Here's the 4rd chapter - I'm sorry, it's pretty boring, but I had no inspiration at all today.

Anyway, here it is!

Daniel was squeezing his eyes close, and waiting for his brain to run down the wall or some other creepy shit. He opened his other eye a little, just to see this blonde guy laughing his ass of in front of him, swinging in the rocking chair. Daniel saw that he was now just holding the gun on his lap, not pointing it against his head anymore.

"What the fuck?", Daniel whispered mostly to himself, when Tate turned to look at him - just for a second. He was looking at the floor again, and now just chuckling a little.

"It wasn't loaded, idiot", he said, and Daniel looked terrified.

"Then why did you...? What's happening?", Daniel murmured. Tate lifted his eyes from the floor again, and started to laugh like there was no tomorrow. His laugh was scarier than any laugh Daniel had ever heard in any goddamn horror movie - even Fred Krueger would've pissed his pants.

Then those weird white lights started to flash again. Daniel thought this would be a good opportunity to get the fuck out of this basement, when Tate suddenly grabbed his hand. It was a reflex, when Daniel let out a loud scream.

"Don't fucking touch me, psychopath!", He yelled to Tate with a shivering voice. The next thing that happened, was so weird Daniel thought that he was actually in a horror movie, not just living his totally normal night.

He saw the blonde guy.


The weird baby thing.





It looked like they were the same person, but that couldn't be possible. Or could it? Oh hell no, it couldn't.

Daniel heard footsteps coming to the basement - Violet! His weird psychopath friend and his baby buddy heard the steps too, because the lights stopped flashing, and suddenly it was silent as grave in the basement.

"Leave. Her. Alone", Daniel heard the whispers from the dark.

Violet turned on the lights in the room where Daniel was supposed to be sleeping, just to find no one in there.

"Daniel? Daniel! Where the hell are you?", she said, yelling the last sentence. He was probably just trying to scare her, by not appearing. Very funny, Daniel. Just when Violet was about to leave the basement, Daniel almost ran from the other room. He was covered up in blood, and his shirt was full of large cuts.

"What the fuck?", Violet whispered, and Daniel just walked past her, not saying a word. Violet walked behind him, all the way to her room, and the stairs back down to the second floor when Daniel had took his bag.

"Wait - so... are we over now?", Violet asked him, and Daniel turned around to face her, laughing.

"Are we?", he asked, and then his smile faded. "Are we?", he yelled.

"What- I- Why are you fucking yelling?", Violet yelled back, and Daniel took a step forwards her.

"Why am I yelling? You're fucked up - this HOUSE is fucked up - not to mention your psychopath friends who like to hang out in the basement!", Daniel yelled at her face, and then turned around to walk to the nearest bus stop. He didn't care how terrible he looked like, or how much the clock was - he just wanted to get as far as possible of the house.

Psychopath friends... in the basement? Violet was just standing there, in the doorway, and watching as his ex boyfriend walked along the street.

"Asshole", she just snorted, and turned her back to the frontyard, as she closed the frontdoor.

She was standing there in the vestibule for a while, thinking what she should do now - she deffinitely couldn't sleep, it was anyway almost morning. She decided to check the basement - of course there was no one. At least that's what she thought. Ghosts weren't real. Even though she could sense the bad energy in this house, she didn't believe in ghosts. She believed in spirits, yes - but dead people walking in the word of living, like zombies? Yeah, right.

She walked straight to the basement - the lights were still on, so it wasn't even that scary. She checked the sofa room - no one in it. The other room - no one, except a stupid old rocking chair. She rolled her eyes. Daniel was just bullshitting on her again, trying to make her scared or something. What an asshole.

Violet was now sitting on the first step of their porch's stair, and smoking a tobacco. She was just thinking about how her life would be like now - like, when she's not with Daniel. She kinda knew this was going to happen sooner or later. She wasn't happy - but she wasn't sad, either. Daniel hadn't made her knees go weak anymore, actually that phase lasted for about two months. The relationship things in movies and books... it's bullshit. They make it look so easy. Well, guess what? It's not that fucking easy. They always leave out all the fights and stuff - oh, wait, they do have fights. But it's always that one big fight, and after that everything is fucking perfect, and they live happily ever goddamn after. Her relationship with Daniel was far away from those movies - she wasn't a romantic person, so it didn't bother her that much that he didn't bring her roses and chocolate every day, but she did prefer the chocolate & roses more than cheating with whores. The problem with Violet Harmon was probably the fact that she pushed everyone away from her. She had hurt so many people in her past, that she didn't want any more to get hurt. And then there was her looks - she wasn't like all the girls in her new school. She wasn't wearing Louis Vuitton bags or Betsey Johnson's high heels. She didn't wear much make up, or make her hair pretty every day. No, she was different. Daniel was her first boyfriend - he took her virginity, and if she could, she would take it back. Not literally, of course - she had heard from all those operations where you can, like, take your virginity back, but that was just freaking weird. She drag one deep breath of her smoke, when she saw a familiar face walking towards her. It was Tate.

"What are you doing here?", she asked, and blew the light smoke out of her mouth, straight at his face. Tate sat beside her, but didn't make any eye contact.

"I heard yelling - I live in the house next to yours, you know. So, I just came to check if you're okay. You look like you are", he said and smiled, and Violet nodded, as she continued on smoking her tobacco.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks for checking, anyway", she said, and Tate laughed.

"No problem. I would've had problems with my conscience if you would've been, like, dying and I would've just sat there in my room, reading a book", he said, and Violet laughed a little.

"Well, I'm not dead", she said, and Tate nodded, with a smile on his face. Violet threw her smoke to the ground, and stomped it with her Converse. Tate watched her every move, and Violet turned to look at her.

"Hey, do you wanna come in?", she asked, and got up. Tate got up too, but shook his head.

"I can't, sorry. Constance - my mom, wanted me to clean my room. Maybe later, if I'm not too lazy to walk over your house. You live so far away", he said with a grin on his face, and Violet laughed again. She turned to walk inside, and she could still feel Tate's stare at her back.

"Violet?", he asked, and she turned around. He had a smile on his face.

"Curly hair fits you", he said, and Violet could feel her cheeks blushing.

"Thanks", she murmured, and quickly walked inside the house.

Tate-freaking-Langdon just complimented her.

So, did you like it? Reviews? :)