Back in Time

A/N: Hi! So this is what will keep me busy until my writer's block goes away for my other two stories :) Like I said before, those are on hiatus until further notice. I've seen many stories with Rose going back to her younger self, some of which are really good. That got me thinking…what if the Doctor went back to his younger self? Specifically his ninth self? Introducing this little fella right here! It'll start from "Rose" and go up to either "The Parting of the Ways" or "Doomsday", depending on the response. I'll try to not just have it be a full-on transcript, but for some episodes it may end up that way.

Anyway, onto the story!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Doctor Who. If I did…either the feels would be worse than Moffat gives, or everything would end perfectly each time…yeah. Maybe I shouldn't own Doctor Who…


"Martha! Quickly!" The Doctor ran as fast as his long legs could carry him, his coat flying behind him as he did so. His companion, Martha Jones, ran as well, panting heavily as she did so. He really did need to slow down.

"I'm trying! You need to slow down, you know!"

A blasting sound echoed behind them, followed by an explosion as three lizard creatures chased after the duo, shouting orders for their execution. Martha winced and picked up the pace. "On second thought, maybe not…"

The Doctor grabbed her hand and dragged her along, ignoring the pain coming from his abdomen. He needed to get to the TARDIS, and fast. No use of going into a healing coma while he was about to be killed, and he doubted Martha could drag him the rest of the way. He was heavier then he looked.


"You cannot be on this planet," the lizard creature hissed, staring at the newly arrived Time Lord and human. The Doctor stuck his hands into his pockets and walked up to the creature.

"And why not? We're tourists, my friend and I. Could bring publicity to this place, it's rather barren."

"We do not need publicity. Or tourists."

"Ah, shame, innit Martha? Traveled all this way—"

"Enough babbling!" the creature shouted, and Martha put a hand on the Doctor's shoulder.

"C'mon, let's just get outa here…"

"Leaving so soon? I promised you the galaxy's largest waterfall, and I won't just—"

"Listen to the girl," the lizard said. The Doctor raised his eyebrows.

"Well if I must…we don't need any stinking waterfall anyway, and you, sir, are rude. Ruder then me, and that's saying something…"

The lizards that surrounded them hissed in distaste, and Martha looked around them. They looked angry. "Doctor…"

"DOCTOR?!" the lizard shouted. "You destroyed our planet! You are the reason we reside on this rock! And you disrespect me?!"

The Doctor backed toward Martha. "Martha, let's—"

"You disrespect the king!" a lizard screamed, and the Doctor and Martha met gazes.


"Sounds about right, yeah."

They ran, but not before a pain shot through the Doctor's middle. He hissed and clutched it, Martha's eyes widening.

"They shot you!"

"Really? Hadn't noticed." He pushed her ahead of him and ran. "It won't affect me, their lasers are full of poison, poison I'm immune to. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Now run!"


Now the Doctor and Martha collapsed in the TARDIS, and the Doctor set them to appear in the Time Vortex. "There we go, good as new!"

"You were still shot!" Martha grabbed his arm. "C'mon, let's get you to the Med Bay…"

"Nah, I'm fine…" That was a lie. The room was spinning. Not good. "Just need to sit down…Martha?"


"I'm not fine—"

"I knew that. I'm a doctor, remember?" She led him to the Med Bay and laid him down, looking for something to check his condition. "Where is it…I can't read half this stuff, just a bunch of circles."

"Yeah, I know. I'm going into a healing coma…I can feel it." At her confused expression, he explained. "I'm going to be out for however long it takes to get this stuff out of my system. It isn't lethal—least I hope not—"


"Calm down!"

"You said it wouldn't kill ya!"

"YES, well I won't. Hope not, I like this body thank you very much. Don't worry about me, I'll be good as new soon. Tea helped last time…steam from tea. Should work quicker." The world was spinning rapidly, and the Doctor closed his eyes. "If you need anything, ask the TARDIS."

Martha nodded and bit her lip. "I'll take care of ya, don't worry."

"Good. Brilliant. Thank you…" He slipped into the coma, and Martha sighed, pulling off her jacket and heading for the kitchen. Better start on that tea.


The Doctor sat up in a hallway, groaning. What had happened? Why wasn't he in the Med Bay with Martha? Not good…he stood up quickly, gathering his surroundings. The hall seemed familiar…but how? He's sure this hall didn't exist in his ship…then he jumped. Leather jacket. Jumper. Boots.

"What?" Northern accent. What…what?!

He didn't have time to dwell on what was happening, however, as there was a rattling at the door across from him, followed by a clatter of objects falling. The Doctor ran toward the door and looked inside…then froze. Shop window dummies. Living shop window dummies. And beside him was a sight for sore eyes. A nineteen-year-old blonde was against the wall, cringing as a dummy raised its arm, going for the final blow. Remembering this moment, he reached and grabbed her hand. Her eyes flew open, and brown eyes met ice blue ones. He grinned a manic grin and said the word that started it all:
