HI GUYS! I'm back and alive! it's been a CRAAAZZY couple of months! okay, this is short but I need a transition chapter to get me back in to the story. The next chapter should be up tomorrow morning!

{Six Weeks Later}

Daisy Rose was now six weeks old. It felt as though time was flying ever since the day she had come home. Ezra Fitz could not remember his life before the birth of his baby girl. She had completed his life and suddenly everything made sense.

The plans had all come together quickly since the phone call from The Brew. Ezra had called Spencer that day to get her help. Ezra was finally going to give Aria the trip to Cabo he had promised her while she was barely holding on in the hospital.

Spencer had called Aria this morning to distract her so that Ezra would have a chance to pack up everything the new little family would need. Ella had bought the tickets for Ezra a few weeks ago so that Aria wouldn't suspect a thing and she would be over soon to take the family to the airport.

The bags were packed and Ezra rushed around the apartment cleaning up. His cellphone rang.

New text from Spencer Hastings.

Just dropped the packages off downstairs. Have fun with our girls!

Reply to Spencer Hastings.

Thanks Spence! You are the best.

Ezra moved the bags out of sight and just as he finished the front door opened.

"Hey baby!" Aria said as she set down the baby carrier with a sleeping Daisy. She rushed over and kissed Ezra. "Mmm, hello Mrs. Fitz. How was your time with Spencer?"

"It was really good. She was all giddy to see Daisy and it was nice to just get out of the house."

Ezra walked over to the baby carrier and unbuckled a sleeping Daisy. Aria sat on the couch and Ezra joined her. He wrapped his free arm around his wife and snuggled her into his side.

"I have a surprise for you, Mrs. Fitz."

Aria jumped up and her eyes danced. "WHAT?! Tell me, tell me!"

Daisy stirred and Aria and Ezra laughed. "Shhhh…" Ezra said. "If you wake the baby I can't tell you."

"Okay okay. I will be quiet. Tell me!" Ezra laughed as Aria sat down on the coffee table with puppy eyes.

"Remember when I thought I was going to lose you a few months ago?" Aria nodded. "Remember when I promised you I would do anything if you would just open your beautiful eyes and keep fighting?" Tears began welling up in Aria's eyes. "Well, I also promised you if you woke up I would take you on that trip to Cabo we have always been talking about." The tears were now falling from Aria's eyes and Ezra's voice began to crack. "We fly out tonight. The tickets are booked, the bags are packed, and your mom will be here in an hour to take us. We are going to have a week in Cabo with a private beach just the three of us."

Aria launched into Ezra's lap and he shifted Daisy to the side. "You did all of this for me, Ezra Fitz?"

"Of course I did baby!"

Ezra wiped away her tears and kissed her like it was the first time. Aria leaned down and kissed baby Daisy.

"You do know what this means right?" Ezra looked at Aria confused.


"Well, I got cleared this morning and I didn't tell you yet…..Guess it's time for some beach sex."

Ezra's eyes got wide. "Aria Fitz, don't you dare tempt me."

Ezra got up off the couch and Aria pouted. "Hey, where are you going mister?"

Ezra put Daisy in her crib and walked back to Aria. "You, my love, have been a very naughty girl. I think we have some time before your mom gets here."

"Oh is that the case, Mr. Fitz?" Aria said with an eyebrow raise.

"Race you to the bed!"

"Yeah right, old man!"

The next forty-five minutes was spent getting reunited with one another and showing their love for each other in a deeper way than ever before. Ezra made sure to be extra careful with Aria. He spent extra time showing her just how much he loved her. He showed her what she meant to him and how much he wanted to protect her. The love they shared was deeper than ever before. Everything they had gone through had made them stronger and made his love for her even deeper.

The birth of Daisy Rose Fitz had changed their love for one another. Ezra did not think it was possible to love his wife anymore but every single day she proved him wrong. Ezra Fitz was the luckiest man in the world and in a few short hours he would be in Cabo with his two favorite girls in the world. Life could not get any better than in this moment.