Disclaimer: I don't own Scandal.

AN: Although we've come to the end of the road, still I can't let goooooooooooo, it's unnatural, you belong to me I belong to you. Cooooooommmeee to the end of the road, still I can't let go...so I won't let you go without a final chapter. Enjoy, lol.

"Remind me why we thought this was a good idea again?" Olivia asked, having shaken Fitz awake to get his answer.

"What?" he asked, still groggy and not fully aware of what was going on.

"This," she said, motioning toward her eight months swollen belly, "why did we decide to do this again? I'm a big fat cow and I'm moody and I can't sleep or see my toes and I always have to pee."

Normally she was thrilled to be having another baby, but at times like this, late in her pregnancy and really early in the morning, she was cursing the fact the she let him do this to her. She couldn't sleep. Between the baby kicking, the heartburn, and getting up every five seconds to pee, she gave up completely on trying to get any kind of shut eye. And as she lay in bed, her husband sound asleep next to her, she got irritated that he didn't have to share in any of the misery and decided to wake him up.

"Do we really have to have this conversation now Livi? It's," he paused to look at the clock, "three twenty seven in the morning."

"If I can't sleep, you can't sleep," she told him.

"I don't think that's fair. I have to go to work in the morning," he responded, sitting up some after realizing she wasn't going to let him get any sleep.

"Oh shut up, you're the boss, you can go in whenever you want," she griped, adjusting her body again to try and get comfortable.

"Well obviously we're not going to get any sleep," he grumbled then pushed Olivia down gently so that she was lying on her side.

Curling up behind her and resting his hand on her belly, he heard her sigh and knew that she was comfortable. "We decided to do this again because we wanted another baby, another blessing, and felt our family would be complete if did."

"You're right. It's just, I'm so ready to meet him or her and I so ready for this pregnancy to be over," she told him, feeling a little guilty for waking him up.

"I know baby. We're almost done and it'll all be worth it," he promised.

Last year Abby and Stephen welcomed another child into the world, a little boy named Finn, and Olivia got baby fever. She was constantly thinking about having another child but with Fitz getting a vasectomy she knew that it wasn't possible. She had even started looking into adoption, figuring if they couldn't have their own, they'd provide a good life for a kid in need. Seeing how long the process was, seeing how the birth mother might change her mind, and not sure if they wanted to go the international route, they started to shy away.

But on their anniversary, Fitz surprised. He took her out to a nice dinner, nothing out of the ordinary, but at the end of the meal, he gave her a slip of paper. Olivia was immediately suspicious. For the past two weeks he'd been…off. The first week he was gone on a business trip and usually when he was on a business trip, he'd call every single day at the same time, but he missed a day. She figured he was busy but when she asked him about, he gave her very vague answers and she could tell he was lying. Then when he got back, he avoided her like the plague. Every time she initiated contact, he would shy away or would purposefully fall asleep on the couch so that he wouldn't have to have sex with her. It hurt her feelings and she knew for sure that he was cheating on her. She figured that the piece of paper was something saying that he wanted divorce but when she opened it, it had been the bill from the doctor saying he had a reverse vasectomy.

She had been so happy and surprised that she nearly screamed. He had apologized profusely for how secretive he had been and told her how tortuous it had been for him not to be able to touch her but that he needed to heal properly and keep the surprise. She forgave him of everything and then demanded that he take her home right then. Being that she hadn't had him in two weeks, they had pulled over on the side of the road to slate their desires right then and there.

And three months later, she was pregnant. She was so happy that they were expecting, but as it settled in, she began to get a little worried given her past history. They went back to Dr. Rosen and he told her that her chances of carrying to full term were good and that she shouldn't worry about having another miscarriage. Each step of the way, Fitz was there. He held her hand as they listened to their baby's heartbeat for the first time, gotten up each and every time she had a craving, and didn't miss one Lamaze or doctor appointment the entire pregnancy. He even told her she was beautiful as she ate like a cow and gained the same amount of weight as she had the first time even though she was carrying for one.

This time around was so different than her first. The first time she lived in constant fear of losing her babies. She experienced all the joys alone, the first kick, the decorating of the nursery, the anticipation. But now she had her husband with her and it felt so good to grab his hand so that he could feel the flutters, to argue over which paint colors to choose and where the crib should go. Even better though, she couldn't wait to have the person she loved the most holding her hand as she pushed new life into this world.

