Crave You

A/N: Just a short drabble I wrote, post 4x16,AU, some insight into Caroline's mind.

It has been two weeks. Two weeks since he had sought her out. Two weeks since his annoying presence had been around her. Two weeks since she realized Tyler was gone for good. Two weeks since the shameful thoughts started again. Two weeks since she started missing him.

She had found out about Hayley. She shouldn't have cared but she did. He didn't owe her anything, she had dismissed him more times then she could count. She hoped that Hayley was simply a means to an end, a meaningless fling but the fact remained that he stopped pursuing her after he had been with Hayley and she wondered if Hayley had now replaced her as the object of his affections. Hayley, who had orchestrated the murder of his hybrids, who was the reason Tyler was on the run, who had snapped her neck out of jealously and because she did not go along with her diabolical plan. That Hayley was now taking top billing in Klaus' eyes.

There is something narcissistic and cruel about when one is the object of someone's affections even if you do not return it, one revels in the feeling of being admired, appreciated, wanted, and when that person finally gives up or moves on they leave a weird sort of emptiness, dejectedness in their wake. She knew she wanted him, she knew she was drawn to him, even if it was wrong, even if she never indulged in it, she knew it was there and she felt the strong surge of electricity whenever he was near her.

Stefan had called her to come over to help them try and track Silas. A part of her didn't want to go but she longed to feel useful, needed and so she followed the familiar path to the Salvatore Boarding House. He was already there when she arrived, sitting in an armchair facing the fire, staring at the flames, nursing a drink. She glanced over at him when she fell upon the sofa, he did not turn to look at her, and she felt the first stab of pain for the evening. When Stefan arrived in the living room and explained to Klaus that she would be helping them in their search, he finally turned towards her, gave her false smile and a curt nod. She could not help but notice the fact that he no longer looked at her with adoration and reverence, his mask of indifference throwing her.

In the middle of their planning and preparation when Stefan had gone to get them drinks in the more venal capacity, she decided to address the elephant in the room. "So you and Hayley, hey?" She asked him as she tried to keep her tone neutral.

Klaus cocked his head to one side and smirked, "I figured you've been dying to ask me that."

She scoffed, "Hardly. I was just interested to see your sudden change to wolf sluts. Although I suppose it's more in character and accessible to you."

He chuckled, "You amuse me, love. You couldn't expect me to wait around until you decided I was worth your time."

"Because then you would wait forever."

"Exactly!" His tone had a form of finality to it as he leaned back in the armchair again, "Sometimes one needs to know when to cut your losses."

She continued to stare at him as she heard Stefan closing the freezer of blood deep below the house and making his way back. She wanted to tell him that she didn't want him to give up on her. She wanted to tell him that she thought of him more often she should have, that even though she cannot admit to it, she longed to be near him, around him, to be wanted by him. She craved him with every fiber of her being. She felt another jolt of pain when she realized that she wasn't able to tell him, and that all her cravings would now be housed in the arms of another.

A/N: Please review, I shall be transferring my other drabbles here too, in due time. Or you can catch me on tumblr at klaussnowflake.