It was the first day of John Watson's senior year at St. Bart's Academy and the second the cab stopped he jumped out with his bags and tossed the cabbie some bills and ran straight for the the dorms. He ran to the top floor, throwing 'hello's over his shoulder as went. 221B was where it always was, at the end of the hall, the best room in the school. As he reached for the door handle the door swung open.

"Oh John, I was just straightening up a bit."

"It's good to see you Mrs. Hudson. Did you have a nice holiday?"

"Can't complain."

He moved past her and set his bags down on the bed closest to the window, like always.

"No roommate again this year?"

He asked Mrs. Hudson as she handed him his room key.

"Oh actually you get a roommate next week."

John nodded and thanked her for everything and closed the door. John unpacked his clothes, putting them in the same drawers he did last year. He organized the bathroom with his stuff but made sure to leave a drawer vacant for his roommate.

Like every year, the second he put his suitcase under his bed he heard a knock on his door.

"It's open Mycroft!"

Mycroft strolled in and looked around the room.

"You're welcome...again." He turned and smiled and John chuckled.

"I still don't know how you managed to get me the best room in the school, but thank you...again." Mycroft nodded.

"This room looksthe same every year. Organized, simple, it's very...John."

"Yeah well it might now stay that way. I'm sure you already know I have a new roommate coming soon."

Mycroft scoffed.

"Of course I know, I fought tooth and nail to get him a different room. Unfortunately he's almost as resourceful as I am."

"I didn't think that was possibly. Why'd you want to get him a different room."

"Your future roommate and I don't get along very well and I didn't want him influencing you."

"You're worried I'll like him better than you."


"Yeah well you've only been my best friend for three and a half years. This man would have to be a god to sway my loyalties."

Mycroft smiled.

"He likes to think he is. You are coming over for lunch, of course?"

"Don't I every year?"

Mycroft's smile grew as he watched John slipped his jacket on.

"Are you driving?"

"Of course not, we have Phil."

"Does he ever get a day off?"

Mycroft shrugged and lead them outside to sleek black car that was waiting for them.

"Hello Mr. Watson. It's good to see you again."

"You as well Paul. Good Holiday?"

"Been kept pretty busy."

He replied as they started driving.

"Really? I thought Mycroft was more of a take over the world from home kind of guy."

Paul chuckled.

"Yeah but his brother has me driving him all over town."

"His brother? Mycroft's mysterious brother who no one ever mentions or talks about. He's here?"

"Unfortunately." Mycroft sighed.

"Cool! I mean I've never met the bloke and everyone avoids him in conversation like he's Lord Voldemort or something. What's his name again? Hershlock? Hemlock?"

"Sherlock. And you probably won't see him much. He's always in his room, exploding things." John had known Mycroft long enough to know when the conversation was over so he sat quietly until the car rolled up the long driveway.

"I take it your dad's away on business?"

"Mmm, South Korea. And Mummy's at a meeting with Parliment this afternoon."

John nodded. Mycroft had never actually said what his parents did for a living but it was obvious they were very important people.

The cab stopped and John got out, waving briefly to Paul before walking up the stairs and pushing the door open. Mycroft followed, smiling as John beamed.

"Welcome home, right John?" John nodded. During the school year John spent more time at Mycroft's than he did at his room at school.

"I'll set up, you get the snacks?"

John nodded and Mycroft left. He shucked his shoes and jacket and padded into the huge kitchen he loved so much. He put the kettle on so he could make tea then opened the fridge, trying to decide what soda to get Mycroft. He'd finally made a decision but the second the fridge shut he heard a clatter from the pantry.

He walked over and saw a mop of unruly black hair under a pile of canned goods. John was debating whether or not to walk over and see what it was when the head jumped up, clearly attached to a body.

"Aha! Found it!" The body stood, grinning and brandishing a can of green beans.

"Are you okay?"

The head snapped up and found John's confused eyes. His eyes swept up and down John's body quickly then settled back on John's.

"Yes, obviously. I'd hurry along John. Mycroft will be upset if you waste time speaking to me." He stood and walked past John, leaving the kitchen, and John who was even more confused than he'd ever been.

John jumped as the kettle started whistling, and hurried over to pour his tea. He grabbed his fixed tea and Mycroft's soda and then grabbed the first bag of chips he could find.

"What took you so long?" Mycroft asked and John handed him his soda and sat down on the couch next to him.

"Didn't you hear that loud crash?"

"Oh yes, I suppose so. I assumed it was my brother."

"Tall, thin, mop of black hair, rude?"

"Ah, you've met him then. Charming, isn't he?"

Mycroft didn't seem to notice that John wasn't into the security tapes Mycroft was watching. He was still thinking about the mysterious Sherlock Holmes.