TF FanFiction 2015.
Choosing a Pet...

Ohayou, minna~! I know it's been a long time since I posted a new chapter, been caught up in some "responsibilities". So, I've been trying to wake my muses, and hopefully this project earns your favor. Please continue to guide me along, enjoy! ^_^~*

Disclaimer: I can only dream what the heaven forbids °°°

TF FanFiction 2016.
Choosing a Pet...

Dear Diary,

Ah, it's been ages since I last logged into my journal, ne? Gomen, club activities and projects have been weighing me down lately... But now that it's all over, I'm back with another espied - er, I mean observing... really, I'm not stalking them or anything like that - episode of our beloved princes! ~_~*

*sigh* They really are so dreamy, I can't help it if I do ogle at them in distant reality with every chance my eyes lay sight upon them. Oh, come on, you know I'm not the only one here doing that. They're just the picture of perfection, Tezuka-sama and Fuji-sama~! *o*

Wait, let me get a box of Kleenex first, 'cause I'm feeling the onset of a nosebleed coming over. Don't worry though, I'll explain everythingin a bit... or at least I'll try my best explaining...

Saa... How do I go about this?


Ah, yes! Forgive me for the short hold-up, as I needed to get my story straightened out, else this would sound very much like a 'bar' story that makes no sense at all. :P

Okay, so here goes...

I happen to overhear that the esteemed Seigaku tennis club of our school have cancelled their practice session this afternoon, following the principal's request that all official clubs be spared freetime. This was proposed as the school board member's way of showing their appreciation - in addition to the grand banquet they had prepared for us last weekend - to the clubs that relentlessly gave their best to build our school a reputable name. Well, that, plus the fact that official tournaments are often held in tightly packed schedules just a few weeks before exam finals! XP It was grueling, I tell you, but we still have to maintain our exemplar standing on both academics and extra-curricular activities if we want to keep our regular spot. It's a constant game of wits, a challenge to keep our high standard of credentials for our future, so what's there to mope around for, right? ^_~

Anyways, back to the important events...

Since afternoon practice was cancelled, Kaichou and his Tensai went to the park near our residential area. This particular park is usually a nice and quiet place to unwind, surrounded by pleasant scenery and ambiance, with only few people idly phasing here and there... save for the weekend when little cuties dominates the playground and fills the place with cheerful cackles.

A good place to hang around, if i do say so myself. ^_^= A good place for thinking and relaxing, and, in my case, listening - eavesdropping - to yet another very interesting conversation between our formidable Tezuka-sama and deviously charming Fuji-sama... =_=*

How did I chance upon this conversation, you might ask?

Well, it's like this... I enjoy eating this special variety of takoyaki only sold here in Kuroda Takoyaki stand - I meant no offence to Kawamura sempai's delightful sushi, but I just felt like eating takoyaki more as an in-between meal. ^_^ That, and the tenders, Asakuta Tetsu-san and Tetsukawa Minoru-san, never fails to entertain me with interesting stories of the honorable Oedo clan's righteous yakuza escapades. They are really fun to be around - bubbly and laid-back - and, at times, they even offer sage though comical (what with Tetsu-san head -whacking Minoru-san for his unthoroughly though comments) advices to my concerns. Yes, they are very warm and accomodating, despite their hard appearances. D Oh, that yakuza-thing is suppose to be a secret, so *Shhh* okay? I just got to know about thus stuff because I have a rough-neck cousin studying at Shirokin Gakuen, where I chance upon meeting their... uhm... unusual gakudo no sensei, Yamaguchi Kumiko (or Yankumi, as her students 'affectionally' calls her), who's supposed to be the next ojou of the Oedo clan, and the rest followed from there. ~_~*


AAAHH! Sumimasen! Me and my bad habit of blabbering about personal tivialities... -.-" Honto sumimasen!

Ahehe... =_=" Now, to finally answer the question before, regarding how I chance upon their conversation... As I have mentioned, I was eating those heavenly takoyaki's, when I saw the Ouji-sama's entering the park this afternoon. As per my luck, I guess, the perfect couple sat by the unoccupied swings near Kuroda's stall, and there began their *ahem* amusingly intriguing topic...