"Our baby is going to be smart, and funny, and cute, and one day will be the president," Fitz dreamed aloud. When he didn't get a response, he looked down to see that his wife had finally fallen asleep.

Happy that she was comfortable and wouldn't be waking him up anytime soon, he snuggled in closer, placed a brief kiss on her neck, then fell asleep right along with her.

"Mommy, when is the baby coming?" Four year old Lila asked.

Every day she asked the same question, so excited to be a big sister. About a month into the questioning, Fitz made a countdown chart, similar to the ones they did to countdown to Christmas, and would have Lila and Bennett mark off the days. This still didn't keep them from asking how long it would be until 'their' baby came, but Olivia didn't mind.

"We have just two more weeks," Olivia told her, cutting her PB&J into triangles and handing it to her.

"How come he can't come now?" Bennett asked with his mouth full of peanut butter.

"Because he or she is not done growing yet. They have to be all the way done before they come," Olivia explained.

"Oh, okay," they said in unison.

Olivia sat down at the table with her kids, looking at them proudly as they ate their lunch. At four, they had grown so much and were getting ready for school in the fall. Olivia had kept with the early reading programs she was doing and was happy she that she had. They were already reading on a higher level than the kids at their preschool and so Olivia had taken to teaching them basic math. They knew what two plus two was and were on their way to learning double digits. She was so proud.

She also put them in extracurriculars. Lila, being the princess that she was, decided that she wanted to do ballet. She looked so adorable in her tutu with her normally free flowing curly locks in a neat bun. She was recently given the lead part in her recital and her parents couldn't have been happier. Bennett decided that he wanted to do soccer and gymnastics. Because in the area that they lived in he had to be six to do soccer, they decided to do gymnastics for now but knew that when he was older he'd want to do everything. They both took swimming lessons, Lila finally having warmed up to the water, and it was a fun activity the whole family could do on the weekends in their backyard pool.

"You wanna get a haircut today buddy?" Olivia asked Bennett, barely being able to see his eyes under his mop of hair.

He shook his head no, the curls flying everywhere. This had been his answer every time she asked him and she would allow it for now, but soon, as in this weekend, she was going to have Fitz take him for a guy's day to get it cut. Smiling at him, she let it go for now then looked at her daughter.

"What about you? Do you want a haircut?" Lila's hair reached her butt and it was becoming a hassle to keep up.

"I don't know," she said thoughtfully, "how short will it be?"

"It can be as short as you want it," Olivia told her, happy she didn't give a flat out no like her brother.

"Can it be this short?" she asked, pinching together her thumb and index finger.

"I think it needs to be a little longer than that," Olivia laughed. "What about Mommy's length?" she suggested.

Olivia's hair rested comfortably between her shoulder blades and she figured that this would be a good length for Lila as well. Apparently she thought so too, shaking her head vigorously in agreement before taking a gulp from her milk.

"Good, this Saturday me and you will go for manicure and pedicures and haircuts while Daddy and Bennett go and do guy things. How does that sound?" Olivia asked.

"Great!" Lila yelled, doing a little dance in her seat.

She loved getting pampered and Olivia was happy to do it with her. With the new baby coming, she knew that her time with her babies was going to be limited so throughout the pregnancy, she and Fitz had made it a point to take them out either individually or together and to make them a part of the pregnancy as much as possible. They let them each pick out a stuffed animal for the nursery and even let them help pick out little outfits. They did everything they could to make sure that they were excited for the new addition and knew that they weren't being replaced or pushed to the sidelines.

"What about you Benny? You excited to spend time with Daddy?" Olivia asked her son.

"Yeah, he said we was going to a surprise," Bennett told her excitedly.

"I bet it's going to be really fun," she smiled back.

Olivia heard the jingling of keys and knew that Fitz was home. It was just past twelve and he usually was home by five so he was home rather early, not that she was complaining.

"What's going to be really fun?" Fitz asked, having just walked into the kitchen.

"Daddy!" The twins yelled and rushed up to greet their father.

"Hi guys," Fitz greeted back, stooping to pick them both up.

