Kaorus P.O.V.

I close my eyes knowing im going to be trapped here for a little bit so I had time to think.

So many questions come to mind.

'How am I a pure soul? How is it not tainted? After everything? Was that a joke? My imagination maybe? What if I just heard wrong?'

"Argh!" I scream. "This is just making me more confused!"

Lucky's P.O.V.

There is a protective wall, like another soul wrapped around Kaorus true soul. It is tainted but that tainted parts has yet to reach his true soul.

I thought to have a perfect soul is impossible and out of everyone he is the one with it? I could have never guessed this!

A devilish boy…. No…..a devilish boy on the outside who hasn't gotten to his true soul as an angelic boy.

Now all I need to do is break through the tainted second soul like barrier and get to his true soul then I can take it for myself!

I smirk, showing my cannibal like teeth that I had kept hidden.

In truth I don't love Kaoru, its all an act and Kaoru is under the influence of a spell I put on him when he fell on me.

When we 'ran into' each other 'coincedentally' I put the spell on him by releasing a special scent only long enough for only him to smell it. With that he 'fell in love' with me.

Too easy really. But heh, I am not complaining.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

I wish Kaoru would wake up, please wake up oh please.

Please, follow my voice like I did with you during Halloween when we got separated. Can you hear me?

Kaoru's P.O.V.

Suddenly theres a bright light.

I look up and see a small sphere with a lightning like shaped hat on top.

It's blue but it also has some blackish maybe dark blue spots as if the pureness is tainted.

I stretch out my hands as it falls towards me, it stops slowly falling and floats in my cupped hands. I bring it closer as it stops glowing soo brightly but still glowing.

Now that I have a closer look at I can see a little devil horns on the top and that it's a little rough around the edges.

I suddenly know what and whose this is!

It hits me like a ton of bricks of realization.

I pull it closer to my chest preciously.

This is my brothers soul, a soul that has always been there for me.

Through every twist and turn, through all hard times and through the joys.

A soul that's very precious to me.

I suddenly feel a tingle in my chest. I pull Hikarus soul away and look down.

My chest is glowing and Hikarus soul floats just out of my cupped hands. So I bring my cupped hands to my chest and suddenly something lands in them.

I pull my hands away from my chest and see something that looks like another soul.

However this one has a filthy like outside but inside I can barely see a non marked up blue soul that kind of like Hikarus but without any dark spots on it. This is my soul… but whats with the outer shell?

How do I get rid of it to let my true soul free?

Suddenly the outer shell cracks and cracks more and more. Till it broke, shattering all around me.

My real soul floats down into my hands and I stare at it.

It looks so pure, so innocence and now that I have a closer look I see two angel wings instead of devil horns.

My soul…. It was protected from being tainted by that protective shell….. That's how it stayed pure.

Hikarus soul moves closer and suddenly a new cleaner shell appears around my soul.

Now I get it!

Weither or not Hikaru knew it, he had been protecting my real soul from being tainted.

"Thank you." I mummer and look at Hikarus soul. "But it has been in hiding for too long. Let me have my real soul, not something I can make as my own. I don't mind if it gets tainted, it'll just mean I am human." I smile gently.

As if it understood me the new clean shell breaks.

"Thank you." I thank it and look again at my own soul. I bring it close to myself and let it go back into me.

When that's done Hikarus soul comes down and stays floating in front of me.

I reach towards it only to pause. "You should go back to Hikaru." I whisper.

"And you should as well." Haruhis mother's voice reaches my ears.

I look to my right to see her walking out of the darkness. "Hello again. This soul of your brothers is here to take you home. But be warned, there is still trouble lying ahead of you and now that you have allowed yourself to let go of the shield humans can taint your soul….you can taint it. However it is still early, meaning that the one after your soul may try to take it if you don't hurry and do the right thing. I know I said that no one could take away your pure soul but that was when you had the shield."