The two pillars of other-worldy handsomeness reveled at the confortable silence that surrounds their companionship. Tezuka-sama's regality seemed to soften a bit, though to the untrained eyes his expressionless visage remained as commandingly stoic as ever. While Fuji-sama has his ever-smiling mask peeled-off, revealing a more serene smile, before it graduated into a curious stunt. And his lilt merry voice soon broke the enveloping peace, as he asked, "ne, Tezuka, what kind of pet do you think would suit me?"

Hmm~ The Tensai actually called Kaichou with his family name... I suppose it can't be helped since they're in a public place and all, but I think Fuji-sama is just being considerate of his beloved Buchou's adjustment to their relationship. Though, I, for one, doesn't have a problem whatsoever with their budding relationship, as long as they love and are happy with each other. *o squeals and free cheers for the bishounens!*

Tezuka-sama thought about the query silently, before offering his curt one-liner reply, "it's not really my place to decide for you, Fuji."

"Still, your opinion matters to me," the smiling Tenshi countered, though soon accepted his man's thoughfulness, "but I guess you do have a point. It's just... I never thought choosing a pet would be this tricky..." his voice trailed out in thoughts. This made the taller youth look at the lithe brunette beside him, but nothing could have prepared him for the analogy the Tensai was about to unleash, as the former turned to face his Buchou with an oh-so-sweet smile finishing his sentence, "... like streaming through porn."

"..." True enough, Tezuka-sama was stunned by how those words slid smoothly from his lover's lips. And despite the urge to reprimand his Tensai, he was unable to utter a suitable respond, but his embers' glare turned uncomfortably towards the ground, as he felt a simmering heat rising to his cheeks.

"Ano, don't tell me you haven't seen one of those before," the Tensai continued to tease 'megane-sama' ^-^* after such adorable reaction flickered his sadistic switch on, "because I know for a fact that Shiraishi had snuck Playboy and FHM magazines in your books as per your birhday present last year."

"A-ah." affirmed Kaichou, though his gaze remained glued to the ground, as he tried to pull his thoughts together. "He did, but I returened them as soon as I recognized the-... those distracting materials."

"Without reading through them? Not even a peek?" cooed the Tensai, enjoying how his love's emotions are slowly showing on his well-chiseled face - widening eyes, slightly pursed moist lips, his hands curled and gripping onto his coat, and pink sakura's blushing his pale pallor. * ~_~ kawaii~*

"..." Tezuka-sama could only swallow thickly at the pseudo-interogation his boyfriend was subjecting him into.

"Without using it?" Fuji-sama leaned closer to his Buchou's form, seductively purring the question into his ears.

I guess even the Tensai wouldn't let this chance slip by him. I mean, this is like revealing Tezuka-sama's other side - the 'ecchi' side - thoroughly guarded with maximun security within that tall, well-defined built! *o* Besides, how often does one li'l ole me get such intimate data from Seigaku's crowned princes, ne? Honestly, I'd do anything to have access on these, but I respect and adore my Ouji-sama's more than just fulfilling my own fantasies. ^_^=

Anyways, so here's Kaichou's beet red reply... =w=

"NO!" Tezuka-sama exclaimed, unintentionally surprising a couple of passerby. After curtly nodding an apology for his sudden outburst, he defended himself with as much dignity as he could muster at that moment (though, I must say, Kaichou is definitely failing at it =P). "I mean, I didn't use it for... 'that'..."

I could clearly hear how hard the Tensai was trying to stifle his laughter, but, alas, his melodious chuckles sang with the gentle wind. "Hai, hai," Fuji-sama merrily reasures his Buchou, "no need to be so uptight. You're a growing boy, and it's only natural to be interested."

"Fuji..." was the only word Tezuka-sama could utter back then, as he willed the bashful scarlet from his regality away, hoping he sounded warningly enough.

"It's kind of funny, you know, the purity of our young minds? Those times when pussies, boobies, tits, and birdies are all just animals, and doggy is just man's best friend... When BJ is just a nickname, and bang is just a sound... when sex is just about gender, 69 is just a swirly number, and milk is just calcium with many different flavors..." The Tensai smiled mischievously, feeling triumphant knowing that he will always be the only one capable of breaking that stiff expressionless vision that his beloved is known for. But having a soft spot in his heart for this admirable man beside him, he melted favor and gave-in. His smile peeked in reminisce, as his real thoughts on the matter poured. "... but as we age further, our hormones, carnal desires, and lust soon takes over, and takes off our veils of innocence."

