I'd written this earlier and then it was brought up by a friend and...ah, just look at the description. M FOR LEMONS. IN EVERY CHAPTER. YOU LUCKY DAMN FANGIRLS.

Johnny stood at the door awkwardly with a dumbstruck expression on his face. Where was he again? Oh, right, Dally's place. His best friend, hero and very well his secret crush had the flu.

Perfect. Now he was going to be even more pissy than usual.

Two-Bit already told him that he was sick as a dog and not in a good mood (when the hell was he?), but it might cheer him up a bit if he went to see him. Johnny had no idea what to expect. Would he be asleep? In that case, he might as well leave. But what if he wasn't? What if he didn't even know who Johnny was anymore? Stupid, that wasn't the flu, that was amnesia. But it could happen...

Finally, he mustered up his tiny amount of courage and weakly tapped at the door. There was a groan and a soft reply just as weak. "Come in."

He cautiously stepped into the dimly lit living room, and there was Dally.

Oh damn, there was Dally!

While he was incredibly hot in Johnny's eyes with his tough-guy reputation, he was even cuter lying there on the thousand-year-old couch, sweating and trying not to pant, though he was doing a terrible job at it, his face flushed pink from fever.

"Hey Johnnycakes...how you doin'?" he barely managed to get out, wiping the sheen of sweat from his forehead.

"That's uh, just what I was about to ask you," Johnny mumbled quietly. He was unable to find any chairs and awkwardly sat on the coffee table, staying his distance from his sick crush. "You feeling okay, Dally? Two-Bit told me you were throwin' up a lot..." Dally gave a small chuckle that quickly escalated into coughing so hard it brough tears to his eyes. "S-Sorry, just a reflex. Yeah, I kept puking, but only 'cause that dumbass thought beer was a great way to 'cheer me up'." Johnny laughed at the thought of Two-Bit strutting in with a big case of beer and an even bigger grin.

But suddenly, the thought of Dally vomiting made him shiver. Even in his thoughts, it was purely unbelievable that even the toughest man he knew could be overcome by the flu (oh sweet baby jeebus it rhymes ).

"Want me to get you some water?" Johnny asked, trying desperately to think of something to say instead of sitting there, staring at this handsome yet so helpless man. "Nah, I'm good. I can-" Suddenly, his breath hitched and his body shook with a horrible cough. "Dally!" Johnny cried out, waiting for him to say "I'm okay, kid" or "Quit your worrying". But he didn't. Instead, he tried to get up and nearly collapsed on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Johnny demanded. "Bathroom." Dally choked out before running into the restroom and forgetting to shut the door. Johnny instinctively followed him, not really processing what he'd just said until it was too late. Before his now frozen legs could make a run for it, Dally uttered something awful that sounded like a sob and vomited.

It certainly wasn't pretty, but at least he had the strength to flush it away before Johnny himself threw up too. Dally panted, trying to catch his breath as though the wind had been knocked out of him. He was shaking and his face was a deep shade of red, not from fever but from Johnny having to witness this dramatic display. What kind of role model would he be, convulsing on the floor like an idiot? Certainly not one Johnny could ever love...he thought to himself bitterly. He had something for the smaller boy, something he never felt for girls. The kid was just so special and innocent and hard to take his eyes off of.

"Dally...?" Johnny whispered, tears brimming his eyes even though they weren't reflexes like Dally had explained. He knelt down next to the shaking figure and tilted up his chin. "You're crying."

"S-Speak for yourself! I told you, I can't h-help it!" he tried to yell, but it came out as a whine. Johnny ignored his pouts and slowly kissed his tears away. Dally sat, wide eyed, not knowing how to react at all. If you thought his face was red, now it was a deep crimson color (but certainly free of tears, let me tell you...)

"Johnny...I-I..." He couldn't find the right words. Damn that kid for making him seem so weak and vulnerable! He just sat there, pathetically speechless. But when he finally found the words, Johnny took them right out of his mouth.

"I love you."

He heled him up without a word back to the worn leather couch. He unbuttoned Dally's shirt slowly (why is everyone always wearing a button-up shirt in lemon stories?), glancing up every now and then to make sure he wasn't going to far. It revealed a lean and muscular chest shining with sweat and hard nipples. Dally fumbled with his jacket and shirt to see the same thing, just not as muscular and covered in scars and bruises.

Johnny sat on top of his new lover and bent down, flicking his tongue over the pink, rock-hard bump on his chest. Dally found it impossible to contain his moans. Usually it was easy to since he had done this before and girls didn't really give him all that much pleasure anyway, but Johnny was a different story. The smaller boy sucked on it gently and felt something hard and hot against his own. "Dally, you're..." he mumbled, not knowing what to say.

But he did know what to do. Not like he had any experience in doing these things to smeone else, but relieving himself a few times in the past helped him out a bit. He pulled down the zipper on Dally's jeans with his teeth and removed the rest. There he stared at Dally's thick cock, begging to be touched- and he did just that.

He gently gripped his hand around it, causing his stronger companion to buck his hips. "Oh, Johnny..." he groaned, licking his lips. But he didn't want it to be over yet. Daringly, Johnny opened his mouth and deeply engulfed his length. Dally gasped, wrapping his hand around Johnny's greasy black hair. He gently bit down, causing uncontrollable moans from his partner.

"Johnny...I can't...I think I'm g-going to...hnnn!" Dally bucked his hips once more and let out a let out a loud moan as he came. Johnny swallowed it all, careful not to miss a single drop. The two of them huddled against each other and panted. Johnny smiled at his lover, hoping he had pleasured him enough.

"Damn, Johnnycakes...didn't expect that from you. I don't-" Suddenly, he felt something pressed against his thight.

"I never took care of yours, did I?"