Rex: Chapter 1

Ginga: title "Welcome to our life…"

"So this is what Japan looks like at night" I stood admiring the amazing flashing and colorful lights in the streets of Tokyo way pass my curfew

"Yeah but we better get going before saves catch us pass our curfew" he pulled the sleeve of my shirt

"Ye-yeah…"I stared ignoring him

"Ok come on!" he tugged me

I nodded in agreement, slowly looking away before running with Kyoya disappearing into the night

If you're wondering who I am. My name is Ginga Hagane I'm 13 years old and the boy I'm running with, is my best friend Kyoya who is also 13.

We are Kidsav. You probably wondering what that is, let me explain we are slaves to 14 year olds. We really don't want to but we have no choice since our dads got themselves into trouble with lone sharks, which happen to be the 14 year olds dads. So now we work as maid's… kind of… well doing everything they say also living with them.

We also have these collars on to know where we are and to give electric shocks which hurt. The people that own us we call them saves or masters, the electric shock only target a point in our body. Mine sadly targets the stomach gives me a really bad tummy eke feeling, and Kyoya's hits his neck making it harder to breath

"OUCH!" I stopped, falling on my knees hugging my stomach in pain while my eyes shut

"Ginga…" Kyoya stopped and looked my way "Gi-Ginga!" Kyoya ran back and bent down holding my shoulder "You ok?" he sounded worried

I opened my eyes "Yeah I'm fine electric shock…Argg!" I held myself tighter as it hurt more and more

"Here" Kyoya got down on his one kneecap "hop on my back"

"Aw Kyoya…" I blushed as I hopped on

Kyoya than stood up and started running like the wind "Man Ginga did you lose weight?"

"I've been so busy with my save I didn't have time to eat…" my stomach growled

"Ah Ginga please try to eat more" Kyoya giggled

"Ok Kyoya…" I embraced him feeling a little sleepy, honesty I have a huge crush on Kyoya. He's so cool and nice, the things he does for me makes him more attractive than ever

"Hey Ginga don't you fall asleep on me" Kyoya snickered

The minute I closed my eyes we were already home you know when you have that feeling "Ok Ginga up and get off!" Kyoya yelled

"Ok jeez" I hopped off rubbing my eyes

We walked up to the gate there was a scanner, we just showed our collars and it instantly opened up we walked threw

We got to the huge red door and there was another scanner, we showed them our collar and then it opened

We walked in to see our saves standing right there looking kind of mad. Your wondering who our saves are well mine is Masamune Kadoya I personally dislike him, he so dumb and rude. But he is still my save so I have to be nice to him.

Kyoya save is ryuga… I don't know much about him but when I was walking by, he tripped me don't know why I guessing he mean cookie

I and Kyoya just stood, while they were standing there. Masamune hands behind his head and ryuga hands in pockets with closed eyes

The door than closed… it was silence until I decided to speak, which was not a good idea but what can I say I never think things thorough

I gulped "SORRY WE ARE REALLY SORRY WE JUST WANTED TO SEE HOW JAPAN LOOKED AT NIGHT MASTER save please forgive us…" I got on my knees with begging golden eyes

No answered everybody was so quiet I looked at Kyoya who looked away "well I'm not sorry personally I enjoyed having fun with my best friend Ginga" he looked at me and gave a light smile, I had wide eyes and respected Kyoya for the bravery I blushed

"Kyoya…" Ryuga said Kyoya didn't even look at his save or to my sights he didn't care

"KYOYA TAGIMA" Ryuga raised his voice opening his eyes, I flinched Kyoya finally decided to look his save in the eye "yes master or save…" I could tell Kyoya was little scared by his own save

"I want you in my room right now" ryuga said roughly Kyoya nodded "yes master"

Ryuga than took out the little remote that electric shock is controlled by and pressed

Kyoya instantly fell on all fours trying to breathe "you need manners Kidsav" He said Kyoya was panting and sweat was dripping from the side of his face as he fell, laying on the ground now

He then pressed it again Kyoya than gasped for air and much as he could as ryuga swiftly turned around and walked up the stairs. Kyoya got back up and followed

Masamune than shook his head "Ginga… what am I going to do with you disobeying everything I say I thought of you better than that" he smirked

"But master I just wanted to-IT DOESN'T MATTER YOU COULD OF GOT HURT OR LOST" he interrupted me yelling