"Ah." Kaichou responded as he shifted his gaze forward the quiet residential lane, looking composed, but evident blush barely hidden in the dimming hue of the sunset.

"Anyway, as I was saying, choosing a pet is like browsing for porn," Fuji-sama restarted their conversation, but now tinge with lite-seriousness, "each type offering a different companionship, compatibility, and - as Shiraishi fondly puts it - ecstasy ~! (gawd! so sexy how he immitates the act! *o*~) So it needs to be something that's a perfect match for me."

Tezuka-sama's gaze remained fixated on the horizon, his silence almost deafening if not for the pondering minuscule twitch of his sharp embers.

"So~?" the lithe brunette cued his Buchou to sound reality, "what do you suggest?"

Kaichou heaved a succumbing breathe, if that is his way of purring entreaty, "... aren't I enough for you?"

"Eh~?" Fuji-sama's sapphires popped in surprise, as he hadn't anticipated the question, much less the pleading hymn surrounding his voice. "Does that mean you want to be my pet?"

"I'm already your boyfriend, you don't need p-por... (it was really funny how Kaichou had so much trouble trying to say it \(^o^\) lol) those things to relieve your fantasies." Tezuka-sama's glasses hazed white reflecting the shimmering sunset, whilst his eyes - glowing with new-found conviction - shyly peeked towards his lover. "You have me now, always have."

Finally over his initial shock, the Tensai, feeling the soft fluttering of warm fuzziness in his stomach, beamed brightly at the unspoken intention behind his lover's words. "Ne, is that an official invitation to stay over at your place?"

"Hn." Tezuka-sama confirm with an almost invisible smile, soft but full of sincerity. "You know my family loves you."

Fuji-sama leaned his lithe body closer to his man, his sapphires drooping with sensual anticipation. "And do you?"

Kaichou faced his most precious person, his regal form leaning closer as response, embers softening, as he said every truth of his feelings, "I love you more than you know."

"But not more than I allow you to fall," the Tensai's voice sang of feather-lite tease, as his long eyelashes swayed lower to glistening attraction to those supple lips.

"But still I fell for you deeper than you realize," Tezuka-sama soothed with reassuring voice, as his slightly calloused yet firm hand reached to cup his boyfriend's beautiful face.

"Maa..." the angel comfortably purred, as he succumbed to the warm affection, sliding his snowdrop hand over his knight's own. "You're spoiling me too much~"

Kaichou's handsome pallor drew closer and closer to his love until their foreheads touched intimately, as his deep voice uttered those precious words in bare whisper, "I love you."

"I love you, too," the Tensai sweetly replied, his enticing sapphires soon veiled with anticipation.

The insignificant distance gradually vanished, as their lips found themselves infatuated within that heated peck. A kiss of promise - chaste and pure, but by the nympho's grace, saturated with love. A damask rose warmth lasting for not even a minute, yet felt encompassing as an eternity of belongingness. And as their lips reluctantly parted, their hazed gazes lingered amourously at each other, so consumed as if a pin-drop would shatter a massive awakening... yet the all good things must inevitable come to an end, nay, to a 'pause' somewhere.

"But, seriously, Tezuka. I really need to find pet to observe and research about for my science project. And you know Akuma- sen... uhm, I mean, Akira-sensei doesn't approve of my cactus - nor you, love - as a pet." Whilst sakura remained blooming on our Tenshi's fair cheeks, he calmly parted himself from his beloved. There are still matters to be accomplished, and he definitely doesn't want to be reprimanded with Tezuka's signature - "yudan sezu ni iko" - for preferring pleasure over responsibilities (yeah, that would surely ruin the mood... =.="). "Well, Thomson is more than a cactus nor a pet, and you are my koibito, so, technically, these can't be counted," he construed his stand regarding the issue, before letting out an inaudible sigh, "now, what do I do about this?"

Noting that his Tensai had turned a tad serious, Kaichou silently studied Fuji-sama's complexity, considering his uniqueness and the possible compatibility, not even noticing himself mutter the suggestion he had come to, "... a scorpion."

