Hey guys. I'm going to try and write a Kickin' it Multi-chap, but I'm not sure how long it will last, but I'm giving it a try.

At first, I had no idea where to go with this story, but here's the result.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kickin' it or anything associated with kickin' it or Disney or any brand I might name. Enjoy!

Jack's POV

"And always remember to..." My father said to me. All I heard was blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't really care about what he was telling me. Something about some princess I have to meet next week, what was her name again? Dolly? Molly? Donna! Donna Tobin, what a great name. Not.

"Jack, are you listening to me?" My dad said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "" Yeah, you were talking about ehm… about… that girl, Donna Tobin?" "You really need to pay attention, we need you to love her, not to not know anything about her!"

"I'm going to take a walk." I said bitterly, I hate it when my dad says what I have to do, who I have to love. I'm a damn prince, I can decide on my own!

I went outside and got my horse Major out of the stable. I love him, he does everything you want him to do, and he's really sweet. I got up on the saddle and started riding towards the forest.

The forest was quiet, you could hear birds sing a bit further away in the forest, and you could hear an arrow shooting at that deer. Wait? An arrow shooting to that deer? What's going on?

I rode towards the deer, seeing it was dead shot by an arrow, handmade arrow, so it must be a peasant. "Shit." I could hear someone whisper from behind somewhere.

"Hello, anybody there? If you don't come out, I will find and arrest you." I said, trying to not sound a bit shaky, I mean, the man had a bow and arrow, and shot that deer straight in its eye!

The bushes to my left started to rumble, and a peasant came out. A girl stepped out of the bushes. She's pretty, no, she's gorgeous. She has honey-blonde straight hair, a bit messy, cute brown eyes and she's just pretty.

I got off of my horse and started walking towards the girl. "Who are you?" I asked her. She looked down at her feet, but spoke. "Kim, Kim Crawford." She mumbled. "Why did you, you know, shoot the deer?" I asked, but I sounded pretty goofy. She smiled.

"I need to feed my family, and this is the only way in which that is possible. We don't have any money, so we can't buy food. I hunt for survival." She told me.

"How big is your family?" I asked her. "I have five siblings. Three sisters and two brothers. They're waiting for me; it's our first meal in days." She said. She sounds desperate.

Kim's POV

I hear something coming. One, two horses. "Get down!" I yelled at the prince and I pushed in the bushes. "What the…" "Shhh!" I commanded him.

As I thought, two horses came, carrying two angry men. "We heard the prince as here, so we thought we would pay him a visit." The chubby guy said. They both have evil smirks on their faces.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't seen him." I said as innocent as possible. "Liar!" The other guy said. He jumped of his horse and pinned me to the ground. "You know what I do to liars?" He asked.

Ouch! The guy pinned a knife in my shoulder, took it out and got on his horse. "We'll be back." Was the last thing the guys said, before they went away.

"Kim, you bloody idiot. Why the heck did you do this?"

"I can't sell out the prince, I will be officially dead if I do that."

"Mmm mmm."

"Shut up brain."

"Are you okay?" The prince said while he ran out of the bushes. He examined my arm. "I'm fine, please just let me go home, I can fix that." I said.

"You just got a fucking knife in your shoulder because of me, let me at least get your shoulder examined by a doctor." He said. He smiled at him. Those pretty brown eyes, shaggy brown hair… Shut up! Dude, this is getting way out of hand.

"Fine, I'll go, but be aware of the fact that I cannot afford to go to a doctor." I said. I already have to hunt for my food because I can't pay for food. So a doctor? No way!

"I'll pay for the whole thing, but I need to do this." He picked me up and brought me to his horse, which ran away before the men came, and was safely protected from what happened.

"Why do you have to do this?" I asked him when we finally got on the horse and went to the village. "You saved my life, and this will get me closer to being even to you." Wait, what? The prince of Aquanura owes me something? Awesome! I mean, yeey…

When we got to the doctors, Prince Jackson lifted me off the horse and brought me in. "Prince Jackson, why do I have this honor?" The doctor exclaimed as soon as we came in.

"I found this girl in the forest, and she got her shoulder injured, and it was best to see a doctor." He said. I understand he doesn't tell, I mean, he's got his reputation, and being saved by a girl, who is also a peasant, yup, not good. But a part in me still thinks this is not the only reason.

I sat down in a chair in the examiner room. "How did you get injured?" The doctor asked. Shit, what am I going to say. Luckily, Prince Jackson spoke before me.

"I saw her walking, and she tripped and landed on a sharp branch." He told the doctor. I mouthed the words "Thank you" to him.

Jack's POV

The doctor bandaged Kim and I took her back to her house. When we arrived there, I saw her house, well, the place where she lived.

You couldn't call it a house. Sure it was made out of brick and had a roof, but there were holes where windows should be, a blanket instead of a door and everything is made out of rags. This was not the only house that looked like this. The whole neighborhood looked like this.

"Thank you, Prince Jackson." "Please, say Jack." I said. I took her hand and gently kissed it. She blushed a little. Wow, she's really cute when she blushes. Stop it Jack, you don't even know this girl.

"Kimmy!" A small girl ran out of the house and hugged Kim around her legs. "Who's this?" A boy, around 17 I think said, looking a bit protective over his little sister. "This is Jack, the prince of Aquanura." She said, saying the last part a little more rough, so her brother would understand.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." "Don't worry, I'm just here to bring Kim home." Kim took the little girls hand and took her back inside, her brother walking behind her. I left, with the feeling that I was going to see her more often.

Kim's POV

"How did you meet him?" My mom asked. Everyone stared at me, especially Rudy, my big brother. "Yeah tell us."

I told them the whole story. "So, where's the food?" Katherine asks, she's always hungry. No the food! I left it in the woods. I slapped my forehead and mentally cursed myself.

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that you're still alive." Mu das said. Everyone smiled at me.

I went to bed, and started thinking about today.

"So, Jack? He's cute right?"

"Yeah, but he's a prince, I can never date him."

"So, it's worth giving it a shot."

"I'm going to sleep."

That night, I had a dreamless sleep. When I woke up, I saw someone who I never thought, but did hope to see.


Hihi, cliffhanger in the first chapter, mean me! But what did you guys think of the story, should I continue or stop it here? Please give me feedback!

XOXO BurkelyDuffieldLover