A/N: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, followed, and/or favorited my story. I really enjoy reading all the reviews and they give me some needed inspiration! I hope you like this chapter.

Again, I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters associated with Sailor Moon. Two of the characters (Travis and Seth) I have come across in multiple other stories by multiple other authors. I plan on tweaking them to fit my story, but untimely they were not my own creation.

Please read and review this chapter as I appreciate any and all feedback!

Chapter 12

"Welcome," Princess Jasmine said when the lights disappeared. Everyone could see three young women standing there.

"Is that..." Mina breathed not wanting to ask for fear of the answer.

"Yes," Princess Serenity answered the unasked question.

The three women had bowed before the Moon and Sun Royalty when they appeared and were waiting for the command to rise.

"Please rise," Prince Tranquility gently commanded.

"You have completed the trials set forth to you," Princess Jasmine began. "Now, do you Princess Ami, Sailor Scout of Mercury pledge to protect Princess Serenity? Remember once this vow is made it is eternally binding and any betrayal of this oath will end in death."

"I Princess Ami, Sailor Mercury swear to protect Princess Serenity from all dangers for all time," the blue haired warrior said this time kneeling directly in front of Princess Serenity.

"And you Princess Lita, Sailor Scout of Jupiter?" Princess Jasmine turned to the fierce Jovian warrior.

"I Princess Lita, Sailor Jupiter swear to protect Princess Serenity from all dangers for all time," Sailor Jupiter kneeled before Princess Serenity.

"Princess Raye, Sailor Scout of Mars what say you?" Princess Jasmine demanded.

"I Princess Raye, Sailor Mars swear to protect Princess Serenity from all dangers for all time," the fire warrior stated confidently before kneeling next to her sister warriors.

"Princess Serenity, do you accept these three as part of your guard?" Princess Jasmine turned to her sister. "Do you trust them to protect you and never forsake you? Do you trust your life to them?"

"I Princess Serenity of the Moon accept Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mars as a part of my guard," Princess Serenity started answering her sister, then turned to the three scouts kneeling in front of her. "I trust you to protect me. Please rise."

"Sailor Scouts please come forward," Princess Jasmine said. All the guys stood behind the Scouts respectfully waiting for their ceremony to end. "Princess Serenity has accepted each one of you as a guardian and you have pledge to protect her for all time. You have my eternal thanks. I give you my blessing on behalf of my family." When Jasmine gave her blessing all eight of the scouts knelt before her. As she spoke, Princess Jasmine pulled out her Ruby Crystal and concentrated her power allowing it to wash over the scouts.

"Please rise," Princess Jasmine smiled after the light from her crystal disappeared. When the girls were standing again, their outfits had changed. All their outfits were identical except for the colors. Instead of the short sailor skirts, each girl wore a loose fitting pair of pants that seemed to flow around them. Their shirts looked like a peasant shirt, the bodice portion was solid while the sleeves went all the way to their wrists but were sheer. Their pants were a shade darker than the bodice of their shirts. Mercury's outfit was ice blue, Mar's was fire red, Jupiter's was forest green, Venus's was a brilliant orange, Uranus's was pale gold, Neptune's was teal-the color of the sea, Pluto's was a deep garnet, and Saturn's was a deep purple.

"Sailor Warrior Venus, you are the leader of the inner scouts, please step to the right of Princess Serenity," Princess Jasmine bid the girl. "Sailor Warrior Jupiter, you will be second in command, please step to the right of Venus. Sailor Warrior Mercury, you will be third in command and the strategist of the group, please step to the right of Jupiter. And Sailor Warrior Mars, you will be fourth in command, please step to the right of Mercury. Sailor Warrior Uranus, you will be the leader of the outer scouts, you and Sailor Warrior Venus will hold the same rank and be equals, please step to the left of Princess Serenity. Sailor Warrior Neptune, you will be second in command of the outer scouts and hold the same rank as Sailor Warrior Jupiter, please step to the left of Uranus. Sailor Warrior Pluto, you will be third in command of the outer scouts and hold the same rank as Sailor Warrior Mercury, please step to the left of Neptune. And Sailor Warrior Saturn, you will be fourth in command of the outer scouts and hold the same rank as Sailor Warrior Mars, please step to the left of Pluto." Each girl did as she was bid and after Sailor Warrior Saturn took her place the all nine girls glowed softly for thirty seconds. "You are now bound together for eternity. With your bond come special abilities which you will learn about over time."

