – who he was talking to, though, I didn't know, as he made sure to keep out of my hearing – and I was just left wondering what the gunk he was planning.

So it was sort of anti-climactic when he stopped us just at the edge of the forest, his treehouse barely out of view.

"Um. What are we doing here?" I asked, tentatively.

"Uhh," Finn sounded nervous, "You'll see...Soon-ish..." He rubbed the back of his head. I was about to ask him what I was waiting to see when I saw a figure floating in our direction. I squinted my eyes to make out what it was, and within moments I realized it was -

"Marceline!" Finn waved. "Hey! Over here!"

My eyes narrowed. Of course I wasn't jealous of her! I was...curious as to what exactly was going on...

"Hey, Finn. FP," we'd never really met, but Marceline apparently had no problem addressing me so informally, "What's up?"

"Hey, Marcy," Finn greeted, and, to my embarrassment, I had to consciously keep my flames from growing any more at his nickname for her. "You – uh – you don't have your bass..."

"Yeah," the vampire shrugged, "I had a better idea. Thought you two might want a bit more...privacy," she winked at me, and I couldn't help blushing. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all... Suddenly, she produced and old music player, and placed it on the ground. "This way," she explained, "You guys can have your music, but you won't have to worry about me ruining your date or whatevs."

"Yeah right!" Finn waved her off, but I could see his face reddening. "Thanks, Marceline," he said, softer.

"Don't thank me yet," Marceline said, and landed on her feet in front of Finn as I watched on. She mumbled something incoherent, then poked him on the forehead. It looked like his entire body was illuminated, though maybe it was my imagination. He looked dumbfounded – in a cute kind of way, of course – and suddenly Marceline was laughing, floating away, as she called over her shoulder, "You've got an hour – don't gunk it up this time!"

"What was that about?" I asked softly after I was sure she was out of hearing range.

"Well, I called Marceline and asked if she'd mind playing a sort of private concert for us since we couldn't exactly go back to the flame kingdom's ball," Finn said, motioning to his burnt feet, "But apparently she decided to just leave us with a recording." Suddenly, he moved towards me, as if he was about to bring me into a dancing position again, but I jumped back before he could touch me.

"Finn! What are you doing!?" How could he not remember the events of only a few hours ago?

"Oh! Don't worry, FP!" he reassured, "Yeah, Marceline put some kinda charm on me – I mean, we've only got an hour, according to her – I guess she knows all kinds of charms and junk from living in the Nightosphere - she's like, super hooked up, I guess – but let's not worry about all the dets now, we can talk about it all you want after the hour's over." He smiled, and again reached toward me. This time, I let him.

And again, we were spinning – twirling, even – and laughing and...embracing. I didn't know that Marceline could play such sweet melodies like the ones I was hearing (I had to admit, they were pretty righteous), but these songs made our own, private "ball" become real.

"This is much better than dancing outside the castle," I told Finn as we were dancing to a particularly slow song, my body pressed up against his.

"Yeah," I could tell he was smiling, "I mean, I just wanted you to have a nice night. ...Are you? ...Having a nice night, I mean?"

I couldn't help but giggle. He was just too cute sometimes! "Yeah, tonight is tops bloopity." I smiled.


And suddenly, just like that, our hour was up, and Finn was turning off the music. Still, I couldn't complain – sure, the night was over sooner than I had expected, but I also knew that it couldn't continue forever, and that the memories this night had given me were more than I could have ever asked for. It was definitely an evening I would remember for many years – probably forever.

And even though both charms had worn off that night, Finn still walked me home – well, as far home as he could go without catching on fire – which was really just to the edge of the Fire Kingdom, but it was better than nothing.

"Thank you for such a wonderful night," I tried to smile at him, but for some reason, had trouble meeting his eyes.

"No problem," I heard the smile in Finn's response. I blushed. I knew how important it was to him that I have a good time – he was always thinking of me. Suddenly, I felt him peck my cheek – a swift action so that his lips wouldn't burn too much. I finally looked up to him, and was positive I couldn't turn a deeper shade of red – I was blushing so hard! But I saw him smile with his charred lips, and I smiled back, and he turned and left, waving over his shoulder, calling, "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!" I replied, waving back, even though he couldn't see me. I smiled to myself.

Tonight was definitely not without it's flaws. But it still managed to be perfect. And it made me think of my future together with Finn. I mean, we'd been together this long, maybe we could make it forever. Even if we didn't, nights like these would always be prevalent in my mind.

But I think we could make it.

We were like the stars.