AN: Yes it's been a while, yes I wasn't inspired, yes I know, what took so long? So here it is, the end, because I ran out of steam and a few other things, so I'll just end it here. No beta. Thank you for reading. See you at the bottom.

"This is so exciting! I've never held a paddle before" Caroline said

Klaus merely looked at her, amazed at how these little things made her happy. He placed his arm around her and kissed her on her forehead.

"Feel free to bid on whatever you want love" Klaus said

"I only want one thing"

Caroline waited anxiously at the auction. The item she was waiting for was a ring. A special ring rumored to have special powers. It looked ordinary, a silver ring with a black stone. It was made in the 1800's, which made it old and rare, as there were very few in existence.

"The next item up for sale this rare ring. The exact date of his creation is unknown. But it is estimated in the 1800's. The silver is hand crafted with a G engraving on the sides. The black stone is onyx and an emerald cut. This is a man's ring, and estimated ring size is 7. Shall we begin the bid at 1000?" the auctioneer said

Matt looked down at the ring on his finger. He didn't really like it, it was tacky and gaudy. But Caroline insisted that he wear it. That it would protect him somehow.

"How do you even know this ring even works? You could have totally be scammed" Matt said

"It was Klaus's money anyways, besides it should work. I mean vampires are real, werewolves are real. This ring is probably real" Caroline said

"I really don't want to find out" Matt said

"Well just wear it then"

"Does Klaus know you spent his money?"

"He doesn't care. He wanted me to buy an faberge egg while I was there"

"He really cares about you Caroline"

Caroline looked up at Matt and stopped what she was doing.

"I know"

"Care did you really have to steal the idol!?" Matt yelled as he was running

"That's what we came for!" Caroline said running next to him

"You could have at least told them you wanted to see it! Now they have a bunch of angry spears and arrows pointed at us!"

"I can see that!"

"I'm the human here!"

"Wooden spears and arrows are bad for me too!"

Matt and Caroline were running deeper into the cave, they saw mining tracks and followed them. They saw a mine cart and jumped in. Caroline pushed the cart to get it to move and jumped back in. The cart started rolling down the tracks quickly.

"You just stole the idol they've been worshiping for generations. Of course they were gonna be a little bit protective of it" Matt said

"I just wanted to look at it, then they freaked out"

"You could have asked!"

"I gave it back didn't I?!"

"That's after you insulted the head shaman dude!"

"You're not helping!

"Next time tell me what you're planning!"

The cart kept flying down the tracks, picking up speed. Matt reached over to pull the brake to slow it down.

"It's not stopping!" Matt yelled

"Move over!" Caroline yelled

Caroline pulled on the break and it broke.

"Great job Care!"

"It's not my fault!"

"You should know not to use your vamp strength!"

"Not helping! Where is this thing going!?"

The mine cart kept going, Caroline and Matt ducked their heads down. They could see the tracks were ending, but the cart wasn't stopping. They covered their heads and the mine cart flew off the rails. It went flying through the wooden planks that were covering up an opening in the cave. The cart burst through the cave opening. Caroline and Matt looked up and realized they were outside with the sun shining brightly. The cart started to fall. They looked out and saw they were falling into a river.

"Caroline!" Matt yelled

"Oh crap!" Caroline yelled

They landed into the river, the currents pushing them further down stream. Matt grabbed onto a branch and pulled himself out of the water. He looked up and saw Klaus standing there.

"Can't leave you two alone for a day" Klaus said before flashing off

Caroline looked around frantically for Matt. She screamed out for him. Her body hit the trunk of a tree floating in the river and she looked around. Klaus stood on top of the tree smiling down at her. He pushed the tree over to get her out of the river.

"Took you long enough" Caroline said

"You said you would stay out of trouble" Klaus said helping her up

"I did"

"For about 5 minutes before the natives started chasing you"

"How did-"

"You can't hide anything from me love"

"Stupid bond"

"It wasn't stupid when I saved you last time"

"I didn't need saving"

"I think Matt disagrees with you. He is human after all"

"I could have handled it"

"Even though you're a vampire now, you're still reckless"

"Not reckless, adventurous. And where the hell were you all day?"

"I had business to attend to"

"Right, more like plotting revenge on a certain vampire. The bond works both ways"

"I may have run into a certain vampire while in town. Gave him the fright of his life. Gave him a 5 second head start, then I snapped his neck"

"And then what?"

"Then I felt this feeling that you were in trouble"

"So you let Damon go, again?"

"Well there's no fun in killing him right away, he's constantly running, having to look over his shoulder for the rest of his pathetic existence, never knowing any form of peace"

"You're evil when you want to be you know that?"

"That's why you love me"

"Getting ahead of yourself there"

Caroline stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around herself and another for her hair. She walked into the bedroom of the hotel where Klaus stood out on the balcony overlooking the city. She heard him move and turned around and saw him standing behind her.

"I have something for you" Klaus said

"What is it?"

Klaus handed her a small box. She opened it and inside was a ring. A silver ring with a blue sapphire in the shape of a heart.

"What is this?" Caroline asked

"A new daylight ring for you, the one you're currently wearing is only temporary"

"But I like this one, and it doesn't stand out like this one does"

"Do you not like the color?"

"Klaus, it's so flashy, I'm going to get robbed"

"You're a vampire, no one will dare try to-"

"Or when I go exploring, and the locals see this shiny ring, they'll want it or-"

"Just wear both then"


"Because this one," Klaus said taking the ring out, "Is special, it has some of my blood in it. It will make you immune to werewolf venom and compulsion"

"Werewolf venom?"

