Dimitri P.O.V

I looked down at Christian and Rose, half of the strigoi that were dead right now were probably theirs. This idea of theirs was crazy, dangerous, but they really helped to turn the tables tonight. I looked into Roza's beautiful eyes, those eyes I had just looked into about an hour ago in the cabin. Tonight I had given away all the control I had been fighting for the past few months with her.
"What you two did was-" I could see in her eyes, she was expecting to be rebuked,
"Stupid?" She suggested, "Crazy?"
I smiled, "No, it was-"
Suddenly, she gasped, "Rose?" I asked, cautiously sensing her distress immediately, then I saw the far-away look in her eyes, the fear.
"What is it , Roza?" I asked her, I grabbed her shoulders, and shook her gently.
"No…" She whispered, then turned and ran, faster than I had even seen her run before. I didn't call her name, something was wrong, very wrong.
With Lissa.
"Get Christian out of here!" I ordered, then ran after Rose.
She ran straight for the moroi dorms. When I got in the door, she was almost all the way up the stairs, I went after her, I heard other guardians behind us.
What I saw when I got there, broke my heart into a million pieces. Rose was crying, sobbing, bent over Lissa's chest.
The princess's eyes were closed, her throat bleeding. I moved forward without hesitation and pressed a shirt that was on the ground to her throat.
"Lissa, Lissa, Please!" Rose sobbed. I knew it was hopeless, I could see it in Lissa's color, she wasn't going to make it, she was just barely breathing when she opened her eyes.
I heard the other guardians behind us, they stood near us, but they knew what was coming too.
"Rose…" Lissa choked, Roza froze and met her eyes.
"Rose, meet me there, at the tree. I can't let you go, but maybe I can bring you back." She whispered. It didn't make sense, I figured she was delusional.
Rose's eyes were bright with horror, she knew what Lissa was talking about, "What're you talking about Liss…you can't let go, Please."
I didn't know how Lissa was managing to talk, but she did,
"I'm not going to make it Rose, I can s-see in your eyes….you...can feel it. You're tied-tied to me, but I won't take you with me. Trust me."
Rose was sobbing now, as Lissa shut her eyes, "I love you, I'm so sorry, this is my fault." She whimpered.
"Rose..." I whispered, I could see the agony in her eyes, Lissa was barely breathing now, I pressed my fingers to her throat, her heart was barely beating, she had seconds.
Rose fell slightly from her position on her knees, and her face was blank, I looked up immediately,
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'm tied to her." Rose whispered, this time it was me that tensed, Lissa had brought Rose back from the dead, they were bonded, when Lissa died, what did that mean for Roza?
"The-the tree, she wanted me too…I'm gonna die…" She whispered.
I heard Alberta behind us…"Rose…" She said, awestruck. Rose had gone pale, I moved over to her, and caught her right as she slipped to the side, "They're bonded, if the Princess goes…so does Rose." Stan said, his voice actually had sorrow in it.
"Rose!" I said, tears slipped down my cheeks, "Rose don't do this, you have to hang on." I begged.
But, Rose had gone cold, she looked up at me, and whispered something only I could hear,
"I love you Comrade. Promise me…promise me you'll live your life…even if it's without me."
I shook my head, "Rose…I'm not letting you go, I love you."
She smiled up at me, "I love you." Then she closed her eyes, and went limp. I could have sworn I saw the life leave her, then she was standing beside me, looking down at me. A look of absolute sorrow on her face, but she gave me a small smile.
I heard a gasp, and I knew the other people in the room could see her too, she stood there in a beautiful white dress that was tight down to her bottom then his was just wisps of white fabric, her hair was curled her eyes done in a glitter eyeliner. She was beautiful, like an angel. Then, Rose faded.
I pulled her body to mine, and my tears fell to her head, Lissa's words ran through my head,
Rose, meet me there, at the tree, I can't let you go, but maybe I can bring you back.
The tree. "Oh my God." I whispered. "Lissa's going to bring her back."
"Belikov, I'm sorry, she's gone."
"No!" I growled, "Listen, before Lissa died, she told Rose to meet her at…the tree, she told her, she wasn't going to bring Rose with her, that maybe she could push Rose back."
Alberta eyed me warily, this wasn't the craziest thing she'd heard, Rose and Lissa's bond had been unbelievable…no one understood it.
"It's not possible." She whispered.
"We have to try, if you guys won't go, I'll go alone."
Alberta hesitated, "I'll go with you."
"I will too." Stan said, Celeste agreed soon after.
We left the academy soon enough, after making sure they had enough guardians for now, Janine wanted to come. But, could we really take 5 guardians from the school?
Celeste agreed to stay, and Janine thanked her, before we got to a van.
"What did she mean by the tree?" Janine asked, as we filled her in…she was right…we didn't know where we were going. It hit me soon after and I could see, Alberta had come to the same conclusion.
"When Lissa and Rose were in that accident 2 years ago with Lissa's family, the car…hit a tree, Lissa was the only one that lived. She managed to drag Rose's body…" I shuddered at the thought of Rose being dead.
She's dead now. My mind whispered, but I refused to let go of my last piece of hope… I refused to lose Rose. There had to be hope.