I thought it would be interesting to write out The Avengers in a high school setting, with snippets of scenes and situations. The perspective of characters will often change, but for now, enjoy Thor and Loki as adorable freshmen!

Characters belong to Marvel.

"Loki. Do my homework for me."

Loki ignores the insufferable blonde prodding his side.

"Loki. Please do my homework. Loki."

He places the book over his face and hunches his shoulders. Just ignore him.

"Pssss. Loki. My homework is blank. Do it for meeeeee."

"Go away, Thor!" Loki is unable to hold back the outburst, and proceeds to push his brother away. "Scram! Scat! Go! I'm not doing your homework, you big oaf."

Thor collapses on the floor, groaning with defeat as golden locks of hair surround his exposed neck-line. He's wearing a bat-man T-shirt and baggy sleepwear pants, and appears prepared for a good night's slumber, unlike his brother, who is still dressed in his school clothes. His eyes look up in pleading. "But Lokiii. You know I hate homework."

"Then drop out of school," Loki hisses, returning to his studies. "Honestly, I could care less."

The begging continues on for another five minutes or so. Loki reaches his breaking point and slams his book down. "Damnit, Thor, if I do your homework, will you leave me alone?"

He nods. Loki sighs. "Just…give it to me."

"Thanks, Loki, you're the best!" Thor gives the sheet up willingly, before wrapping his arms around the smaller boy in a warm embrace. He skitters off in search of something else to bother [preferably mother].

It isn't long before Loki finishes the math problems. He inks each answer with pen and waves it dismissingly, calling, "Thor! Come get your stupid homework!" from his spot on the table. The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard stumbling down the staircase.

"How do you expect me to pass English if you keep interrupting my reading?" Growls the dark-haired boy, eyes like emerald flames as Thor takes his homework into hand. "Honest to god—"

"Lokiii!" He wails, suddenly dejected and weepy-faced.


"The teacher's not gonna believe I did this. It's all…neat and crap."

"That's your problem, not mine."

"Arg!" Thor sits himself in the opposite seat, frowning. "You could have at least tried to put less effort into it. Do you really think I write like this? In inked pen?"

Loki abruptly stands up, red as a tomato and boiling still. He holds the novel underneath his arm and marches off in search of a quiet place to rest, but Thor travels after, coming up with a complaint for each step. "I'd do it messier. And make some mistakes. I'm not even good at square roots, I use a calculator. You shouldn't have put work for those. Ugh, you signed my name in cursive?"

"Go away, Thor."

"Fine. I'm going." He stops and looks over his shoulder. "Oh, yeah. Are you coming tomorrow night? To Steve's?"

"Why would I want anything to do with Steve? He's annoying."

"In other words, he's too nice for you. I just figured, Tony's gunna be there, too."

The pale boy arches an eyebrow. "I have no interest in the genius. Or you. Or sweet Pea Steve."

"Whatever you say. Night, Loki."

Loki shrugs and begins to pad in the opposite direction. "Just for the record, I'm never doing your homework again."

"Will do, brother!"

What do you guys think? It's more dialogue than anything else—but I promise things will pick up soon.

-Hullo Kat