See first chapter for disclaimers.

I apologize for how long this has taken to put up. Unfortunately life got in the way. I do have outlines done for the next few chapters they just need to be written. Updates will still be sporadic as I don't have much time to work on them. The story has not been abandoned.

Thank you for your reviews and I want to know I am reading them. I will address some concerns that were mentioned.

Nona Anona thank you for your comment as it addressed some things I didn't explain well. I am trying to make them still Harry and Luna but this is a new start for them and they are going to force themselves to lose some of the ingrained response they have to everyone around them. I know the Valar don't talk to those outside of Valinor, but if they want Harry and Luna to actually stay and not try to go back telling them what was happening and asking permission was the best bet. Children can sometimes heal faster than adults from traumatic experiences, which is why they were de-aged. This is going to be a very different Harry and Luna from the books and movies.

No mother wants to lose a child but sometimes it is just not good to have a child in some situations. Luna was abused and bullied as a child the first time around, had just lost her lover, been in a war and was tortured in said war. Ptsd was the least of her problems at the time. Having a chance to heal as much as possible in both body and mind before bringing a child into her life was best otherwise it may have been a danger to both of them and she knew this. I know there are mothers who deal with it, but having a chance to lessen the danger was something she wouldn't dismiss out of hand. Still the only reason she agreed to the change was because she knew the child wasn't dead and she could still have it in her arms one day in the future. That is something many parents don't have the comfort of. This meant she could chose a (hopefully) better time for the child to come. That the child was still Neville's as well was even better.

As for them having mindspeech that won't automatically make things easy for them and I will still keep developing the story. The mindspeech will be used fairly rarely unless sharing a vision or making sarcastic comments they don't want others to hear.

I hope that helped with some of your concerns as well as others who might think the same and never said.




Luna- Nusha (Hopeful Ocean)

Harry- Koehvin (Earth Storm)

A New Life in a New World

Chapter 5

Slowly gathering his courage, Bilbo gestured for Thorin to follow him. Thorin raised a brow as they entered his office but didn't speak.

Taking a deep breath Bilbo spoke, "You need to know something about me before I show you where your room is." Getting a nod he continued, "When a hobbit is born they have a mark on their bodies that represent our Soulmate. We call them our Balancer. Upon meeting our mate the mark will expand into something completely different. Some marks are pictures, some are names and some are simply lines. Mine began expanding as soon as we met, though I haven't had a chance to see it. I needed you to know before we did anything else. Before you have a chance to panic some soul mates are simply best friends and are married to others." Bilbo waited for Thorin to process what he had said and hoped that he wouldn't get an immediate rejection.

"May I see it?" was Thorin's only response after a few minutes of silence.

Bilbo slowly slipped his shirt off as he turned his back. "What does it look like?" He was tense waiting for Thorin to do anything. His muscles jumped slightly as a hand began lightly tracing the mark.

"It starts as a knot made of small silver colored lines in the small of your back slowly expanding and in the center an oak tree appears to be growing. Extra lines are being added to the knot surrounding the tree as it expands. The lines are glowing a bit and appear as if they are part of the trees branches and roots." The hand kept tracing the mark as he spoke and Bilbo barely stopped himself from shivering.

"Something not well known is that dwarrow have soul mates as well. We call our mates our One, for we will never love another. We also know our One upon meeting though it is a connection we feel rather than a mark. It will only manifest after we come of age. The connection tells us we know this person and love them always. Some don't feel the same love for each, but most do. We usually only marry our One. I had all but given up on meeting my One but I felt the connection snap in place after we met as well."

Bilbo nearly sagged in relief before a thought occurred to him. "If you knew I was your One, why in the world did you insult me as the first thing out of your mouth!? Were you that disappointed to meet me?"

Thorin avoided looking at him, "I couldn't think of anything else to say."

"Almost anything would have been better than that." Bilbo deadpanned. Thorin twitched but refused to say more.

Bilbo sighed, "You can sleep in here tonight. Only sleep as we need to know each other better and be more comfortable with each other before anything else happens between us."

Thorin nodded with a slight upward quirk of his lips before stepping back and turning to get ready for bed well Bilbo did the same. Falling asleep to his mates' heartbeat and hand on his back was surprisingly easy.