"Thank you for taking on the task of protecting my sister," Prince Tranquility stepped forward. "I am relieved to know she will have the eight strongest warriors we can find."

After Prince Tranquility said his piece he stepped back next to his eldest sister. He knew he was going to go through a version of the ceremony himself with his guards. The Moon Guard had setup up a perimeter around all the royals and their guardians for the duration of the ceremony. They knew Princess Jasmine had set up many wards against evil, but with the oath ceremony's going on they wanted to keep an eye on everything just to be safe.

"Please come forward Knights of Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune," Princess Jasmine instructed. "I ask of you to make an eternal life commitment. Do you swear to protect Prince Tranquility with your lives? Be warned, once this oath is made, it is eternally binding and breaking this oath will result in death."

"I, the Knight of Mars, swear to protect Prince Tranquility from all dangers for all time knowing my life will be forfeit should I ever fail or break this oath," the Mars Knight stated. Each of the other knights, Mercury, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune repeated the words of the Mars Knight inserting their titles. After each had made their vow, they knelt before Prince Tranquility.

"Thank you for your service," Prince Tranquility spoke to the five who had just taken their oath. "Please rise, my friends."

"Knights, please come forward," Princess Jasmine said. The Sailor Warriors continued to stand next to Princess Serenity while watching the Knights ceremony. "Prince Tranquility has accepted each one of you as a guardian and you have pledged to protect him for eternity. You have my eternal thanks. On behalf of my family, I give you my blessing." The Knights had bowed before Princess Jasmine as she spoke. Then Princess Jasmine pulled out her Ruby Crystal and concentrated her power allowing it to wash over the Knights in the same manner it had done for the scouts.

When the light faded all the Knights had transformed into different outfits. The Knights outfits were all identical except for the colors. The colors matched those of the Sailor Warrior from their planet. The Knights were wearing the full armor from the Silver Millennium. Each breast plate showed the symbol for their home planet on the right side while a crescent moon graced the left side. While their armor was a rich color, the capes on their back were a paler version. Each of the Knights had a sword hanging on their left side. The hilt of their sword had a fragment of their planets crystal. The blade of each sword glowed with power, mimicking the color of their planet.

"Warlord Venus, you are the leader of the inner knights, please step to the right of Prince Tranquility," Princess Jasmine started assigning their ranks. "Warlord Jupiter, you are second in command, please step to the right of Venus. Warlord Mars, you are third in command, please step to the right of Mars. Warlord Mercury, you are fourth in command of the knights. You are also the strategist of the group. Please step to the right of Mars. Warlord Pluto, you are the leader of the outer knights. Your rank is equal to Warlord Venus; please step to the left of Prince Tranquility. Warlord Uranus, you are second in command and equal in rank to Warlord Jupiter, please step to the left of Pluto. Warlord Neptune, you are third in command and equal to Warlord Mars, please step to the left of Neptune. Warlord Saturn, you are fourth in command and equal in rank to Warlord Mercury, please step to the left of Neptune."

After they had each taken their place next to Prince Tranquility a light linked the Warlords and Prince Tranquility just as it had done for Princess Serenity and the Sailor Warriors. Both links had given the protectors the ability to speak telepathically with each other and with their Prince or Princess.

"Again, thank you to everyone for pledging to protect my siblings," Princess Jasmine spoke at the end of the ritual. "We now have a few minutes before the training session will start. Today, I want the Sailor Warrior to spar with the Warlord from your planet. This will allow you to help keep each other's powers in check until you are used to them. This will be the norm for the next few days. When we do the group attacks, you all need to be aware of the amount of power you use. If you use too much, you may hurt someone. Moon Guard, you can divide up between yourselves however you see fit."

"Princess Jasmine is right," Princess Serenity said as she stepped forward.

"But before we start training, we have one more ceremony to perform," Prince Tranquility stepped up next to his twin. Princess Jasmine just looked at them confused. No one else seemed unsure of what was going on, just Princess Jasmine.