"We were just talking about the weekend and Bennett is really excited for his surprise," Olivia filled him in.

"Good, because we're going to have soooooo much fun," Fitz promised.

"Not funner than me and Mommy," Lila told him, giving him a bit of sass that she learned from her mother.

"I don't know ladybug, me and Benny just might have more fun than you and Mommy," Fitz teased. "Won't we Benny bear?"

"Yup! You and Mommy are gonna do boring girl stuff and me and Daddy are gonna do fun boy stuff," he told his sister, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Boring girl stuff? Well Lila, we can't have them thinking we do boring stuff, maybe we should take Daddy and Benny with us to get their nails done," Olivia joked.

"EWWWWWWW!" Bennett drawled, thinking that getting his nails done was gross.

"That's right, Benny, men don't get their nails done and we're manly men," Fitz said, deepening his voice at the end and making his son giggle.

"Oh really Fitz? Because I distinctly remember you getting…"

"Not in front of my son, Livi,"Fitz cut her off laughingly. "As far as he knows, you never made me go get a pedicure with you."

"Right. I made you go get a pedicure with me, you didn't volunteer to go," Olivia said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.


Setting his children down, Fitz told them to go play and did so happily. Loosening his tie, he sauntered over to his wife, her favorite smile playing on his face that always made her heart race. Bracing his hands on the table, he leaned down and kissed her, taking her lips with a vigor that told her that he needed her as much as she needed him. She kissed him back just as deeply, sweeping her tongue in and moaning as he did so in return.

"What are you doing home so early?" she mumbled against his lips, not really caring of the why, only happy that he was.

Pressing a palm to her belly, the baby realized it's daddy was home and kicked for him. "I decided it was time for me to go paternity leave. For the next two months, maybe more, it's me and you," he told her, kissing her again.

Olivia had been on maternity for two weeks now, being stubborn and not wanting to leave until she couldn't see her own feet over her swollen ankles. Then David basically forced her to leave work, telling her he'd put her on bed rest in the hospital if she hadn't. She knew that Fitz had a hand in that but she couldn't be mad. He was only looking out for her.

Sitting across from her, he picked up her foot and started to massage it. She dropped her head back and moaned, loving the feeling of the pressure he was putting on her aching arch. "Baby, if you keep giving me massages like this, I just might decide that I love you," Olivia told him, her eyes closed and her voice thick.

"You better love me," Fitz joked back in a serious tone.

"Or what?" Olivia asked, cracking open her eyes in a mock glare.

"Or no more massages for you," he told her, removing her foot from his lap.

"I love you, baby," she told him seriously, forgetting they were joking for the moment and completely caught up in her feelings for him.

"Good. I love you, too, Livi." He picked her foot back up and started his massage again.

"Our baby is almost here. Do you have any concrete names picked out," she wondered, having a few in mind herself.

They had many lists with marked out names, but hadn't yet picked the ones they wanted. "I'm thinking Brynn for a girl or Cohen for a boy."

"Nix Brynn, but I like Cohen. What about Emma?" she threw out.

"Too common. What about Maggie?" He countered.

"God no," she said with a frown.

"Okay, how about, ummmm…..Gia?" Fitz asked.

"I like it," Olivia told him.

"Okay. Cohen for a boy and Gia for a girl," he said concretely.

"Now let's seal it with a kiss," she said cheekily, leaning forward to move her lips closer to his.

The weekend came and went, them enjoying their family time. Fitz had taken Bennett flying with him, having gotten his pilot license recently. Bennett thought it was the coolest thing ever and Olivia and Lila had to admit that they were a little jealous. He promised to take them both individually as well as take them all as family when he bought his plane sometime within the next couple of months. Having flew in the plane with his father, Bennett was totally fine with getting a haircut and now it was in a neat little style that resembled his father's. The next week or so went by smoothly. They put the finishing touches on the nursery and packed a hospital bag, but for the most part, they took it easy. Fitz's parents and brother were flying in soon and Jacqueline and Richard would be stopping by more frequently once the baby came so Olivia and Fitz just wanted to enjoy the peace before the chaos began.

