AN: UPDATE ! Thank you so much for reading this :D Well, Due to the increasing readers and helpers reading my fiction. We've (XNFE (me) Cheshire Cat, and Bonze Lily) decided to make it a multi Chapter. Thank you very much :D

(And of course We would like you to keep on sending some Plot/Pairing/Extra Requests )

You're late ...


I've been waiting for a long time ... If you want to proceed, then please sign here...


It's a contract ...


There's no need to be scared... ... It only binds you to accepting full responsibilities of your actions...


"I chooseth this fate of mine own free will"

Minako Hamuko Arisato

Very well... Time is something no one can escape, It delivers us all in the same end. Wishing won't make it go away... and so it begins.

The boy smiled, Minako stared at the boy as he faded behind the growing shadow, by the time he disappeared, she scanned the room. They're aren't here yet ... She turned to her heels and walked towards the door, reaching for the knob.

Wait ! Stop !

Ignoring the voice she stepped outside, her heels clacking against the side walk, walking further and further away from the Dorm.