I smile. "Thank you but I must admit, protecting my own soul like it isn't going to get me anywhere. Let me taint it."

"You have grown up." She smiles. "Now when you wake up the trouble is still going to be there. Good luck. You face a rocky road ahead."

"Thank you for everything." I reach to Hikarus soul and it glows brightly, blinding me with its bright light. I try to cover my eyes and shut my eyes tightly but it doesn't really do much to help.

Luckys P.O.V.

Whats this!?

Kaorus soul is free from its shell!

Now it'll be tainted!

I must grab it and fast!

I glance to Hikaru while raising my head.

Hikaru seems to be asleep so I quietly reach for Kaorus chest.

Summoning his soul out to me.

I must hurry before it taints!

The glow on his chest starts but I quickly stop when I hear Hikaru stir.

I look over to Hikaru and see him shift but not wake. I look back at where I had been calling Kaorus soul only to see all my work to be gone! I growl lightly and am about to start again.

This time Kaoru shifts and his eyes flicker.


I reach out again and try to hurry up the calling of the soul.

It's almost in my reach!

Kaorus eyes open half way then he blinks and his eyes open fully. "L-Lucky…?" He gasps.

I ignore him and continue to try to get his soul out.

Weak arms try to push me away. "S-stop…" Kaoru begs.

"No." I smirk. "I must have it! I must have your soul!"

Suddenly a hard slap is delivered to my face, knocking me out of my chair and to the floor.

All my progress vanishes once again.

I rub my cheek, sit up and look to who had slapped me.

Hikaru is awake and is standing. His arm is raised in such a way to tell me that he struck me. His eyes have a hard glare. Behind Hikaru Kaoru is laying there in the bed and his hands protectively on his chest. "Get out of here" Hikaru snarls. "If I ever see your face again I will personally kill you."

Ever since Kaoru looked at Hikaru the first taint came into contact with his soul.

Its no longer the best soul out there, a soul that's priceless.

I snarl at the thought of it no longer being priceless. I spread my dragon like demon wings and take off out the window as I open it with my magic. I guess I'll have to go back on the hunt for a good soul to take.

Hikarus P.O.V.

That creep Lucky tried to steal my brothers soul! How dare he!

I hear a soft sigh behind me and I turn.

Kaoru is looking down at his lap with a strange look. "He tricked me. He used something on me to make me like him."

My eyes had softened when I looked at Kaoru. I sit next to him on the bed and put a hand on top of his hand. "It'll be alright. That creep will never touch you again. No one will with me around. I will protect you."

He looks into my eyes and smiles. He hugs me tightly. "Thank you Hikaru."

"Always and forever my little brother." I hug him back with a big grin. "You know soon we can get back to doing our little pranks and being the devils we are."

Kaoru giggles. "Yes agreed."

Jacks P.O.V.

I had been visiting the hospital to visit Sam's toddler sister who is here when I heard the faggot and his brother talking so I listened in.

"It'll be alright. That creep will never touch you again. No one will with me around. I will protect you." Hikaru says…. I think its Hikaru anyways.

"Thank you Hikaru." Faggot Kaoru says.

"Always and forever my little brother." The other says.

I stop listen at that point at start to walk away to where I had originally been heading for.

The bathroom.

But those words… I cant get them out of my head….. reminds me of me and Sam….

I enter the bathroom and start to relieve myself still thinking.

'Is it really worth getting in so much trouble? I mean I am always been yelled at by my parents for it and before I started to make Sam into a monster his parents practically spoiled him. Now they yell at him too…. And its all my fault….. Maybe I should try to bring back the angel in Sam…. The Sam I fell in love with…..'

I nod and finish up in the bathroom. "I will bring back my angel. Maybe he can also turn over a new leaf for me too." I say while drying my hands.

It wont be easy but it'll be worth it in the end… im sure…

No one's P.O.V.

Hikarus cell rings and he picks it up. "Hello?"

