A/N: Hello everyone! I know that I haven't been updating my stories but please bear with me. I promise that I'll update my other stories soon. Anyway, I got the inspiration to write this story after watching the movie entitled, P.S I Love You. I hope that you like this story. Standard disclaimers apply.

Chapter 1: Calm Before The Storm

'Today would be a memorable day.' The daiyoukai of the West mused as he traced the intricate design of his gift to his mate of two years.

It was a silver choker with a sapphire crescent moon at the center.

The crescent moon was surrounded by intricate carvings of the symbol of the House of Moon.

All in all, it would be the perfect gift for their anniversary.

"Jaken." The demon lord called.

"Hai, milord." Jaken said as he bowed before him.

"Is everything prepared as I have instructed?" He asked the kappa.

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama. Everything is done as you have requested. I'm sure that milady would be ecstatic." His servant informed him.

"Good. If anything is amiss prepare to die." The inuyoukai warned cracking his knuckles.

"O…of course Seshsoumaru-sama. You will not be disappointed." Jaken assured him.

"Hn. Dismissed." Sesshoumaru said before waving his hand in dismissal.

The kappa bowed before scurrying out of the room.

The demon lord was waiting patiently for his mate while still tracing the carvings of the choker.

He was deep in thought when the same kappa he dismissed a while ago barged into the room bearing terrible news.

A/N: So what do you think? Please review okay? Thanks.