"What do you mean?" Princess Jasmine asked.

"Well, Tranq and I talked it over and we have decided you need protectors of your own," Princess Serenity said.

"No, I really don't," Princess Jasmine objected. "You and Tranq are the ones who are important and need the protection."

"You are just as important as we are," Prince Tranquility said. "Even our mother said she wished she had created a guard for you."

"We don't have anyone who can become my guard," Princess Jasmine tried to reason.

"Yes we do," Princess Serenity said. "We have discussed this with our guards and they agree you need protection. Tranq and I will be performing the ceremony to make the Moon Guard your personal protectors."

"No, they are here to help protect you and Tranq," Princess Jasmine continued to argue.

"There's no use in arguing" Prince Solaris spoke up. He had stayed back during the ceremony knowing he would take his place next to Serenity in time.

"We have all agreed to this plan," Prince Taylor walked up to his wife. "I would feel better knowing you have guards as well to help protect you during battle."

"I suppose you four have already agreed to this," Princess Jasmine turned to the Moon Guard.

"Yes we have," the Lunar Knight spoke on behalf of the Moon Guard. "We would be honored to protect you."

"Then I suppose I have no choice," Princess Jasmine sighed. She didn't like the idea of others protecting her. During this time, she was the eldest and needed to ensure all available protectors were watching her siblings. They were the ones who would be leading in the future.

"Moon Guard, step forward," Prince Tranquility started the ceremony. "I release you from any vows and oaths you have made to me so you will be able to protect my sister, Princess Jasmine."

"I too release you from any vows and oaths you have made to me so you will be able to protect my sister, Princess Jasmine," Princess Serenity repeated what her brother had said. They had to release the Moon Guard from the previous vows they had made otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to vow their services to Princess Jasmine. While the vows made had been eternal and binding, they could be released if the reason was great enough. Since both Serenity and Tranquility had eight protectors releasing the Moon Guard to protect only their sister was more than enough reason so no harmful repercussions would befall the Moon Guard.

"We now ask you to pledge your life to our sister, Princess Jasmine," the twins spoke in unison. "Do you swear to protect her from danger? Be warned, this oath is eternally binding, if it is broken or forsaken the price will be death."

"I swear to protect Princess Jasmine from all danger, for all time knowing the penalty will be my life should I fail for any reason," General Malachite spoke first and kneeled before the Princess Jasmine. Each of the generals then spoke the same oath and followed General Malachite's example.

"Please rise Generals," Princess Jasmine spoke. She then walked up to each and hugged them. "Thank you, my friends."

"Princess Jasmine has accepted each of you as a guardian and you have pledged to protect her for eternity. You have our eternal thanks. On behalf of our family, we give you our blessings." The Generals bowed before the twins as they spoke. Then Princess Serenity pulled out the Silver Crystal and concentrated her power allowing it to wash over the Generals in the same manner it had done for hers and her brother's protectors. As Serenity's power washed over the Generals, Tranquility rested his hand on his twins shoulder and gave his power as well. When his power reached the Silver Crystal, the light became even brighter. After a few minutes, the light faded and the Generals stood there in full glory. Their armor was now ruby and silver and on the left side of their breast plate was an image of Princess Jasmine's Ruby crystal. On the right side of their breast plate was the sign of the Moon Kingdom. They also now had ruby capes outlined in silver. Their swords hung from their left side and a piece of Princess Jasmine's crystal was in the hilt. When she accepted their protection, her crystal had automatically given a piece to aid in her protection.

"General Malachite, you are the leader of Crystal Protectors, please stand to the right of Princess Jasmine," Princess Serenity said.

"General Nephlite, you are second in command of the Crystal Protectors, please stand to the left of Princess Jasmine," Prince Tranquility spoke next.

"General Jedite, you are third in command of the Crystal Protectors, please stand to the right of Malachite," Princess Serenity bid.

"General Zoisite, you are fourth in command of the Crystal Protectors. You will be the strategist of the group, please stand to the left of Nephlite," Prince Tranquility finished.

