A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait, everyone! I just graduated high school, and the time between my last update and this one has been hectic! On the plus side, I have a laptop, so updates will be more frequent than it would had I not gotten one. Also: World War Three is a single chapter. While it's about ten pages long (according to Google Docs), I couldn't find a way to separate it into two parts without sticking to the transcript like usual. From here on out, I'm going on my take more than a retelling, everyone! Now, onto the show!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Doctor Who.

Downing Street was, frankly, a mess.

The Doctor wasn't one to exaggerate (okay, that was a lie), but the chaos that currently took over the building was one similar to that of the day he met Rose, with people running in every direction, though some (thankfully) stayed calm enough to evacuate the building. Bless their souls.

The Doctor remembered this event much differently, he briefly thought as he ushered the (now alive) group of alien experts down into the lobby, the Slitheen taking its good old time unzipping from its human skin. Frankly, it wasn't as terrifying as he remembered, either. The bad thing: he was now responsible for keeping the turned-survivors...well, survivors. The good thing: they lived, and there was another him around to help him keep order in London.

That could be considered bad as well, if he thought about it.

"Keep running!" he shouted as they slowed, wasting too much energy on screaming and looking back. The security in Downing Street looked around in confusion, and the Doctor looked at them all. "You want aliens? You've got them. Half of you, get the experts to safety. The rest...follow me!" He led them straight toward the Cabinet room, surprised to see the Slitheen back in its skin suit so fast.

"Where have you been?" the Slitheen shrieked. "I've called for help, sounded the alarm! That man-" He pointed straight to the Doctor, and oh please. "-tried to electrocute me!"

The Doctor rolled his eyes. "Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary gender humans, you'll find that your Prime Minister is an alien in disguise. That's never going to work, is it?"

The police stared in shock. "No," one finally said, and he grinned. "Fair enough. Let's take care of him, shall we?"


"Now Margret," the Eleventh Doctor said, holding out his hand and keeping Rose, Harriet, and Amy behind him. "Let's talk about this civilly, shall we?"

The alien snorted. "Civilly? My dear, I'm sure you'll find that a hostile alien takeover is nothing remotely close to a civil encounter."

"That would be my experience, yes." He shook his head. "Tell me you can at least see reason. This has hardly been approved by your government, I'm sure."

She rolled her eyes before smiling sweetly. "What my planet's government approves of is not my concern any longer. My race, however...that is another story." She took a step closer. "Tell me, sir. What is your name? I must know should I need to resume my role as a frail human."

Amy raised an eyebrow, not showing the fear she otherwise felt. "Humans aren't that frail, you'll find."

"Oh, I beg to differ. My suit was rather easy to obtain."

"Like you?"

The alien giggled delightedly. "Oh, you're feisty. I like you. It'll be a shame when you die."

Rose suddenly spoke, looking more confident as she stared beyond the alien. "Or you."

Margaret blinked. "But I won't. Now, sir. Who are you?"

Eleven suddenly smiled. "I'm the Doctor."

She blinked. "Wha-ah!"

One of the name tags was pressed against her back and activated, surrounding her in a field of electricity and bringing her to the ground.

"And so is mine," the Ninth said, looking up and nodding. "Alright?"

Eleven nodded, and Rose ran toward the other, taking his hand. "Where the hell were you?"

"Taking care of some business. Won't last long, though. so let's hurry up. Doctor, Amy was it?" He let go of Rose's hand long enough to lift the unconscious Slitheen, the eleventh helping him in tossing her out and locking the room down. Harriet watched them, jaw clenched. "The Emergency Protocols are in here. We have to keep them protected from those...those things."

The Doctor nodded. "I like you, Harriet Jones. You're right. We need to keep them out, and the protocols safe."

"And we do that by locking ourselves in a bloody room?" Amy asked, shocked. "That's it? Your brilliant plan?"

"I-" both Doctors protested, staring. "It was good at the time," Eleven finished, and the Doctor nodded. The redhead shook her head.

"You're both idiots," she said, shaking her head. "Rose, Harriet, if you were in a dire situation, would you lock yourself in the Cabinet Room of bloody Downing Street?"

"No," Harriet said, and Rose sighed.

