Edward Elric stood motionless in the small apartment kitchen and stared blankly at the room across from him. Noa's room, and he hadn't realized she had been dressing when he entered. He never even considered it. Women, especially Roma women were very private people, female people, in fact.

But that morning, he was excited and hadn't thought about Noa dressing. In fact, the very idea of her dressing never entered his mind. Not that he thought she didn't dress, obviously she did, but he just never considered it as something that would cause embarrassment for him.

Living with a woman wasn't any different than living with another man, after all, they needed the same things to survive: food, shelter, company and clothing. Yet times like this he needed to adjust HOW different women really were.

"It's all right brother." Al said, walking up to him and slowly removing the bra Noa tossed at him when he unwittingly walked in on her. "She understands it wasn't intentional."

"Are you sure? I mean, I saw her boobs, Al, it was more than just a little improper, and well… I…" Have never seen boobs before, so it was hard not to stare. But he held those words back. "Never thought about boobs before."

Al folded his arms and eyed his brother, skeptically. "Never?"

"Never. " Well, he never did, he was too busy trying to find a way home and studying. Edward frowned. "You don't believe me!"

"No no, I do!" Al quickly said, waving a hand. "All you needed to do was mention the studying and I KNEW you were telling the truth. I mean, it's not like I've seen any boobs before. Well, ones I weren't nursing on."

Ah, well yes, he remembered nursing, but boobs were very different then. A source of comfort and food, but unlike those times, Ed was an adult and boobs took an entirely different meaning.

Al was looking at him with curiosity now. He leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "We're they nice boobs?"

"How in hell should I know?" Ed snapped pulling away. How could they discuss this with Noa in the other room. It wasn't like he had any experience in boobs and had long enough to evaluate them.

Al shrugged. "Well you saw them. I'm sure they were. I mean the rest of Noa is very pretty."

"I can't argue about that." Ed admitted as he folded his arms. "Well, in that light. Yes, they were very pretty. I guess, I'm pretty lucky then, to see boobs like that."

"Yeah, I think so." Al said softly. "But I wouldn't try to see them again, she might toss something bigger than scanty undergarments at you."