"I am very glad the children came into my life or I probably wouldn't have known how to assert myself or said anything. Not to mention known nothing of really travelling much less fighting. The warning given on what was going to happen was very nice as well." Those were last thoughts Bilbo had as he fell into sleep.

Bilbo woke just before dawn the next day and tried to remember why something seemed to be wrapped tightly around his waist. A smile came to his lips as he remembered the night before. He took in for a moment longer before trying to extract himself from the arms locked around him. Said arms tightened and a sleep roughened voice asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to start breakfast before we have to leave."

"We can eat on the road later."

"Uh huh, so you want a cold hard breakfast in a few hours rather than a good and hot one sooner?" Bilbo asked, finally escaping the bed and dressing. A snort was his only reply.

He carefully made his way to the kitchen trying not to wake any of the dwarrow and started on breakfast. It was almost surprising how quickly the smells lured them into the kitchen with Thorin in the lead. Setting a cup of tea in front of Thorin, Bilbo smiled as he merely blinked at it for a moment.

By the time the food was finished all of the dwarrow were seated with tea in front of them and much more awake than before. He got a few mumbled thank you's but they were mostly focused on not falling back asleep. By the time the food was all eaten they were all completely awake and ready to go. Bilbo finished the dishes as the dwarrow got ready for the journey. Bofur, Bifur, Fili and Kili got the ponies while the rest gathered their packs.

Hamfast came up to Bilbo after he had locked the door and was preparing to mount the pony. "I'll see you sometime in the next few years. We'll make sure the Sackville-Baggins don't touch anything as well as do the upkeep. I have your will which will be executed if you don't return or send word of your status in the next five years."

Bilbo smiled as he handed the keys over, "Thank you, Hamfast. We'll try to send letters as often as we can." Bilbo lowered his voice before continuing, "I may not come back since I found my Balancer." Hamfast smiled as he followed his gaze to Thorin.

"I'm happy for you Master Baggins and I hope everything turns out well for you and the younglings. Now you and the younglings stay safe and keep in contact!"

"You take care as well and thank you again for all you've done for us Hamfast." He allowed Bifur to haul him onto a pony a waved as they started moving away.

Bilbo brought the pony up beside Thorin and said, "I better lead until we are out of the Shire, otherwise we'll get turned around. The only reason anyone found my smial in the first place was that Gandalf connected the rune he placed on my door to each of you helping you find it. The magic hobbits use would have you so turned around you would just keep wandering." Thorin looked rather stubborn for a minute and glowered before nodding.

Bilbo used the time they were travelling to get to know the others better, especially Thorin. Learning Thorin was over 200 years old was a bit of a surprise, but made him very glad for the ritual to combine lifespans, otherwise he would die well before Thorin. He decided to discuss that with Thorin after they met up with the children.

It was around midday when they reached the Buckleberry Ferry and they had a short lunch before boarding. Thankfully the journey was calm so far but he expected that to change soon after they reached Bree. Everyone was in good spirits until Bree came into view and then most of the company became more watchful.

The gatekeeper tried to decline them entrance after seeing the dwarrow at the gate, but Gandalf and Bilbo managed to convince him otherwise. Thorin was left in a very bad mood after that encounter and fairly growled out, "Where are we meeting the other two?"

"They will meet us at the Prancing Pony. If they aren't there now it is because they are finishing the arrangements. The first round for beer is paid for and hopefully they will arrive before the second." Bilbo led them to the stables where he talked to the stable master and in short order the ponies were situated and the bags were being carried by the dwarrow to the inn. Where upon mentioning who they were waiting for, no more protests came about their presence, though the sour look on the barkeepers face showed how much he wanted to.

Koehvin and Nusha were just finishing the last of their purchases when the presence of their fater nearby. Exchanging a look they immediately headed for the inn and took the side entrance so they could drop the purchases off in their rooms before joining Bilbo.

Upon entering the taproom they both stopped in their tracks as they focused on three specific dwarrow.

Koehvin quickly connected to the minds of his father and sister, "Nusha! Why didn't you tell me my mate would be in the group!?"

Bilbo and Nusha both twitched. "I didn't even know mine was there either!"

"What about mine?" Bilbo said a bit amused. It seems Nusha visions had told her all except one of the most important things about the group.

"All three of us? Really? Well going by Nusha previous descriptions, I would say mine is Bofur."

"Mine are Fili and Kili."

"And mine is Thorin. Why am I not surprised that you need two to corral you, Nusha? Or that you need someone that loves fun, Koehvin?"