"You both have time machines that act like London hoppers. Why not use that?"

They stared, and Harriet blinked. "Time machine?"

"They're alien," Amy supplied.

"But he's got a Northern accent."

"Lots of planets have a north," Rose said.

"And the other?"

"Just how he speaks," said Amy.

"Then why are we stuck in here?"

"Ask them."

All three women stared at the Doctors, who looked thoroughly outraged, needless to say.

"Do you all have a better idea?" the Doctor asked, scowling.

Amy nodded at her Doctor. "You've been through this before. What did you do when this happened?"

He frowned. "Amy, I can't just mess with events in the time line-"

"Like hell you can't. You started messing with your past the moment you decided to find out why the other Rose began appearing and disappearing beside you."

Eleven swallowed and glanced at Rose, who chewed her bottom lip. The other Rose hadn't been here for a while now. "She's gone. Why are you still here?"

Amy went on. "I wouldn't put it past the other you for knowing something either."

"Me?" the Doctor said in shock, though really, that was a bit nerve wracking. How could she know?

"You haven't done your interrogation thing, I'm sure. The thing where you divert and distract until you get your answers? I would place my money on the first thing you doing being getting those alien experts out of that room down there, if you had a chance. You weren't gone long enough for it either, not in between when the danger broke out and when you arrived. How'd you know the name of them, then? Have you met them before?"

The Doctor stared at her for a long moment, shocked. It...sounded accurate. She must have traveled with him for a while to pick up on his habits. "Perhaps you're just applying your Doctor's habits to me," he deflected, shaking his head. "I am not him, even though I am. Well, I am him, really, but looking at it the way we are now, I am obviously not him. Though that could be debated and we have no time to be arguing at the present moment."

"My head hurts," Harriet said quietly, the whole time lord thing overwhelming her a bit. Rose nodded and rubbed her shoulder.

"She's got a point, Doctor. Your future self knows what's going on. How do we rid ourselves of them?"

Eleven stared at them all for a long moment before sighing. "Vinegar," he said. "If we wanted to kill them, which we don't." He shook his head. "They'll be out for a bit, I assume. We'll get them to the TARDIS, let their planet take care of them. Then we find the rest."

"The rest?"

He bit his lip. "Rose, you may want to call your mum. If we can't get to her or Mickey, tell them about the vinegar. Amy, with me."

The two left to carry Margaret and Green away to Eleven's TARDIS as Rose quickly fished out her phone, calling her mother. "Mum!"

"Rose!" came Jackie's voice, filled with relief and worry. "Are you safe? Tell me you're safe. There are aliens attacking our city!"

"I know, I'm safe. Are you? Where's Mickey."

"He's with me. What do they want with us?"

"Dunno, but the Doctor said you might be in trouble."

"Put me on speaker."

Rose bit her lip and did so. "Doctor, why are they after us?"

The Doctor shook his head. "Harvesting something, that's not important. Right now, focus, got it? Are there any more Slitheen with you?"

"No, we got away to Mickey's flat."

"Get some vinegar."

Mickey's voice rang through. "Vinegar? What for?"

"It'll deal with the Slitheen if they come after you again."

"Like killing?"

"Only if we must." He closed his eyes as they made noises of protest.

"Doctor," Jackie said. "Tell me Rose is safe. If this is your life...tell me she's safe."

Rose met the Doctor's eyes, and flashbacks of Canary Wharf came into his mind; her screams, her bravery, her tears...her shouts for his name. His inability to save her from going to the other universe. The times they both nearly died, again and again and again...yet she never left. Not once did she leave or run away from his life.

"How long are you going to stay with me?"


"Doctor, she's just a kid. She's my daughter. Tell me she'll be safe."

He closed his eyes, not wanting to show the pain he felt, that she would experience, to the innocent Rose he was with now. "This is my life, Jackie. It's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will. It'll never be safe, not while she's with me. I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe though. That's all I can promise you."

He felt Rose's gaze on him, and the Doctor purposefully kept his eyes away from her as he cleared his throat.

Jackie took a moment to speak. "Well, I suppose that'll have to be good enough for me, won't it?"

In the distance, the sound of the TARDIS echoed, followed by Eleven's voice. "Jackie! My, it's been a while."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, an old friend. Well, a new friend to you I suppose. Just popped in to answer the door."