Just like with Princess Serenity and Prince Tranquility, a light linked the four Crystal protects and Princess Jasmine. It lasted just a minute, but it gave the five the same abilities as the other two groups. As soon as Princess Serenity and Prince Tranquility saw the link, they moved back within the protection of their guards. Prince Solaris moved to stand behind Princess Serenity. After the link disappeared, Prince Taylor went to stand behind Princess Jasmine. They stayed in these formations when they heard someone approaching from the house.

"Who goes there?" Warlord Uranus demanded. The Warlords and Generals withdrew their swords while the Warriors prepared to defend Serenity.

"Prince Endymion," he called out identifying himself. He was surprised to see the three formations one surrounding each the Moon children. "I am here for training. Have you already replaced Amy, Lita, and Raye?" Endymion directed his last question to Serenity.

"The planets Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter have chosen and provided me the person it deems worthy to protect me," Princess Serenity responded.

"So where are the girls then?" Prince Endymion demanded. He had given them powers of Earth and hadn't heard from them for over a week. They were supposed to be his guardians now.

"We were given a choice," Sailor Warrior Jupiter declared. She was proud to be among the ranks of the Sailor Warriors.

"We were given a second chance," Sailor Warrior Mercury spoke up. During her trials, she had found her confidence. While she was still quiet, she was no longer shy and mousy.

"We choose to protect our Princess," Sailor Warrior Mars declared. She was as passionate as ever, but her passion was being channeled into protecting Serenity.

"And you Tranquility," Prince Endymion turned to the Moon Prince. He was furious the girls left him to go to Serenity. "You have finally found your entire guard. Lucky you!" Prince Endymion sneered.

"You will remember to speak with respect to my Prince," Warlord Mars corrected the Earth Prince. He wanted to pound the Earth Prince, but knew Serenity wouldn't like that.

"And where are my former Generals?" Endymion looked around, ignoring Warlord Mars, and didn't see the Moon Guard. He was hoping they had finally come to their senses and left. Maybe they'll come back to me, he thought.

"They have been made into the Crystal Protectors," Prince Taylor spoke up. "They are now directly linked to Princess Jasmine."

"Now that we have answered your questions," Princess Jasmine interrupted knowing it was better to stop Endymion now. She knew her brother's guards were getting antsy and some of them, well all of them, wanted to harm the Earth Prince. "We will start training. You will be sparing against Prince Tranquility. Solaris and Taylor, I want you to spar against each other, while Serenity and I spar, everyone else you know who you are with."

With that said the two Sun Princes and three Moon Children transformed from their Royal selves into their fighting form. Sailor Moon was now Sailor Warrior Moon and her outfit was exactly like the other girls in design. The main difference was her outfit was silver and white. The same was true for Warlord Moon, previously known as the Moon Knight. His armor was the same as the Warlords but matched his sister in color. Princess Jasmine had an outfit similar to the Sailor Warriors but the color was identical to her new protectors. Instead of being called Sailor Crystal, she was now known as Crystal Warrior.

The guardians for each of the Moon Children separated into the teams they had been designated into earlier, as did the Crystal Protectors. Crystal Warrior and Sailor Warrior Moon walked a bit away so they could try their attacks on a higher power level. The two Sun Princes followed their example. Warlord Moon walked up to Prince Endymion and indicated they would begin.

The first hour of training was relatively quiet. With the power upgrade everyone had received, they were able to send attacks without calling out a command. For the most part, the Sailor Warriors and Warlords had a good handle on their powers, but a couple times the amount of power was a bit much. Fortunately, Princess Jasmine had been right, the Warrior and Warlord from each planet was able to counteract the others powers so no one got seriously hurt.

Soon the first hour was up, but the individual groups didn't notice. Crystal Warrior and Sailor Warrior Moon did and decided to transition them into the group training. During the individual sparring, they had stood more in the center of the group. They kept throwing their attacks at each other, but would also conjure up energy balls that would attack the other groups. The Sisters of the Moon first attacked the Brothers of the Sun. The Sun Brothers were able deflect the attacks easily. They then looked at the girls and knew it was time for the group training. Instead of making their way to the others, they did the same as the Moon Sisters. All four of them sent energy attacks towards Warlord Moon and Prince Endymion.