"No idea!" came two laughing simultaneous answers.

"One last thing, Thorin told me that dwarrow also have soul mates that they call their One. That means we don't have to worry about them not accepting us at least."

"Thank you for letting us know. It was something I worried about."

"I think it is time we met our mates." A mischievous tone echoed in Nusha voice. Two laughs answered her. With that they broke the connection.

"What are you smiling about?" Thorin asked Bilbo. Dwalin and Balin were more than a little curious as well and silently urging him on.

"Watch Fili, Kili and Bofur for a minute and you'll see."

Taking Bilbo advice they turned to watch them. Not even a minute later an smiling figure draped herself across Fili and Kili. The widened eyes and awe on their faces told the older dwarrow who she was to the brothers.

"That would be Nusha, one of the two we are waiting for. Now watch Bofur." A glance later and they saw a figure slip over the bench and pull Bofur's arm around him. Bofur looked just as shocked and awed as the brothers had. "And that would be Koehvin, the last one we are waiting for. They are my adopted children."

Thorin, Balin and Dwalin were speechless as nothing they had to talked about so far said that Bilbo had children and they had assumed he had none. It was a bit of a blow to hear that they were wrong and switched their view of him around as well. Bilbo just sat back and enjoyed the incredulous reactions of the dwarrow.

Gandalf had gone to the bar to discuss the rooms and make sure that they truly were paid for. As soon as Barliman knew who he was asking about, he stopped trying to get even more money from him. Gandalf tried to find out why the reaction to those names was so strange when he saw two people enter the room. He could feel the power that was suppressed but couldn't tell the nature of the power. The young female looked up and winked at him. Obviously they knew who he was and were playing with him. The amused and unalarmed look Bilbo had bestowed on them told him they were the ones the group was waiting for. The power he felt around them showed that was probably the reason for the reactions to them. He caught onto the conversation as he moved closer.

"Why did you come up to us like that?" Bofur asked the young man.

"I know who you are to me as I am to you. As this was the first time we are meeting I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass me by. Nusha told me who you were, as she SAW your introduction to Bilbo before it happened and told who we would be meeting. My people have Balancers much like the hobbits do but at the same time slightly differently. They can be family, friends, or lovers and we can choose our relation to them. My name is Koehvin by the way and Nusha is my sister." The man informed them as he introduced himself.

Gandalf looked him over thinking he might be at least half hobbit. He was taller than most hobbits by several inches at least while still having the pointed ears and slightly curly hair. Him saying 'his people' had a different type of Balancer meant he wasn't a hobbit leaving him at square one in guesses again.

Looking at the woman called Nusha he believed she most likely was a seer if she had seen the dwarves arrival before they even showed up at Bilbo's. That narrowed the field some as she could not be of the race of man as they had no seers amongst their people. The only seers he knew of were Lord Elrond and the Lady Galadriel and they were of the Eldar.

Nusha looked up and winked at Gandalf before letting some of her power over water to freeze and thaw Gandalf's drink. Koehvin feeling the power grinned knowing what she did grinned before using the air to lightly tug at Gandalf's beard.

Gandalf almost dropped his ale as his eyes widened. "Istari! They are Istari! How did I not know? An Istari always knows when someone of such power born, whether Istari or not and all Istari are adults not children! Why would the Valar hide this from us?" More thoughts raced through his head as he tried to understand the situation.

Bilbo stood, "Why don't we head to our rooms? We should all speak in private before we sleep as there are some things about the three of us that you need to know we sign the contract." He pulled Thorin to his feet with Koehvin and Nusha leading the way. The dwarves quickly gathered their bags before following along.

After showing which rooms were theirs and handing over keys once rooming arrangements were made, they all gathered in Thorin's room. Gandalf joined them looking ready to start interrogating them immediately. Bilbo started speaking before he had the chance.

"The first thing you need to know is that I met Koehvin and Nusha 18 years ago and adopted them as my children within 5 years." Koehvin spoke up, "I think the most important thing about us that Gandalf wants to know is how he didn't feel the arrival of two new Istari on these shores." The dwarves eyes widen in shock at the news of their newest companions nature.

"The Valar sent us here just after we finished a war. Where better than the Shire to heal? It is the one place least likely to see more fighting. They hid us because we needed the healing and would the other Istari or the elves have taken us away even if we didn't want to go, thinking they knew better?" Nusha questioned.

