I made this sequel for my reviewers and readers of the first story!

I laughed as Trish twirled around "I take it you like this bridesmaid dress."

"I love it, it's pretty and comfortable, I look great, and it's your choice anyways." Trish replied stepping toward the changing room she came out of "When are you going to buy your wedding dress? Austin is even excited about you saying yes and he's already got a tux."

"I'm actually using my mom's old dress." I shrugged standing from my seat "It's actually really pretty and we still have awhile before the wedding anyways. I'm excited too, but there is a lot more to a wedding than attire and our feelings."

"Are you afraid that you're rushing into this or that Austin will get cold feet at the last second or that you will?" Trish said closing the curtain to her changing room so she could change.

"No it's not really that, but there is a lot of pressure with all the planning and choices. I think it would become just too stressful for us. We could fight and stuff. I'm not sure what will happen in the future so I'm just trying to prepare for whatever, you know." I tried to explain.

"So you're worried, but you're worried that major things will happen before the wedding that will change things." Trish stepped out of the changing room in her skinny jeans and blues t-shirt with 'Bad Girl' designed to look spray painted on it.

"Everyone has fights, even you and Austin. It's part of being a couple and anyways you seem to always resolve your fights." She shrugged "Let's get this dress and we can hang out at Sonic Boom for a bit."

I nodded and we went to the cashier who nodded as we paid and she looked at us confused because of our age. I thanked her and we left headed for Sonic Boom when I got a text. It was from Austin: Hey Ally do you want to go to the beach?

I looked at Trish who gave me a questioning look before I replied: Sure lets meet at Sonic Boom.

I stepped into Sonic Boom and Ally was chatting with Trish while flipping through her journal. I walked up and Ally smiled shutting the book as Trish turned waving.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" I sat down next to Ally on the bench where she sat giving her a brief hug.

Trish rolled her eyes "Well we were enjoying a girl's day, but she told me you had plans later so I guess our girl's day is over with."

"Oh here Trish, on the way out of one of the stores earlier I got that perfume you wanted as a make-up gift for the rest of the day." Ally handed her a bag and then got up grabbing a tote.

"You're already ready. Wow, you are always ready, aren't you?" I laughed as she grabbed my hand.

She smiled "Not always, just most of the time."

She waved to Trish as Dez walked in. Ally dragged me out on to the street before I could greet my red-headed friend and then let go of my hand winking before dashing to the beach. I chased after her laughing as we reached the beach and then she suddenly stopped making me run into her. She fell forward and I caught her pulling her up right again.

"Ally, why'd you stop?" I wondered and looked passed her trying to see what had made her stop.

She turned to me frowning "Hide me, don't say my name out loud, and don't draw attention to us, please. Look over to the left, you see the guy in the wetsuit and orange surfboard."

I glanced over her again spotting him "Yeah, why are you worried about him. He looks like one of the vacationers."

She began tugging on her hair "He came here a few years ago before you and I met. We dated for the summer and I thought I'd never see him again because after that we never contacted each other. I had no intention of talking to him after how it ended, anyways. That guy is nothing, but trouble."

She pulled sunglasses from her tote and grabbed pecked my cheek "Don't make eye contact and keep moving."

She began to run again acting normal and I ran after her. Ally chose a spot far enough down the beach that he'd have to walk all the way over to even run into her. We set up an umbrella and set our towels underneath.

"Let's go for a quick swim." I smiled slipping my shirt off.

Ally nodded and pulled her cover up off revealing a teal two piece. I would have stood there gawking if she didn't hurry off toward the water. We swam around splashing each other for a while, I'd throw her into deeper water and she'd jump on me shoving me under. Then Ally and I got tired and hungry so we headed back up to our spot on the beach.

We moved our towels right next to each other's and dropped on them. I kissed her and she reacted wrapping her arms around my neck.

I pulled away from her getting up "I'll go get us some food, don't move."

I hurried off not expecting what I'd come back to.

I put my sunglasses back on relaxing on my towel digging out my journal. I sprawled out on my stomach writing lyrics for Austin's next song. Suddenly someone stepped in front of me their feet inches from me. I looked up thinking it was Austin and then my face was void of emotion as I saw who it really was.

"Ally Dawson, I thought that was you. I wouldn't forget that hair or pretty little body anywhere. I mean we only dated for a summer and you haven't changed a bit." He knelt as I sat up.

"I'm sorry, do I know you? I think I would remember your face if I did." I acted as if I hadn't recognized him.

"Oh don't play coy, we used to cozy up and watch the sunset. We had good times back then." He smugly smiled.

I shut my journal and sighed "I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken for someone else."

He caught my left hand smirking "I see you got a nice little jewel there, where is the lucky guy."

My ring glistened in the light of the sun as I pulled my hand back "Don't touch me, you're a complete stranger."

"Oh come on, you know my name. Stop being so stand offish. I am a pretty memorable guy or so I hear." He shrugged.

I glanced over seeing Austin returning with our ice cream "You might want to leave now, James."

"Who are you?" Austin handed me an ice creamconr of my favorite ice cream.

"I knew you remembered me and you, I'm guessing, are the lucky guy. I can't believe you settled for little famous boy here. I'll see you around, Ally." James smugly got up walking off as if Austin wasn't more than a grain of sand.

Austin settled beside me watching him leave before making sure I was okay "Did he do anything to you? Are you okay?"

I put my journal in my tote "He didn't do anything to me. Can we leave the beach? I don't feel comfortable being here while he's still here."

Austin agreed to leave and we gathered everything one handedly hurrying off.

Please give me reviews and let me know what you think!