It was the middle of the night when Olivia felt her water break and soak the sheets. Immediately she woke Fitz up, shaking him harder than she meant to, but she couldn't help it because of the pain.
"Fitz….owwwwww…it's time. The baby is coming," she said as a contraction hit.

"Okay," Fitz said, springing up and running around with a chicken with its head cut off.

"Fitz, what are you doing?" Olivia asked as she watched him scurry around the room.

"I'm looking for the hospital bag her told her," practically crawling under the bed searching for it.

"Baby," she paused as another wave of pain came and passed, "it's downstairs by the door remember?"

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna go get the twins ready and you call your mom so that she can come and get them while we go to the hospital." While his plan made sense, instead of going into the twins' rooms like he said, he walked into their closet.

"Fitz…that's the closet," Olivia called, not being able to stop laughing at her sleepy, overzealous husband.

"Right, I knew that. I was just…getting dressed," he covered.

"Baby, calm down. The baby isn't coming right this second. If I'm not freaking out, you shouldn't be either. Go and get the twins ready and I'm going to take a quick shower," she told him.

Walking over to the bed, he leaned down and kissed her, telling her he loved her before heading out to go and get his children ready.

Five hours later, Olivia sat tiredly in the hospital bed next to her husband holding Gia Elizabeth and Cohen Thomas. Turns out, Gia was hiding behind her brother the entire time, being the smaller of the two, but they couldn't be happier they had two instead of one. Now Olivia knew why she gained so much weight during her pregnancy. It wasn't fat, it was another baby.

"My parents are in town, but before coming here, I asked them to go and buy another crib, bassinet, more bottles, and more diapers. Luckily we have lots of neutral colors so they can share clothes until we can go shopping," Fitz informed her.

Before she could respond, the door opened and her oldest kids came running into the room, her mother and Richard trailing behind. To say they were surprised was an understatement.

"But Mommy, I thought you were only having one baby," Lila said what everyone was thinking as she gently touched the babies' hair.

"We all did, sweetheart. But sometimes we get more than what we bargained for," Olivia explained.

Gia's hair had the same curl as her siblings but Cohen's was bone straight. However, Cohen had the Grant gray eyes but Gia's were a hazel, almost green, and Fitz and Olivia wondered if they were going to change when she got older. They both had pale, sandy skin that would likely darken as they got a little older.

"They're beautiful Olivia," her mother said, reaching for one of her grandbabies.

"Absolutely gorgeous," Fitz cosigned as he nestled Gia into her arms.

Richard reached for Cohen and Olivia reluctantly handed him over, not wanting to part with her baby. The older adults stayed for a couple more hours, chatting and holding the babies. In that time, Fitz's parents and Michael came, each taking turns to hold the babies and equally dote on Lila and Bennett. As the day wore on, the relatives could see that the family needed time together so they excused themselves, promising to be back later to get Lila and Bennett.

"So do they both get to come home with us?" Bennett asked, sitting in Fitz's lap and holding Cohen with the help of his father.

"Yes," Olivia laughed, "they both get to come home with us."

"But we only wanted one. Maybe we can put Gia back until we want another," Bennett tried to reason.

"It doesn't work that way, buddy," Fitz chuckled.

"Plus, I think that we should keep her because I like her, what about you?" Olivia asked both of her children.

"I like her," Lila said immediately, most likely because she was holding Gia with Olivia's assistance of course.

"I guess we can keep her," Bennett grumbled, a smile hinting at his mouth even though his tone was less than excited.

"Well good, because we were going to keep her anyways," Fitz told him.

As they sat with their four children, Olivia breathed in her new life. Five years ago, she was alone and lonely. She didn't know that when she embarked on the journey to become a mother that she'd end up here. She thought she'd have one child and would be parenting alone. But she got two and then Fitz came and turned her world upside down. She couldn't imagine herself without him, without the love that he radiated for her and their children. She couldn't imagine life without Bennett, Lila, Gia, and Cohen and didn't want to think about the alternative. Here, at this spot in her life, she was truly happy and looking forward what the future held.

AN: And there we have it folks. We have reached the end of Until You. I know it took a little longer than it should've, but it's done. Leave me a review and tell me what you thought.

P.S: If you haven't already, check out my new story Uhuru and be on the look out for updates for Out of Nowhere.