The dangerously black clouds loomed over the town, bursting to life every few minutes with soft light and a deep rumbling, the rain had eased but still hit hard but there Sakura lay, undisturbed, peaceful and happy, face buried deep into her pillow and now half hanging off her bed meanwhile Touya was down stairs making breakfast for them all. He had made sure to wake up especially early for their father.
"Good morning Touya, a little early today," he beamed a heart warming smile at his son and sat down to his breakfast and took a sip of tea.
"hmm? It's not that early, besides it's my turn for breakfast duty." Touya sat opposite and let out a light hearted sigh before tucking into the food.
"Oh I don't know... and you were both out pretty late as I recall it,"
"you heard us huh," Touya chuckled, "and there I was trying to tiptoe round.
"you never was too quiet at sneaking in, and here your giving Sakura a hard time, I do wish I didn't have to leave you both again yet, I leave you both too much,"
"don't worry dad, we're just fine and your work is important, speaking of which, aren't you going to be late?" Fujitaka choked on his tea and bolted to the kitchen with his plates, "I'll take that as a yes then..."

Touya saw his father off with another little chuckle, he turned and began to return to the kitchen when he suddenly stopped in his tracks spotting something in the corner of his eye, after a moment he turned and looked and there, with the biggest dumbfounded expression, stood Sakura, arms hanging limp by her side one hand clutching a bear, mouth wide open in a state of disbelief. It took him a few minutes to take in the site and process it as being his sister, "hmm," a small smile appeared on his face and he carried on into the kitchen.
"I missed him," a small, squeaky, stunned voice was following behind him, Touya sat back down to his food, "and you both ate without me..." Sakura dropped herself into a chair and yawned the biggest earth consuming yawn Touya had ever seen, she looked like death, dragged through a hedge backwards, branded by pillows and still half asleep, be it a happier version of death... the site was rather amusing to him. The stuffed bear suddenly crashed gently onto the table and Sakura began to eat.
"dad didn't want to wake you, he said bye though" he muttered between bites. Sakura shivered and paused before picking up the bear by the arm in one hand and her bowl of food in the other and got up, shuffling her way round to her brother and climbed into his lap, leaning against him, the bear sat in her lap and she resumed eating once again. Touya sat there a little taken back by her actions, but he held her close, her hair smelled of rain, his smile widened and he rest his head against hers. He was just relaxing into the moment when the soft sound of snoring began. He picked up his head and sure enough she had fallen asleep, a spoon still in her mouth. He sighed and took her to the sofa, and a while later he left for work.

The storm outside swelled to breaking point and all hell was breaking loose, a crack of lightening rang a loud, "AAAHHHHH!" Sakura got up with speed that made her stumble and fall, "its still going?" she muttered and spotted a note on the table with a stuffed bear sat next to it, her jaw dropped and she stumbled over to it picking up the bear.

...Why does a monster need a bear? You make enough

noise without a sidekick... any how, your turn for the

house work, i'll be back to make tea, see ya squirt...


Sakuras head dropped to the table, "oohhh, " she then looked to the bear in her hand and turned bright red and looking quickly away from it "great... ok, no time like the present..." and off she went and started cleaning, leaving the bear sat looking rather sad and lonely on the table.

A clock chimed 5 as Sakura loaded the last loaded up the last pile of washing, 'he's late home...' Sakura sighed and went to look in the fridge, 'I wonder what he had planned, there's nothing here,' she frowned at the almost empty fridge, 'guess he forgot to go shopping last night... then again," she turned bright red and hung her head as she gathered her things together and set out for the store. Outside she could barely keep her feet on the ground, leaves whipped round as rain beat down, it was ruthless and cold, the umbrella she possessed broke within the first two minute, but she battled on and ran the rest of the way. Once there she burst in clutching her chest gasping for air, glad of the shelter and warmth, "Sakura?" at first she hadn't recognised the voice but it pulled her attention back to the moment, and there stood Touya with four bags of shopping, "what are you doing here?"
"th, there was no, no food, andandand..." before she could finish he was walking out back into the rain, her face dropped but she followed him out, "so this is what I get for being nice..." she muttered under her breath. The whole way back home was silent and when they arrived back home they both stood like drowned rats making puddles where ever they stood. Sakura looked up at him wondering if it was something she had done, she made the first move and stepped up away from the door and turned to face him. "Touya?" he looked up and grunted, her cheeks flushed crimson at the stunning sight before her and a moment later she pounced, pulling him towards her and planting a deep kiss against his lips and to her surprise she heard the bags crash to the floor as he wrapped his arms around her and replied to her, a few moments passed before they broke gasping for air but eyes still fixed on one another, "what was that for?" he whispered kissing her nose. Sakura took a step back and picked up the shopping, " just... well, thank you."

As the night came Sakura sat With Touya wrapped in one of his sweaters, in his lap, the tv quietly buzzing away to itself in the back ground while the pair were sat holding each other close, Touya stroked at the females back and she buried her head into his neck gently teasing, kissing the soft skin with the odd bite while her had snaked down pressing lightly against his groin, He press his head down to her shoulder as a quiet moan escaped his lips. They both remained quiet like that for awhile. "Sakura?" she carried on her actions and grunted at him "why were you up so early?" he had been thinking about it for awhile, they had made no noise and she had no alarm, nor did she know when he was leaving, and the last time he had seen her clinging on to a stuffed animal was 5 year ago. She pause but stayed quiet and still, it was un nerving, the only indicator that she was alive at all was the constant rhythm of her warm breath colliding with his skin, "Sakura?" he held her tight against him and she relaxed against him once again, "she was there..."

Touya raised an eyebrow at first her words making no sense to him, "who was?" he muttered.
"The woman was..."
And then it clicked. "The one you heard last night?"
"because of you, she wants you, so many screams,"
"but that was just a dream," Sakura turned to him placing a leg either side of him and looked him in the eye shaking her head, "she's going to take you!" her voice grew louder with every word and tears started to build up in her eyes, she placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him with a sense of desperate need, it took Touya by surprise but he had no intention of stopping her, he was a little taken back but what she had said but he knew it was only in her head and did his best to put it to the back of his mind as he went along with her. Sakura pushed her hip down and pushed against his groin area making him gasp, she resumed the assault on his neck with a greater intensity her hands weaving under his shirt and before long, he found his body was at her command, and it ached for her. She went hard at him and Touya was unsure how much he could handle before needing to act out when suddenly she collapsed down to his chest crying. "woah, hey..." he held her tight until she had cried herself to sleep and he to had drifted off.

While the slept the storm raged outside attacking everything, and in the middle of it all stood under a tree in the darkness was a woman seemingly untouched by a single drop of water, her gazed fixed on the Kinomoto home. Waiting, and watching.


Well chapter four, not the best but it's going somewhere I promise XD hope I didn't bored you too much and I do apologise as to how long it's taken me to get this up, super busy few months... well more than a few but you get the idea, chapter five on its way guys. =) also sorry for any mistakes you may find in here... i have the feeling I've missed quiet a lot x.x