Hi guys soo I'm a huge fan of The Host! It is hands down my favorite book. I'm super excited for the movie I just hope they don't ruin it. I really wish they would have had Jake Abel (the guy who plays Ian) dye his hair darker like it's suppose to be, but hey he's very attractive so that makes up for it. Anyway this will be a series of one shots, just random fluffy things that pop into my head. This takes place where the book ended and will be mostly about Ian and Wanda. I just love them. Especially Ian. I haven't written anything in over a year so bare with me! This is from Wanda's point of view but I might switch it up later. Enjoy! Reviews are much appreciated, so I know how I'm doing!

My life in the caves was everything I'd dreamed it would be. I had my family and that's all I ever wanted. But most of all I had Ian. He hadn't let me go since the moment I awakened. His arm was either protectively around my waist, holding my hand, or stroking my hair. He always loved to wrap his index finger my unruly curls. He had kissed me several times since I'd been in this body, but I always wanted more. The rains would be ending soon and Ian and I would have our own room. My face flushed at the very thought. Since returning from our raid we brought along Nate and Burns with us to show them how we lived. Jeb of course welcomed them immediately and was glad to be able to give someone a tour again. They had been here for a few weeks now and insisted they had to leave soon, but welcomed us to come with them so they could show us their way of living.

"Hello! Earth to Wanda!" Jamie shouted.

I jumped and was pulled quickly out of my thoughts. Jamie smiled innocently.

"Sorry Wanda didn't mean to scare you. Your foods going to get cold."

He quickly went back to shoveling his macaroni and cheese into his mouth. A warm arm suddenly squeezed my waist slightly. I looked over at Ian, who was wearing a small grin on his face. I blushed and stared down at my food. Ian gently turned my chin to him and slowly put a fork full of macaroni into my mouth. I chewed slowly and looked back down trying to get my blushing under control. Suddenly Mel and Jared plopped down next to Jamie with there plates. Ian cocked his eyebrow.

"How come you guys are late for dinner?" he questioned innocently.

I threw my elbow into Ian's stomach, he probably couldn't even feel it. Jared suddenly seemed very focused on the piece of meat on his plate.

"Oh, shut up Ian." Melanie shouted.

Ian laughed and went back to eating. Burns smiled and waved at me from the next table over. He was sitting next to Nate, along with Kyle and of course Sunny attached to his side, as well as Trudy, Heath, and Geoff. I gave him a small smile and waved back. Ian's arm instinctively tightened around my waist. I didn't even look over at Ian I knew what his face would look like. His jaw would be locked and he would be eyeing Burns intently with his sapphire eyes. Suddenly Jeb walked into the room clearing his throat.

"Alright everyone, shut up! I got something to say."

There were a few laughs but conversation quickly died down.

"I'm happy to say the rains have ended, and everyone can go back to there rooms."

Excited chatter started up. My face turned a deep red. Melanie flashed Jared an excited smile. Ian pushed my hair behind my ear. I knew his eyes were on me but I just couldn't met them yet. I played with my sweaty hands on my lap nervously. Would tonight be the night? Then I suddenly remember my age. I was 17 and I still hadn't told Ian. Melanie took one look at me and knew exactly what I was feeling, she quickly grabbed my hand.

"Wanda and I have a few things to discuss we'll be back." she announced.

I could feel Ian's eyes on me, I tried to meet his eyes with confidence but I'm sure I failed. He stood up and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll wait for you right here." he whispered into my ear.

His voice sent tingles down my spine and I nodded. Melanie gave Jared a quick peck on the cheek and then started dragging me down the halls. Once she thought we were far enough away from everyone, she stopped and turned to me.

"What's the matter? Why are you nervous about tonight Wanda?"

I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm excited too, I'm just worried I'll do something wrong. I have never experienced.. that before. And I um.. still haven't told Ian about my age."

"What! Wanda, I know you don't want to be frustrated like me. But you still have to tell him." she practically shouted.

"I know, I will tonight."

She eyed me suspiciously.


"Yes." I breathed.

She yawned.

"Okay well I'm going to sleep, don't stress everything will be fine."

I nodded and made my way back to the kitchen. All the lamps were out except for one, sitting on the table directly in front of Ian. The blue light illuminated Ian's face beautifully. I gasped slightly. His piercing sapphire eyes were watching me carefully. He turned off the light and suddenly pure blackness surrounded me. I looked around uselessly in the darkness and took a few steps toward where Ian was last standing. He suddenly scooped me up in his arms and started running down the hallway to our room. Our room.. I still had to get used to that. He glanced down at me grinning, I giggled and smiled up at him. When we got to the red door he opened it slowly and stepped in. The bed was nicely made, yet Ian's clothing was all over the floor. I giggled softly.

"Sorry.. I didn't really clean the place up." he said nervously

I smiled.

"It's wonderful."

He smiled and spun me around a few times before setting me down. He glanced down at me his deep sapphire eyes burning, and I lightly placed my hand on his cheek. My small hand didn't even take up half of his cheek. He leaned down and kissed me softly, I gently wrapped my hands in his dark hair. He slowly let his hand travel from the small of my back to my hips and pulled them against him. The once gently kisses started turning more passionate. They caused a warm, tight, feeling in my stomach. He pulled me up into the air, and my legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. A low growl came from his throat as he trailed kisses down my neck. A small moan escaped my lips and I felt Ian smile against my neck. He slowly brought his mouth back up to mine. I parted my lips against his and let him explore my mouth. Suddenly my back hit something soft. The bed. My tongue excitedly danced with his as he slipped his hand up the bottom of my t-shirt. I gasped excited by this and had to force myself away from his lips. His burning sapphire eyes looked at me with confusion. He kissed my neck softly.

"Is something wrong?" he whispered into my ear.

Goose bumps rose to my skin.

"No nothing it all.. it's just there's something I have to tell you. I should of told you awhile ago. I'm sorry." I whispered nervously.

He positioned himself so that he was laying beside me. He stared into my eyes and placed his hand lightly on my cheek.

"What is it, love?"

I stared at the corner of the room, so I didn't have to met his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm actually 17 not 18." I whispered almost inaudibly.

His eyebrows scrunched together.

"It's just Jared was very noble and didn't want to be intimate with Melanie since she was so young and.." I trailed off.

Ian smiled and kissed my lips gently. I stared up at him waiting for his response.

"I'm flattered that you would make up that lie to be intimate with me, and I can see why Jared would feel that way. But age is just a number Wanda, I love you that's all that matters."

I met his eyes. Those sapphire eyes that I loved and always brought me so much comfort. He was truly my reason for existing.

"I love you too Ian."

He smiled and laid on his side, pulling me against him.

"I do think it's best though that we don't rush these things. I want to treat you right Wanda. I want it to be special.

I nodded in total agreement, I knew I wasn't ready tonight but I knew soon I would be. We both snuggled closer to each other, I laid my head on Ian's chest.

"Goodnight my Wanderer." he whispered softly

Alright sooooooo what'd you think? Please let me know! More to come soon!