Over the years, the world has grown. Medicine is as its highest point as well as technology. What used to be known as 'science fiction' has become reality.

"Good morning Radiant Garden! Today is July 15, 2050 and the weather is beautiful to-!"

"Tron, turn off the television, please." A groggy voice called.

"Yes, Mr. Honda." The computer complied. "Would you like some coffee made for you?"

"Yes please." The man rubbed his stubble-covered face and with the grace of a zombie, made his way into his bathroom. He started his morning ritual which started with taking a leak then going in the shower. The hot water soothed his tensed up muscles from sleeping on them wrong and the three days of oil in his hair was being washed away. The man smiled when he started to massage his scalp with shampoo feeling all the filth on him washing away. Not to mention he loved having his hair played with. He cleaned the rest of himself and stayed in the shower till the water ran cold.

After his shower, he lazily dried his long, silver hair and wrapped a towel around his waist. He went to the sink and looked at his face in the mirror. There were dark circles under his aquamarine eyes and stubble on his chin. But the physical and mental drainage he had was all going to be worth it. He shaved his face, brushed his teeth, put on deodorant, and ignored brushing his hair and headed towards his room for his pants. Finally, he made his way into the kitchen and there on the bar was a freshly brewed coffee and his tablet that was opened to the news. He sat and a hologram of a pale man with a suit appeared. The light areas on his suit glowed blue and the program smiled and greeted his master once again.

"Mornin' Tron." He took a sip of his coffee and moaned form the tasty pleasure. "At this rate Tron, I won't need a wife to make me food. You made it perfectly." He continued to sip down the coffee and read all the wrong things going on in the world.

"It's all in the programming Mr. Honda, after all you did make me." Tron sat down next to his master and slouched over and asked, "By the way, how is the experiment going?"

The silver haired man and put down his tablet and grinned at the hologram.

"We've done it." The program smiled widely. "You guys actually pulled it off?"

"Yeah! We finally did the impossible! We have some several animal experiments. Now, we're going to do some human trials today!"

"Congratulations Sir!"

"Think about it, I'll get a Noble Peace Prize for this! I'll be up there next to Einstein and Edison! I'll be Riku Honda, The father of Time Travel!"

Radiant Garden University, Science Department

"Well, well. Look who's finally here." A auburn haired man in jest.

Riku smiled and continued the banter, "Whatever! This is the first time you've been here on time! I've slept here for three days straight."

"Well, yeah but you're just a masochist with this shit." The auburn haired man grinned. "When's the last time you got laid?"

" How does getting laid have to do with the experiment, Axel?" Riku snorted.

"Well, were not gonna have a good time with your panties in all twisted up from all the pent-up sexual frustration."

"We're getting off of topic." Riku rolled his eyes. "Anyways, is the equipment ready?"

"Yup." Axel answered simply. "Oh yeah, guess what happened while you were sleeping?"

Riku turned his head and answered 'what?'.

"This guy is getting married this winter!" Axel pointed to himself.

"Oh, so you finally proposed to Roxas?" Riku smiled happily for his life friend and his partner in the experiment. Axel nodded his head excitedly. He's loved this guy since he was 15 and now at 26 he finally got that blonde haired sucker to marry him. The only thing awkward about this is Roxas is also an assistant to help with the project so Riku had to stop some make-out sessions while working. And it reminded the silver haired man he was alone except for Tron and his cat, Simba.

Roxas entered the room with coffee in one hand and lab reports in the other. The blonde haired boy yawned and made a bee-line to his fiancée. He rested his head Axel and mumbled, "Ax, do you got anymore coffee?"

Axel chuckled and his sleep-deprived fiancée and petted his head. "Yeah baby, but I think you should get some sleep."

"I'm not gonna sleep though the trial. I wanna witness the first human trial." Roxas said but it was muffled because he buried his head in Axel's chest.

"We could wait till later to do the test. Go ahead and get some sleep." Riku grabbed the lab reports from Roxas and started reading them.

"Thanks." Roxas smiled lazily at Riku. The blonde pecked Axel's cheek and went over to a nearby table. He stared at it for a second then pushed all the papers to the floor and deemed the table as his bed and slept.

The two men still awake snickered at Roxas' actions.

"So, I think you should take him home Ax." Riku looked over at his friend.

"Ya sure? I mean, what are you gonna do till we get back?"

"I've got a couple of things I gotta be working on till then." Riku stated.

"Okay." Axel picked up his lover, "Be careful."

Riku waved him off, " Just be back by six tonight."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

The lab was silent and Tron popped up again (Tron was connected to both Riku's house and the lab).

"So, what are you really going to do now, Mr. Honda?" Tron asked simply.

Riku smiled, "Well, I think I'm gonna test it out and skip over the time I have to wait for them."

"I warn you Sir, this is very dangerous without someone here." Tron said worriedly.

"I'll be okay Tron, I've got you." Riku said as he was still surveying the reports.

"But I'm just a hologram." Tron said flatly.

"You worry too much." Riku walked into the room with the machine.

The machine looked like a huge arch with florescent tubes outlining it. Riku put on a watch. He checked the timing on the machine to make sure it was exact. The others would be pissed if they knew that he was conducting the experiment without them but he had to try. The watch was also a beacon back to the original time he jumped from. The calibrations on the watch and the portal were in sync and the silver haired man started up his invention. Riku smiled at his creation. He was going to be the first man to travel time.

"Tron, make sure everything is in check will ya?"

"Yes Sir." A few seconds passed. "everything is in check."

As the machine was starting up, all the lights flickered on and the arch created a milky swirling surface in the eye of it. The machine was ready for use. Riku set it to go 10 hours into the future. Everything was done precisely. The lights went out.

"SONOFABITCH!" Riku screamed.

"Backup power activated." Tron reappeared.

"What happened?" Riku growled.

"Radiant Garden is currently going through rolling blackouts due to power shortage." Tron stated.

Riku sighed and murmured something about unreliable businessmen and took another drink of his now cold coffee. The watch was still working fine but it took a couple of minutes to reboot the rest of the system. Riku rubbed his temples to calm himself. The Lord was testing him today and his patience was low enough as it was. Riku lazily looked at the time set on the machine and continued on.

"Wish me luck, Tron." Riku smiled at the program.

"..Good luck, Mr. Honda." Tron smiled back warily.

Riku went through the portal expecting to travel ten hours into the future.

Chapter done!

This is my first fanfiction. Creative criticism is much obliged. R&R?