H2o fanfic
Chapter 1

Bella's POV

Me and my boyfriend, Jasper Hale/Cullen, had been going out for what seemed like forever but was only 8 months and 3 days. It all started in math class when we had to take back the box of books into the supply cupboard.

"Okay" Mrs James raised her voice "who's going to take the books back this time? Am I going to have to pick"?"

No one put their hand up.

"Anyone who does will get extra merits*"

* merits are points when If you do something good you get one and then you can save up for something like a pencil case or voucher etc*

"Fine then, I'll need two sensible people..."

I sit next to Jasper, I must admit he does look quite hot in that tie and school blazer...

I had barely heard mrs James call for me and Jasper to put the books back, seeing as all my thoughts were devoted to Jasper. Jasper awkwardly nudged me and signalled we were putting the books back.

Jasper picked up the box and carried it out of maths.

We walked down the stairs in almost complete silence. I went to open the door for Jasper at the bottom of the stairs and just at that moment he put his hand out to open the door as well. Our hands met. I blushed bright red but didn't pull away. Neither did Jasper. We gazed into each others eyes. His mesmerising green/blue eyes staring in to my bleak grey eyes. After a few more seconds he pulled his hand away. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt.

We walked to the supply cupboard again in almost complete silence. We entered the supply cupboard and Jasper reached up to put the books back on to the highest shelf. I went to open the door. It wouldn't open.

"I think it's stuck" I exclaimed

Jasper was still sorting out the books.

"Are you sure" replied Jasper with his back to me.

"Yeah, I can't get it to budge"

"Let me try"

He made his way over after securing the box.

He shook the door handle.

He shook it again.

It still wouldn't open.

"I guess we'll just have to wait 'till someone comes in next"

The southern tone that subtlety laced his voice made me like him even more.

"How longs that going to take?"

I already knew the answer but i just wanted to keep the conversation going.

"I don't know, if we're lucky mrs James might send someone down to find us, or I could text my brother to see if he would be so kind as to let us out of here"

"Yeah! That's a great idea, we'll just text your brother to come and open it from the other side"

He got out his iPhone 4S and turned it on.

The dead battery signal came up onto the glossy screen.

"Crap, I knew I should have charged It last night" he exclaimed. "Do you have yours on you?"

" Yeah it's right in my blazer pocke- great, I left my blazer on the back of my seat back in class"

We both let out a silent groan.

Just then the lights went out.

"Ugh, I forgot! After 30 minutes the lights go out in case anyone forgets to turn them off"

"There must be something we can use as a source of light"

We stumbled round the room in the dark when I accidentally tripped on something poking out of one of the bottom draws. Jasper was leading the way in front of me and I fell into him. We both collapsed onto the floor; he was on the top and I was on the bottom. Our legs wrapped around each other. The next thing happened so fast I forgot to even close my eyes.

He kissed me.

We laid collapsed in the dark, normally if it was someone other than Jasper I would have pulled away by now, but instead I just wanted my body to melt in sugary bliss with his.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Are you alright In there?"

It was Rosalie, Jaspers neighbour. They were good friends, she was his brothers, Emmett's girlfriend. As a group at lunch Jasper, Edward (one of Jaspers brother's), Emmett, Rosalie and Alice (Rosalies best friend and ex-girlfriend of Jasper) would sit in the table at the back of the cafeteria in the far left corner where the sun always shinned.

"I'm coming in"

Before any of us had chance to say anything she burst in with Emmett and the lights came on.

They both gasped.