"What the hell was that?" Prince Endymion demanded. Warlord Moon had been able to deflect the attacks coming towards him, but the Earth Prince was not able to.

"What happened?" Warlord Venus asked of his Prince.

"We were attacked," Warlord Moon responded. "Everyone be on guard."

As soon as he said that, the Warlords surrounded him, while the Sailor Warriors surrounded Sailor Warrior Moon and the Crystal Protectors went around Crystal Warrior. The Solar Knight went next to Sailor Warrior Moon and the Star Knight went next to Crystal Warrior. Prince Endymion was the only one on the outside without any protectors.

Everyone saw all the energy balls coming their way. Each of the energy balls were different, but seemed familiar. They were deflecting the powers while surrounding the Moon and Sun Children. Everyone failed to notice how the five didn't actually do anything to stop the attacks.

"Who the hell is sending these?" General Jedite demanded. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was the Warriors and Warlords. These attacks look like theirs but the energy signature is slightly different."

"Do you mean someone is using our powers against us?" Sailor Warrior Uranus growled.

"That's what it appears like," General Jedite kept looking around. He saw more attacks coming and started deflecting them with his sword.

"We need to put up a shield so we can protect the Princes and Princesses," Warlord Mercury called out. As soon as he said that, everyone moved into a circle around each of the Moon Children. As soon as they were in formation, they each called out to their power source.

"Venus...Power," both Sailor Warrior Venus and Warlord Venus spoke at the same time. A pure orange energy shot from each of their hands.

"Jupiter...Power," was called next by Sailor Warrior Jupiter and Warlord Jupiter. A bolt of lightning combined with the power of Venus.

"Mercury...Power," was heard from Sailor Warrior Mercury and Warlord Mercury. An icicle joined with the other two powers.

"Mars...Power," the passion could be heard in the voices of Sailor Warrior Mars and Warlord Mars. A stream of fire came out of each of their hands, to join with the three previous powers. All four powers had combined in a point above the head of the Warlord Moon and Sailor Warrior Moon.

"Pluto...Power," a stream of garnet power joined with the others when Sailor Warrior Pluto and Warlord Pluto commanded it.

"Uranus...Power," Sailor Warrior Uranus and Warlord Uranus sent a stream of golden wind to help create the shields.

"Neptune...Power," a jet of water rushed to join when Sailor Warrior Neptune and Warlord Neptune called their power.

"Saturn...Power," a deep purple power shot forward when called upon by Sailor Warrior Saturn and Warlord Saturn.

"Shield!" all the Sailor Warriors and Warlords called at the same time. Once all the powers were combined, two energy domes were created. The one made by the Warlords surrounded their Prince, Warlord Moon while Sailor Warrior Moon and the Solar Knight were inside the dome made by the Sailor Warriors.

As soon as Crystal Warrior knew her siblings were protected she allowed the dome to be created by her guardians.

"Crystal...Protector...Shield!" All four of the Generals commanded in unison. Four bolts of ruby red energy shot out of the swords the generals held up in the air. When the four bolts of energy collided, a dome covered Crystal Warrior and the Star Knight.

The energy balls were still coming at the group, but the shields held. All the guardians had been covered by the domes as well. So the only person on the outside was Prince Endymion.

"What about me?" the Earth Prince demanded while he kept trying to deflect the energy balls.

"You should know what your powers are capable of," Crystal Warrior called out to him. "You have the Golden Crystal of Earth, use it well."

"I..." the Earth Prince started but didn't know what to say. He had never used the Golden Crystal and wasn't sure how to use the Earth's power. A thousand years ago, he had just started his training, but then the attack on the Moon happened and he never finished. Most of his life back then he would fight physically not magically. His generals had been the ones trained in both physical and magical fighting before they took their posts.

"Endymion, watch out!" Sailor Warrior Moon called as a large energy ball headed his way. He barely had time to block it with his sword, but did so. When he turned to thank Sailor Warrior Moon he saw she had collapsed.

"Drop the Shields," both Prince Tranquility and Princess Jasmine commanded. They had transformed when they saw their sister on the ground.