"A bite from a werewolf is fatal to a vampire. My blood is the cure. As a human you didn't have to worry about it. But now, because you are with me, it puts you in a dangerous position"

"Right like the locals that tried to kill me weren't a problem"

"I just want to keep you safe love"

Caroline took the ring from him and placed it on her finger. She watched as the sparkled in the light.

"Why the compulsion? Only Originals can compel people. I mean yeah Kol is an ass but I don't think you'd actually compel me would you?" Caroline asked

"It's not us that you need protection from. It's Mikael. He must have learned of my return. And you need to be safe from him"

"Mikael? Your stepfather"

"Yes Elijah informs me he's heard gossip of my return. Mikael will find me soon enough"

"Are you going to kill him?"

"I may, though there is that problem with the white oak stake"

Klaus felt her fear and pulled her into his arms.

"Nothing will happen, you don't need to worry. I've faced Mikael before and lived. You just continue on your adventures and exploring and we'll face Mikael when the time comes"

"I don't think I could do this without you"

"You have Matt"

"Yes, but I don't know anything about your world. I don't know what to do"

"You don't know what to do? You the same girl that mapped out where you and Matt were going to go the second you got your daylight ring?"

"Ok, fine, but it's still scary, I can't control these urges, it feels like I'm hungry or thirsty all the time"

"It'll pass in time, you're still young, very young"

Elijah walked out of the restaurant. He took out his phone and called his brother.

"Elijah, what do I owe the pleasure of this?" Klaus answered

"Our father seems to have run into Damon"

"How unsavory"

"It seems that Damon has aligned himself with our father to hopes to escape you"

"He's overplayed his hand already"

"He knows you're back, and he knows about Caroline"

"As to be expected"

"How are you so calm?"

"I doubt Mikael could find us right now. I'm not even sure where we are right now. Somewhere in Africa I think"

"What are you doing there?"

"Caroline wanted to do so exploring. Something about some relic she wanted to find"

"Our father is looking for you"

"I know, though I doubt he'll find me anytime soon. I'll talk to you soon Elijah"

Klaus hung up and looked over at Caroline who was looking at her map. Matt was looking at the compass wondering why it was spinning instead of pointing to north.

"Caroline?" Klaus called out

Matt swam a few laps in the massive pool. He was glad that they got out of the jungle and were now in a hotel in Morocco. Whatever they found in that jungle they left it there. Matt was relaxing in the water when he felt someone pull him down. He splashed around and struggled before he managed to break free. He reached the surface of the water and looked around.

"Gotcha!" Caroline said from behind

"I hate it when you do that!"

"Oh relax, you're so wound up!"

"It could be the fact that that ghosts are real and we barely escaped!"

"Ok ghosts are real"

"And I'm still human!"

"Yes you are Matt, but you've got that nifty ring"

"Still doesn't help, ghosts are real"

"Yeah, let's never talk about that again"

Klaus walked with Caroline through the markets of Marrakesh. She was looking around at everything not paying attention to where he was leading her. She followed him into a building, up onto the roof overlooking the city.

"What are we doing here?" Caroline asked

"In my 1000 years I have never met anyone like you"

"I am that special, I did free you and introduce you to tequila and coffee"

"You freed me in more ways than just one"

"You totally owe me for that"

"I know. Which is why I have to be honest with you now. Mikael is coming for me. He will kill anyone in his way, he will do anything to destroy me. He will use you to get to me"

"What are you saying?"

"I will protect you as best as I can, but you have to know the risks of being with me"

"I know them."

"If you want to leave, I don't blame you. I want you to leave, I want you to live"

"Are you not listening? I know what they are. I knew them when I freed you, I knew them when Damon threw me off the cliff, and I know what they are now. I'm not leaving you. You can't get rid of me that easy!"

"Always throwing yourself in danger"

"I don't need rescuing"

"Marry me"


"Marry me here in this city"

"You can't be serious"

"I am, marry me Caroline"

"You're suppose to get down on one knee, and there's no ring, and-"

Klaus stopped her from talking with a kiss. Matt appeared with another man standing on the roof.

"You already have a ring, and we already have a bond" Klaus said

"Then why do you want to get married?"

"Because isn't that what humans do?"

"But we're not human"

"True, nevermind then"

"What? No!"

"Now you want to get married?"

"Yes! I mean, it doesn't really matter"

"You know I've never been married before"

"Really? In the 500 years you were roaming the earth you've never once been married?"


"Then let's do this!"

Caroline looked over the horizon as the sun started to peak out. The night sky started to fade away as the sun began to rise. She felt a hand on her back and looked over and saw Klaus standing there.

"You are my greatest weakness, and you are the only thing I've managed to do right in this lifetime" Klaus said

"I really don't know how to follow up that one"

"Then shall we carry on? Onto more adventures? More crypts to dig up, natives to annoy, children to scare?"

"I do not scare children"

"And yet you have no problem digging up the dead"

"Well I did hear about this sunken temple in the water off the coast of Cambodia"

"Good thing we don't need to breathe"

"Is the Bermuda triangle real?"

"Hardly, just something made up"

"Then let's go explore it too"

"You do realize that Matt is still human and needs to breathe underwater"

"That's why they invented scuba"

"Well then let's go and wake up Matt"

Caroline slipped her hand into his. She leaned in and kissed quickly on the lips and smiled.

"Let's go then" Caroline said

Yeah I know, not the epic ending with everything tied up and perfectly put together. I'm really out of inspiration for story, and I'm trying to finish up my other stories too. So thanks for reading. Leave me a review.