"p-please" I whimpered to 'dean', "I can't take anymore" I begged, my body trembling in fear at having to cum again. 'Dean' swallowed hard, a strained look passing over his face. "It's me Sam, we killed the succubus's" he said, reaching to undo the ropes around my wrists. I stiffened slightly, but didn't fight as the coarse material fell away. I gingerly sat up, my ass protesting the sitting position I was in. I took a shaky breath and glanced between Dean and my dad, "thank you" I said softly. Dad refused to meet my eyes, making himself busy with pushing the two bodies of cornflower and auburn-head to the corner. "How many were there?" I asked.
Dean stilled, "uh, we may or may not have just rush in"
"so they could have escaped?" I asked indignantly
dad bristled, "well geez, im SORRY that I took the time out of my day to come and save your ass"
"dad" dean said warningly. Dad sighed and picked up my jeans, the right leg soaked in blood.
"Let's just get out of here, then you two can go back to hating each other" dean offered. I lifted my eyes to the doorway and stiffened, three succubus's stood in the doorway. They must be the rest of the coven. My dad was so busy shaking off as much blood from my jeans as possible that he didn't notice them. Dean looked to where I was and started, "Shit, there's more!"
John whipped around, my jeans falling right back into the pool of blood, his gun aimed. A raven haired woman knocked the gun away with a snarl, "don't you even think about it" mocking his exact words from earlier. The two other succubus advanced on dean and i-… make that just me. Dean looked like he had already fallen under their spell.
"The Winchester family, by all means come right in" one of the two girls not facing off with my dad said.
Raven haired smirked, "but not quite the whole family huh?" she said, her skin molding into Mary's. Dad quaked, "m-Mary" he whispered shakily, reaching out to touch mom's cheek. Dean moved to stop him but the succubus that had slowly been making its way towards us pressed her hand to his chest, pushing him down onto the bed. Almost instantaneously his face slacked, his eyes clouding over with lust.
This was never going to end.

But it is the end!
I'm choosing to end it here, because it could honestly never stop.
hope you enjoyed the story!