"Training is over," Princess Jasmine spoke. "Girls take Sailor Warrior Moon into her room. I'll be there in a minute." Instead of allowing one of her guardians to carry her, the Solar Knight picked her up gently. He was surrounded by all eight girls as he walked into the house.

"Tranq, Warlords, I trust you can see Endymion out," Princess Jasmine turned to her brother and his guardians then took off into the house followed by the Star Knight and her four Crystal Protectors.

"Of course," all nine of the guys murmured to Princess Jasmine as she walked away. They waited until she was out of sight before turning on the Prince of Earth.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Warlord Uranus demanded. He had been waiting to get the Earth Prince alone for a while now.

"I have been invited to train with you," Prince Endymion dismissed the guardian. "Are you going to keep your guards in line?" Endymion turned to the Moon Prince.

"They are well within their rights to question you," Prince Tranquility calmly responded. "I think I'll go check on my sister. Guys, please make sure Endymion leaves."

"As you wish, Your Highness," Warlord Pluto bowed before his Prince. "You heard our Prince; we need to make sure Endymion leaves." He had turned to his brothers in arms and smirked.

"I can see myself out," Prince Endymion sneered and turned to walk away from them.

"I don't think so," Warlord Mercury pulled out his sword and sent a bolt of energy towards the Earth Prince.

"What the hell?" Endymion demanded. "I thought we were allies!"

"Well, we can be allies after tonight," Warlord Neptune glared. "For now, you must pay for hurting our Princess!" With that all eight of the Warlords withdrew their swords. When Endymion looked around he knew he would not win.

"Ok, I'm sorry," Prince Endymion tried to convince them not to hurt him. "You know Serenity would be upset if you hurt me."

"She won't mind, as long as you are still alive when we are done," Warlord Saturn smirked. "And I can make sure you are living in the end."

"Shit," the Earth Prince swore. "Fine...try and defeat me! I can survive against all of you!"

After he said that all the Warlords moved towards him to start battling. They decided to give him a bit of a chance and didn't use magic, but he didn't really stand a chance. The Warlords attacked him one at a time and kept switching out. This went on for almost an hour before Endymion dropped from the beating and exhaustion.

"You win!" the Earth Prince called out panting on the ground.

"Next time you try to hurt Serenity, we won't go so easy on you," Warlord Jupiter said standing over the fallen Prince.

"Let's go," Warlord Venus grabbed Endymion by the arm and dragged him towards the front so he could leave.

"You should at least speak to me with respect," Prince Endymion whimpered. "You are on my planet after all."

"We give respect to those who deserve it," Warlord Mars grabbed his other arm to help drag him out. "But scum like you don't deserve it."


While the Warlords were fighting Endymion, the rest of the group was trying to get Serena to wake up. Jasmine had been able to get her to de-transform but that's as far as it had gone. Nothing anybody did could wake her up.

"This isn't good," Jasmine murmured to Taylor.

"What can we do?" Taylor asked back. They were in a corner of the room speaking so as not to be overheard by their family and friends.

"Wait," Jasmine shook her head.

"Wait?" Amara demanded. She had overheard the last part of the conversation between Jasmine and Taylor. "Can't we use our crystals?"

"Not this time," Jasmine just kept looking at her sister. "I want a guardian with her at all times. Amy, work out a schedule so it doesn't interfere with school. You can utilize Amara, Michelle, and Trista as you see fit, don't worry about work for them. If you need to, also use the Generals."

"Use my guards as well," Travis said walking into the room. "Actually, double up on the guards. Use one of mine and one of hers at all times."

"I'll have a schedule worked up in the next few hours," Amy said. "Until then Amara and Matt, why don't you stay with her."

"Of course," both the Uranian soldiers nodded.

"I want everyone to meet in the living room in three hours," Jasmine told the group. "For now, please go about your day. We will need to prepare for an attack. I can't see Pria waiting too much longer."

"What will we do if Serena doesn't wake up?" Mina voiced the question on everyone's mind.

Jasmine just walked out of the room without answering the question. She wouldn't let herself think of Serena not waking up. It couldn't be an option, not at this time.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been reading and reviewing my story. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I look forward to reading your comments!