"Hmm~?" Fuji-sama hummed in askance, his his sapphires slightly peeking with curiosity, not quite sure he had heard right.

"The Bark Scorpion from the Centruroides species would suit you very well," Tezuka-sama answered more audibly, his deep voice resonated with thoughtful confidence and adoration, "curiously daring, dangerously attractive, and unpredictably fierce."

For a moment, the Tenshi was stunned speechless... not for the fact that Tezuka-sama had just complimented him, but for the fact that his boyfriend just flattered him out in the open. Well, as far as Kaichou would go in flattery, and I guess that the effort he took some tugged some sweet heartstring, making a genuine smile bloom in Fuji-sama's face. "Saa... I may be the scorpion, but you are my poison cocktail - thoroughly penetrating, encompassingly trustworthy, and totally addictive, ne, Mitsu?"

"A perfect match?" Kaichou's clear embers peeked behind his glasses.

"Yes, mon cheri," Fuji-sama answered affectionately, his cherub smile reaching his sparkling sapphires, before his lilt thoughts resumed, "I just hope Thomson doesn't mind the company."

Tezuka-sama was silent for a second, but soon a barely visible smile, inkling of tease, laced his supple lips, as his long and slender fingers reassuringly wrapped over his lover's own, "I'm sure your cactus would enjoy a new frienemy."

... O.O!? ...

Seriously, my brain went frantic, like... "WTF!? I mean, was that supposed to be joke?" %o % THE STOIC MARBLE STATUE OF A TENNIS CAPTAIN?! Kami- sama! I wish I recorded it and made it my ringtone... ::_::

*heavy sigh* Anyways, no use crying over spilled milk now, so let's just get back to the events.

With a tender squeeze, Fuji-sama beamed gleefully, "you'll accompany me to the pet shop tommorow, ne, Mitsu?"

"Hn. If you want me to," Kaichou assented, as he pulled his koibito astand.

Clearly in a blissful disposition, our beautiful Tensai purposely tugged his lover close, and hugged him tightly, "you really are the best~!"

"You know I'd go anywhere with you, Syuusuke," Tezuka-sama quietly chuckled, and hugged back lovingly, as he lightly kissed his Tenshi's honey-gold crown.

"And I, with you," Fuji-sama fondly replied, as his sapphires - hazed with affectionate devotion - beckoned his koibito for that special warmth.

Kaichou's embers softened, yet flared brightly with youthful amour. His right arm possessively held his lover's slim waist pressed against his own, as his left hard carressed support the behind Fuji-sama's nape. A slight shyness blushed the angel's beauty, an excited shiver tickled his back, as he respondingly tilted his face up his knight.


The unbearable sensation of magnetic attraction raced their hearts faster, that the distance no sooner traced insignificant.


The lovers' lips sealed of promise and eternity's vow. It was a vision of the innocence and awkwardness of first love, yet burned with honesty and maturity of destined soulmates.


Their lips slowly parted, but their soft panting reproves the lingering heat, as their forehead hesitatingly surrendered to the inevitable separation. But barely able to contain the cool zephyr, their fingers found comfort and solace with each other.

"It's getting late," Kaichou stated the fact quietly, as his free hand picked-up both their bags, flashing that almost never seen full smile *Kami-sama, I thank you so very much for this fortunate sighting! Even if it's not directed at me, my tears are practically running rivers of joy! TuT~* towards his most beloved Tenshi, "let's go home."

"Hai~" Fuji-sama's sapphires sparkled with clear happiness, a genuine smile completed his ethereal beauty.

I quickly hid my face behind the kiosk's curtain, unconsciouly holding my breath, before our hailed princes turned back towards their path home. Only breathing out after my peripheral vision lost sight of their enviable romance.

Lucky~! I mean, though I admit it was kind of nerve-racking to have gone through their entire exchange, I can't express how lucky I am to have witnessed such picturesque memories of our wonderful ouji-sama's! ~_~* squee~*

Anyways, it's not like I was spying on them or anything of the likes... I just happened to be there, and they just happened to be there... So, really, this might just one of those what we call serendipity, ne?

Until next time, much hugs and kisses~ ~_~*