"The door-?"

Suddenly there was a knock, and Eleven's footsteps were heard. "Amy, get the tag? That's a girl. Just hand it to me, and...hello!"

"Wha-? Ah!"

A thump, then the sound of grunts and the dropping of the Slitheen body.

"Well, I'm off. Until next time Jackie, Mickey."

"Like hell there will be a next time," came Amy's voice, and Eleven laughed as the TARDIS disappeared again.

"...who was that?" Jackie asked.

"Me. Don't mind me. He's gone now."

"There are two of you?!"

"At the present moment, yes."

"...how is this now my life?"

"Beats me."

She sighed. "Get home, Rose. Bring your Doctor with you. I need tea." She hung up, and Rose looked up.

"That was...uneventful."

"To say the least."

Harriet frowned at them both. "So you're just off? They'll want answers, you know. The press is never one for privacy."

"Eh, I don't need the credit anyway. Take it, Harriet Jones. It's yours."

Harriet blinked in surprise as the Doctor unlocked the Cabinet room, taking Rose home and leaving Harriet to handle the situation.

"Harriet Jones," he said as they walked. "Future Prime Minister. She'll lead Britain's golden age, they say."

"She's nice," Rose said, leaning against his shoulder and yawning tiredly. He smiled softly. "Think your other self and Amy will go for tea as well? Mum never makes for just herself unless she knows she'll be alone."

"I suppose we'll find out," he said, looking ahead. "For now, let's get you home."


"I haven't had Jackie's tea in a while," Eleven said, watching as Amy and Rose said goodbye. "It was nice."

"I'm sure." The Doctor frowned, acting dumb. "Does she leave?"

"They all do." Eleven looked toward his other self. "I think Amy's right, though. You know what happens."

So much for acting dumb. "In my defense, I'm not quite sure how I ended up in this body."

The other Doctor just shook his head and sighed. "I don't remember this ever happening. What you're doing, though? It'll change our future. It's happening as we speak. You saw the other Rose."

The Doctor sighed. "I suppose it won't make a difference after all. She can't be saved."

Eleven raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't say that," he said casually, glancing to his TARDIS. The other Rose was back, more solid than before and watching them with a small smile. "Whatever you do change, Doctor, just be careful. She may come back to stay, but every change has a consequence. Who knows what it'll be."

"I know how time works. You saw today." He sighed and nodded at him. "Thank you, Doctor."

Eleven smiled a bit and clapped his hands. "You're welcome, Doctor. Amy! Let's go!" He walked to the companions, giving Rose a hug goodbye. "Keep him in line, Rose Tyler. He needs it."
Rose smiled softly. "I will. Will we see you again?"

"You might. Who knows? Time has an odd way of working itself out." Eleven kissed her cheek and stepped back, missing her blush. "Let's go, Amy."
Amy grinned at Rose. "See you around, Rose."

"Goodbye, Amy."

The two left, and Rose and the Doctor stared at where they had been parked.

"I'll miss them," she admitted. The Doctor shrugged.

"They were good. You'll see that version of me, I'm sure. I won't."

She sighed. "Will I? I wasn't even solid with him." The Doctor remained quiet, and she frowned. "I'm not stupid, Doctor. Something happens to me, doesn't it? You know something."

The Doctor sighed. "It's a long story, Rose. I'm not sure you want to know, let alone will be awake for it by the time I'm done."

Rose took his hand and stared at him determinedly. "I want to know. Besides, we have all the time in the world."

He wasn't so sure about that, but he wouldn't change her mind, he knew. He was a time lord, after all, one who severely messed up time as they knew it.

All the time in the world his arse. The Doctor took Rose to the TARDIS and shut the door, turning around and crossing his arms.

"Where do you want to start?"

A/N: Shit gets real folks! How will Rose react? Next chapter will just be a filler I believe, with Rose's reaction. Like I said before the beginning of the chapter, from here on out expect things to veer from the transcript like this one had, with my own take on it from now on. Some episodes may stay similar, but now that she knows what the Doctor's going to tell her...will it really remain the same? Please comment, favorite, bookmark, all that! It inspires me to write! Thank you all for your patience!