It had been an easy job. Or at least it was supposed to. Looking back on it now, the signs were there and I was a fool to ignore them; now, because of me, my son got hurt.

"Dad you couldn't have known" dean said, trying to reassure me. I slammed my fist against the wall. I hadn't called him for a pity party, I called so I could get my ass chewed out for my mistakes. "Dad, everyone makes mistakes; was it so wrong of you to ignore the signs because it was a moment when you and Sam weren't at each other's throat?" He asked, closing his car door and settling in the drivers seat. "He's gone dean! I don't know where he is!" I exclaimed. "Then we find him" dean said, I could almost see him shrug. "How far away are you?" I asked. "Bout an hour out, what were you two hunting?"


"Bis? As in plural?"

"A rarity I know but we found a nest of them"

"How many?"

"About five"

Dean whistled, "my view on the supernatural world is changing, first the vampires now succubi"

I straightened, "vampires?"

Dean sighed, "I'll tell you later, do you think the succubi have Sammy?"

I ran an aggravated hand through my hair. "I don't know"

Dean was silent for a moment, he hadn't heard me unsure of anything before. He cleared his throat, "well just wait till I get there and then we can think of a plan" he said, hanging up the phone. I hadn't taught my boys to rely on anything, and yet I was relying on my boys to be alive for me to go on.