Epilogue- Goodbye Kiss

We waited in the docks at Telos IV's Citadel Station. The Ebon Hawk was behind Mical and I as we leaned against the nearby wall. Mical was a good kid, he was all mushy flowers and light side of the Force and stuff – but he could bake a mean pie.

"So," he began, trying to break the tension. "We did it. We ended the Sith."

"Sure did. We went to Malachor and killed Kreia."

"Well, we tried but Meetra did it."

"Yeah, we tried."

"Actually… we tried, you ran off."

"Ran off?" I said, insulted. "She was kicking your butts! How's your neck, I saw her choke you with ease."

"Whatever, Atton."

Closer to the entrance into the station I saw Visas talking with Mandalore. They were both brutal warriors and they hated each other. But it was good to see them getting along so well, it was good to see the Disciple and I getting on so well.

Meetra headed down the landing ramp of the Ebon Hawk. She was beautiful. She had given us so much, she had taught us to use the Force and how to be Jedi (though she was no longer one herself). She allowed us to be the tools to rebuild the Republic after it had fallen at the hands of the Sith. But most of all, she gave me redemption.

I realised that both Mical and I were staring at her beauty. She was smiling at us.

"Dude, be cool." I said hitting his chest with the back of my hand to wake him up.

She came closer, she walked like an angel.

She came close to me and put her hand behind my head. She kissed me on the lips. She kissed me long and beautifully. It was a moment I wished never ended. When she stepped back she stared into my eyes.

"Thank you, Atton." She spoke.

"N…N… N- No- No problem."

She stepped back, Mical's jaw had dropped and his eyes were wide opened in shock.

"…and goodbye." She finished.

"W- wait, what? Where are you going?"

She wouldn't leave me. Not after that kiss, not after all that we've been through.

"I'm leaving into the unknown. I'm going to help T3 finish his mission."

"T3's mission? T3 doesn't have a mission. The only mission was this mission. It's done!"

"I'm going after Revan. And I can't ask you to come with me. Revan said that he couldn't take anyone he loved with him. He failed, so now I'm coming to save him."

"If he failed, then why are you going after him? He loved you too, Meetra. Don't forget that."

"Atton's right." Mical butted in. "Its suicide, and you have no idea what you're getting into."

"Yeah, take a break." I continued. "We just got back from killing the Queen of evilness and manipulation herself, chill. She betrayed us and we need time to cool off."

"Atton, you said it yourself. All that talk of hatred, manipulation, and standing on your own two feet – you don't get any more Sith than that. Remember?"

"Yeah, but after all we've been through together. I figured she'd still have had some respect for us. She allied with the guy who cut her off from the Force and chopped off her hand!"

"She was the Lord of Betrayal. She was playing us from the beginning. We all suspected it from the start. It was all just another lesson, and in the end she helped you by letting me teach you. You're going to rebuild the Order, it's your destiny. You and the other Lost Jedi are the last of the Jedi Order. She hated the Force but knew that she had to give in to it to allow all of this."

"No, she did not want us to rebuild. She was a Darth, Darth Traya. She wanted to kill you and blind the Galaxy of the Force."

"Atton, listen-"

"No you listen! I love you, Meetra. And I'm not letting you go. You remember what happened to the last girl I loved and I can't allow that to happen again. I won't be able to survive without you."

She stopped and spoke peacefully.

"Atton, I have no choice. It is my destiny. I love you. And I will see you again soon."

She walked away and kissed Mical on the cheek, it was the least she owed him. She headed towards Visas and Canderous to say goodbye to them next. Why was she going to do this?

Mical watched her walk away before turning and facing me again.

I couldn't help but gloat.

"I won! Yes, I got the girl! Suck it, loser."

"Yeah, yeah. Calm down Atton, you fool. Listen, I figured we need to get to Dantooine. So could you give me a lift?"

"Sure, but why? Why not settle down on the beaches of Lehon or the oceans of Manaan? Why do we have to start rebuilding now? The others aren't."

"Precisely. Brianna and Mira are staying at Citadel Station to rebuild, and Brianna's going to go down to the polar regions later. Visas is about to leave and bring Bao-Due and see if he needs help. Canderous is going to return to Dxun."

"Exactly, Canderous is relaxing."

"Canderous isn't a Jedi, he's going back to his people and ruling them as Mandalore as he did before."

We began walking towards the spaceport.

"Come on, old buddy." I began. "You know, despite our differences. I think you're my best friend."

"Me too, Atton. Me… too…"

…to continue the saga of the Lost Jedi, check out for the next in the series '3C-FD: The Darth's Droid'…