It's Kyouya. "We have taken down everyone from the newspaper club. All of them combined made R. Roboto. Haruhi and Tamaki are writing a letter from R. Roboto to say sorry for all the pain and embarrassment the news paper club gave the school. The news paper will be punished properly. How's Kaoru?"

"Hes alright. He woke up." Hikaru pats his brothers head as Kaoru listens in. Hikaru always had his cell loud enough so Kaoru could listen in.

"That's great. Now you two should be able to return to school soon. Profits are starting to drop." Kyouya sighs.

Hikaru and Kaoru laugh.

Typical Kyouya.

A week later.

Hikaru's P.O.V.

Me and Kaoru sit in our limo just outside of school.

We are holding hands, Kaoru is shaking and tense.

I look worriedly at him. "We don't have to do this you know. We can always go find something better and wait till you're ready."

Kaoru looks to me and shakes his head. "I'll be fine. Just a little nervous."

I gently squeeze his hand. "I'm here for you and together we can leave if it ever becomes too much for you."

He nods and takes a deep breath. He squeezes back. "Lets do this."

We get out of the limo and start walking towards the school.

"Kaoru? Hikaru?" A voice comes from behind us.

Kaoru freezes terrified.

I whip my head around to see who is scaring my little brother!

Sam and Jack are standing there. Both are looking away as if ashamed.

Sam, who is in the girls outfit today, had been the one to say our names because Jack speaks up when I look at them. "We are sorry for all the trouble and pain we put on you." Jack clenches his teeth.

I can tell this hurts his pride but when Sam puts a hand on Jacks shoulder he relaxes.

Jack looks into my eyes. "I am guessing you are Hikaru by that look you are giving us." He clears his throat. "Hate us but hear us out. We are sorry for raping Kaoru. It wasn't right of us to. We are very sorry and accept if you'll hate us forever but can we ask for your forgiveness?" His head lowers slightly. He really is acting and sounds sincere.

Karou slowly and tensely turns to face them.

I snarl and leap for the kill but Kaoru pulls me back and Sam steps in front of Jack.

"Please." Sam pleads. "Please understand. Jack and I have turned over a new leaf. We are working on being good from now on."

"Sam." Jack says softly.

Sam looks back at Jack.

"Even with what we are doing the two have the right to teach us their own lesson. Especially me, since it was my own fault after all." Jack looks to the ground.

Sam hugs Jack. "Oh love don't blame yourself." He looks back at me pleading but waiting for my move.

"Hikaru I can tell that they are sincere. Let them go. Come on. Leave them be. Besides they would have never called each other love in front of someone without a threat if they weren't trying to be good." Kaoru pleads with me. "I may not like them like you right now but I think they have learned their lesson." He leans in and whispers in my ear. "Later we can prank them."

I look into Kaorus. "I guess." I lead Kaoru away from the two.

Kaoru calls over his shoulder to the two. "Better be turning over a new leaf!"

Kaoru's P.O.V.

I swear im shaking, im still scared of them but I can always get them back with a good prank.

The memories wont go away so easily and neither will the fear and bad feelings but I have Hikaru with me, so itll be okay.

Jack and Sam are finally seeing that being bad wont get you anywhere.

Right now that's okay for me. As long as I don't have to deal with them anymore.

Whatever is on the road ahead I think I can face them as long as I have Hikaru along side me.

Jack's P.O.V.

I pick up Sam bridal style. "Come on baby. Its class time."

Sam giggles and blushes. "Better get there on time." He snuggles to my chest as I carry him inside the building.

A new life full of happiness and love here I come.

The being bad act didn't really make me happy but now I can be happy with Sam…. Without being bad…. Well maybe not being bad in bed wont be the best but that's for the bed ;).



With that it is done!

The rocky road ahead for Kaoru is just the recovery. J

I am sorry about any grammar and spelling errors. I need to work on that.

Especially the part where I am switching between past and present tense. :/

Sorry about that, I am trying to work on that.

Thank you for all the help to make my stories better.