"Master you care?" I blushed

"Well I… well I… well yeah…" masamune blushed "listen Ginga I don't just think of you as just a Kidsav" he begun

I felt my heart racing when he started his sentence "what do you think of me then?" I question being really eager to hear his response

"Sorry but that's for me to know an you to find out!" he laughed

"Master! That's not funny" I pouted "I actuality thought…"

"You thought what?" he questioned me "nothing…" I said "you still mad?" I got up dusting off my knees

"Hell yea!" he pressed the button, I held my stomach in pain falling slowly on my side "oww master I said I was sorry argg!" I told him in pain

He walked up to me "Ginga you're even attractive when you're in pain" he licked his lips and picked me up on his shoulder

"Masamune please! It hurts" I yelled he pressed the button "come on time for your punishment!" he smiled and walked up stairs

Honesty speaking Masamune kadoya is a really attractive 14 years old. He could be nice if he really wanted too, and to add I think he has a heart under all that noisy temper. If he wasn't such a jerk I could see myself falling for him


Ryuga locked his huge room door and looked my way as I sat on the edge of his bed with crossed arms

I closed my eyes as I heard ryuga foot steps forming closer and closer to me I gulped

his cold hands touch my chin and turning my head around to face him, I opened my eyes to see ryuga staring at me with eyes of lust

Right then and there I could tell what was going to happen next. I clenched my hands into fists just thinking ahead

Ryuga than kissed me on the lips lightly and soft, for once I kind of liked it better than him being rough all the time. I closed my eyes

I gave him permission to explore my mouth as mine and his tug twirled around

I grabbed onto his back pulling him closer for a deeper kiss as we both fell back on his bed

We both moaned as we made out I could tell ryuga was turned on as he squeezed my shoulders

I wrapped my legs around his hips moaning as the drool ran down my chin onto my neck

We broke our kiss saliva on the tip of out tongs I licked it away "save no sex please…" I begged really not in the mood

To describe ryuga in one word I would say … interesting for times he could be a nice guy and others he could really be a pain in the… you know what

Ryuga nodded "fine only for one hour ill will be back" ryuga got off me and left the room

I sighed "I can't believe he actually listen to me… weird" I said to myself as I jumped off the bed, stuffed my hands into my pockets and left the room

I walked down the hallway having an urge to see Ginga. Yeah I have a crush on Ginga he's just so cute and everything with his adorable hair and cute cheeks

I closed my eyes while walking thinking of Ginga. Me and him been rivals for ever and now I think it's my time to finally make a move

I grinned as I bumped into someone head first and falling on my but, I rubbed my forehead in pain

"Watch it! Dumb ass" I opened my eyes to my surprise to find Ginga on the floor rubbing his forehead

"I'm super sorry" Ginga rubbed and looked up to see me staring at him he instantly blushed

"Sorry Kyoya I guess I didn't see where I was going" Ginga scratched the back of his head nervously

"No… it's ok Ginga sorry for yelling at you I was just daydreaming about something real nice…" I smiled as I got up and put my hand out for Ginga

"What about?" he took my hand and was pulled up

"You" I gave him a straight answer he blush different shades of pink

"Um Kyoya you know how we snuck out, could we do again an other time" he smiled

I giggled "yeah if we get away with it" he laughed

I than hugged Ginga "Ky-Kyoya what are you-just relax and embraced" I interrupted him. I felt Ginga's hands grab my back I grinned


Ginga pushed me and ran right by "I'LL GET IT!" he yelled running down the stairs "just had to ring didn't it" I sighed

He quickly opened the little cubby that had a camera in it and buttons "so who is it?" I asked

A huge smile grew on Ginga face as I said that, I rose an eyebrow now really curious of whom it was

He than unlocked the gate by pressing the button, I slid down the railing and onto my feet now on the lower level Ginga started clapping and jumping a bit

He unlocked the door as quick as he unlocked the gate

The huge red door opened slowly Ginga than screamed and threw his hands in the air "Oh my Gosh! Its You I Knew You would come back for me!"

Chapter 1 Complete!

Next time…. Loading…

"What… this is going to tear us apart!" _ cried


"Am I dieing?" _ closed there eyes

"Don't worry _ will come back they always do… right?" _ worried

"I'll just pack my things and be on my way…" _ pouted

Ty for reading nice!

PS: i don't know if i should continue it... just review and tell me

PSS: i going to make a lemon in other chapter if continued