Heya! This is my second Creepypasta fic, and is sort of a sequel to my first one, which is a oneshot. The reason why I'm posting it up as a separate story is because the focus story line is completely different from the oneshot. It starts off with the same focus, but quickly changes after the first chapter. You'll see what I mean... -v-

Also, this is a particularly different kind of story for Creepypasta. There's not very much blood and gore, but there is dark references and extremely homicidal personalities galore, so I hope that makes up for it!


He was doing something that was completely routine. It wasn't anything special by his standards; in fact, he did it almost all the time. This time was no different.

Well, perhaps it was slightly different.

He was following someone. Yes, when you say anything with only four words it sounds incredibly simple, but most of the time there's a whole new meaning behind it. This was one of those times.

You see, he wasn't following this person for what he normally did so for. Normally, he would follow someone for food. Normally, he would have let them see him by now. Normally, he would have already begun his attack.

Strangely enough, this was an exception.

He was only watching this particular human for researching reasons. He had done it before, more than once, but not regularly in the least. He only watched humans without hunting them if they did something extremely out of the ordinary, in which he usually got very excited about and watched them for a week or so.

In this case, this particular human had done something that, while probably perfectly normal for the human themselves, he had never seen (or heard) before. It had made a strange noise. A happy noise, but it didn't come out in short breaths like 'laughter'. It was more like that 'talking' thing that humans did, but with more... life. He couldn't really explain it.

He had been watching the human for about a week, now. He was getting bored, and getting bored fast. The human hadn't made that noise since he started watching them, and seemed completely ordinary. It had friends, it watched TV, it spent a lot of time on the computer, and it had a dog in which it played with regularly. He had been very pleased with himself that he had remained invisible for all the times the human should have seen him, but didn't.


He was beginning to get tired. Very tired. He hadn't regenerated once since he had started watching the human, for fear he might have missed the human making the noise. But he was overusing his powers; teleporting and changing his height were simple tasks, but staying invisible sapped his energy like decaf. He knew he was being foolish draining all his energy like this, but his curiosity refused to be satisfied.

What a dolt...


It was a cloudy afternoon. The human was walking down the street from where it had gotten off the bus from school towards it's home. Like usual, he was following it. He was barely able to stand up straight due to exhaustion, and every step he took felt like he was carrying several rocks with each tendril.

By the time the human reached it's home he was ready to collapse. He came to the conclusion that if the human didn't make the noise again by the time it was night, he would just leave the human alone, regenerate, eat something, then come back later and hope he hadn't missed anything. He had almost had enough.

The human entered it's house and was greeted immediately by it's dog, who enthusiastically returned the greeting. It then headed down a hallway and up a small flight of stairs, where it headed straight for it's room and closed the door behind it.

That was interesting. The human normally left the door open behind it when it entered it's room...

A glimmer of hope sparked in the back of his mind. Maybe the human was going to make the strange noise again? Finally, after he was just about ready to drop on the spot, the human was going to make the noise again. He eagerly got as close to the door as he dared, and waited for the human to make the noise.

A few seconds passed.

Then he heard it. It was muffled, but he definitely heard it. He felt content, and relieved to have all his dedication paid off. He relaxed in satisfaction.

Then it happened.

Without warning, he suddenly felt himself change from invisible to visible. If he had had blood, it would have become icy. There was no way he was able to change back to invisible; he had used his powers to the point where he was so weak he could barely support his own weight (and that wasn't very much, let me tell you).

Then, to make matters so much worse, the human stopped making the noise. He began to seriously panic, something so rare he wasn't even aware he was capable of feeling such an emotion until then. If the human saw him now, standing right outside it's door... he had been in that situation once or twice, and the humans didn't take to it very well, to put it mildly.

He had get away. But how? There was no time to hide; he could scarcely move as it was, and teleporting was out of the question! He could sense the human about to open the door, and in his haste decided to take a leap of faith and attempt to teleport.

It all happened in a rush; he focused incredibly hard to force his powers to work, the girl pushed open the door, and—


Eek! What happened?! You'll see in the next chapter!

thetitletotallydoesntgiveyou aclue *COUGH*

Anyways, I hope you found this enjoyable! ^^