Chapter 6

Nell was busy with protecting her cover identity as she was secretly sending all the data she had access to her partner at OPS. She clearly knew now how difficult it sometimes could be to keep your undercover identity intact under all this stress that you had most of the time out in field, but in the end she was determined to pull through this assignment till the end because the team clearly needed all the data that she could collect without getting caught.

"How are doing so far in hacking the secure network of Point Mogu?" The boss of this little "gang" asked Nell and without hesitating too much she finally answered: "I'm almost done; I think it's probably just a matter of five till six minutes till I have disabled the last barriers of the network."

"Good to know that, keep me updated." The boss of the gang replied before he turned his attention to another man that sat on one other workstation directly next to the one of Nell. Meanwhile Deeks and Kensi had begun their little stakeout in front of Marks last known address and since that was their only lead to his whereabouts they surely hoped, that he would show up very soon or else they would have to come up with a plan b in a hurry. Almost an hour had passed by, before there was finally some movement in front of the house: A black SUV parked in front of the garage of the apartment and Kensi now said: "Maybe this is finally Marks, who we have been waiting for almost an hour now." Deeks got out his camera, trying to get a picture from the man for facial rec, but that proved easier said than done because the driver of the black SUV tried his very best to not get himself photographed.

"Looks I have to get out there myself, to verify that this is Marks that just got out of the SUV." Deeks said and already thought of some excuse to do a little small talk with a total stranger. Peter Marks had directly met up with a hacker friend from LA shortly after he had arrived back from a business meeting in Washington DC and according to one of North's henchman everything was going according to the plan so far and of course he had been given the instructions for his part in all of this: starting another cyber- attack on their real target in this war a highly classified navy research lab with state of the weapon technology, which could make this cyber war quickly a pretty real war when it would fall in the wrong hands.

Marks had almost reached the door of his apartment, when he heard some voice behind asking: "Hello excuse me?" Because he clearly didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself by ignoring that, he turned around with the best faked smile possible and replied: "Hi what can I do for you Mister? Happy getting what he wanted Deeks continued with his little charade as he asked: "So sorry to bother you but I think that I'm kind of lost here, I'm searching for 45 th North Avenue can you maybe give me some directions." As the man finally turned his head just enough, so that Kensi could finally get a look at his face she quickly mailed Eric the photos just to make sure and anxiously waited for the confirmation as she secretly signaled her partner to keep the conversation going just a little bit longer. Back at OPS Eric quickly flew with his hands over the keyboard, to process the photo from Kensi in the facial rec program and hoped that this thing was over better sooner than later, because he was worried about Nell's safety who surely hadn't got the routine in undercover operations like Callen and the rest of the team did.

Peter Marks was growing a little impatient with the man and so he would finally be able to get rid of him he said: "I hope that I could help you out with that but I've to run now because I have a very important meeting that in an hour that I need to prepare." Meanwhile Eric finally confirmed to Kensi that it was Peter Marks, she then gave her partner the thumbs up to come back to the car. Deeks smiled and replied: "Okay have a good day sir and thanks for the help."

Back at OPS Eric notified Ziva and Mc Gee that North was on the move again, the two NCIS Agents quickly made their way to Marks current position with the car which they had rented here in LA. Deeks and Kensi continued with their little stake out in front of Peter Marks house, till he finally left it obviously heading for West LA to probably meet someone.

With Nell being able to secretly bug Brad North's phone, Eric was able to find out that Marks was actually meeting with North in an hour. He dialed the number of Agent Ziva David's phone, to notify her of the news first.

"This Eric Beale thanks to the bug that my partner put into the phone of Mister North we know that he and Peter Marks will meet at Sunset Boulevard in a little diner called: St Patrick in one hour." Mc Gee quickly googled the diner with his phone and then wrote the complete address on a little piece of paper out of his pocket. Eric then also mailed Kensi the new breakthrough in the case, shortly after he had ended the call with Agent David and looked shortly with a sad expression on his face at the empty chair right next to his as he thought: *I really hope that you will be back in one piece Rockstar because I certainly don't know what I would do if you die out there.*

While her and Deeks where on the way to Sunset Boulevard, she thought about how they could get close enough to the men without raising any suspicion at such a public place like that diner unfortunately was but their surely had to be some way to do some close up surveillance without getting made. After doing some thinking Kensi finally came up with an idea, she got out her phone to dial the number of her female colleague from Washington Ziva David and anxiously waited for her the answer her cell phone.

"Agent David here what can I do for you Agent Blye?"

"Please call me Kensi and what do you think of some undercover work?"

That question of made the former mossad agent very curious and she surely was no stranger to undercover work and so she answered without much hesitation: "Sounds good to me and of course you can call me Ziva."

"Okay good Ziva, glad to have you on board we will discuss the details when we have reached our destination." Kensi replied before she ended the call with her colleague from Washington and she surely was so happy that they were able to connect that instantly.

AN: Thanks to- anonymous fan fic for adding me to her/his author alert subscription, Thanks to- Laleliilolu for adding me to her/his author alert subscription, Thanks to- love rnb for reviewing this story.