Gandalf deflated nodding, "We would have tried but if you truly to wished to stay we would have let although with frequent visits."

"We didn't want to be well known. It is hard to heal from losing all you have known and loved when surrounded by expectations, well-meaning or otherwise. Especially when you appear to around 4 and 5 years of age as we did when we arrived. We had just finished a war where we lost everything. Family, friends and lovers, we lost it all and the best way the Valar felt we would be able to heal was as younglings again and being family." The pain was audible in Koehvin's voice. They all had a feeling even this pain was less than it had been originally.

"Another thing that growing up again allowed was giving us a chance to learn control of our magic as it grew instead of the full force immediately as it would have been too much for us to handle. Our powers are very specific. Some of them are very conflicting to each other such as my Fire and Water and my brother's Earth and Air. At the same time they suit us very well. No they are not our only abilities. I will be known as the Bronze Istari and Koehvin will be Emerald." Nusha started on a less painful topic.

Bilbo took over the information deluge to give them the last bit to think over, "Hobbits and the type of Istari that they are are similar in that we call our soulmates Balancers. Hobbit Balancers are usually the complete opposite in almost every way. About 90% of hobbits will marry their Balancer while the remaining 10% will either remain friends or never find them. An Istari of the type Koehvin and Nusha are though need their Balancer or their power will begin to overwhelm them. A Balancer will help siphon some of the excess power into themselves and eventually even be able to use a small amount of it. If they don't find their Balancer by the time they turn 30 their power starts to overflow causing harm to them and their surroundings. This is a part of the reason they began travelling after Nusha turned 18. To them a Balancer can be anything a friend, family, lover or rival it doesn't matter, it is up to the pair what they want to be as long as there is regular contact."

Koehvin nodded, "Already the pressure of my magic has begun to ease." He looked towards Bofur, Fili and Kili the latter two having pulled Nusha between at the latest news. "Even now you should all be feeling a bit of the power as the excess magic moves through you. If you want to stay with us we will need to teach you how to wield it." Koehvin was privately hoping but not expecting that the dwarves would decide to at least try to see if they could stand to be near them.

Bofur reached out pulling him closer. "I wouldn't abandon you if only because you are my One. Some dwarves have had to wait hundreds of years to meet the one who will complete them and many will never meet that One at all. It would pretty much kill me to lose you. I know we will need to get to know each other to make this work, but just knowing who we are to each other gives us a start. No matter what even if we don't work out as anything but friends I will still be there for you." Fili and Kili nodded holding the same determined expression as Bofur while holding Nusha even closer.

"Is the reason Nusha has two mates because she is more powerful?" asked Nori.

"No Nusha is actually around the same strength as me. She has two mates because despite the age difference Fili and Kili share a soul. That is why you will never find one without the other. I bet Fili knew the moment Kili was born even without being in the room."

All the dwarves looked at the brothers in shock. "I've always known you were inseparable but I thought it was because of being brothers not from a shared soul." It was the only thing Thorin could say.

After giving them a few minutes to absorb the massive amount of information poured on them Bilbo said, "I think we need to get some rest and think over all that we told you, especially if we are planning to leave early tomorrow. Be aware that the only reason we told you any of this is because you need to know now rather than later if something happens. Some of this was secrets we hobbits don't tell anyone else. You needed to know now rather than have it spring up on you later. There are some things that we won't be able to tell without permission some we can. Some things we just can't bring ourselves to tell without truly knowing you. There will be cultural differences between us making understanding even harder. If we had tried to hide this trust would be broken before the journey has even begun. In the morning after you have discussed it with each other will see about signing that contract. Gandalf please don't mention Koehvin and Nusha to anyone until either they are ready or there is no other choice."

Gandalf nearly pouted as everyone else agreed and started to disperse to their rooms. Everyone were separated into family groups except for Nusha with Fili and Kili, Koehvin joined the Ur Family and Bilbo stayed with Thorin as all needed that knowing of the other being there. Each were agreeing they needed to get to know each other before anything other than cuddling happened. If any marriage happened it would be after reclaiming Erebor. Consummation may or may not happen before the wedding. Even with as exhausted as they were from the emotional landslide, just having a slight plan for the future gave them all hope making it easier for them to fall asleep. Anything else could wait as they got to know each other.