Harry Potter And The Twist Of Fate

Disclaimer: I Don't own Harry Potter although I wish I did

A/N: This is my first fanfic so please review and tell me how I could improve Thanx

Chapter 1: The Kiss

Harry was looking around at the familiar sight of his dormitory bed. It was exactly as he remembered it; the curtains, the desk, the beds. He hadn't been in it for a year and yet here he found himself, straight after killing Voldemort. It was nice to be back here after so much had happened. The past year had taken its toll on Harry and he was no longer a little boy. He was a fully grown man, both mentally and physically. He supposed that's what happened when you had to face a madman year after year along with other stuff on the side-lines.

Harry was brought out of his thought process by the sound of the dormitory door closing. He looked up to see Hermione walking in and sit on the end of his bed.

"Hi 'Mione, what's up? I would have thought you'd be downstairs having a party and spending time with Ron." Harry enquired.

Hermione sighed "I don't want to be down there where they're trying to pester me about where we've been over the past year. Of course Ron loves the attention."

"Yeah, well I'd rather him have the attention. I'm sick of it." Harry lay back on his bed.

"Actually Harry I came up here to tell you something." Hermione blushed as she said this.

Harry suddenly thought how cute she looked when she blushed.

"What is it 'Mione?" Harry said, interested to find out what could make Hermione blush.

"Well I kind of… well I… err that is to say… Harry I've loved you since the 'Troll Incident' in first year." Hermione's blush was now matching the Weasly's hair colour.

Harry's brain went into shutdown. Hermione? Love him? It wasn't possible was it? But then again in Harry's life anything was possible.

"Harry? You're not angry are you?" Hermione whispered.

"Angry? No of course not! Why would I be angry? I'm ecstatic, I'm over the moon, I'm…I'm amazed!" Harry explained.

Hermione let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. Harry loved her too!

"Why are you amazed?" The ever-curious Hermione asked.

"I'm amazed because I thought you were going out with Ron" Said a delighted Harry.

"I was but before I came up here I realised, watching him relish in the attention, what a prat he was and I broke it off with him." Hermione explained, happily.

"'Mione?" Harry said.


"Will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" Harry asked.

"Yes Harry of course I will!" Screeched a delighted Hermione. She leaned down and kissed Harry full on the mouth. There was an explosion of white light and then everything went black.