The Lost Halliwell

Chapter 5


Author's notes: Sorry for the long wait. I hope you can forgive me. Here's the next chapter! :)

1.) What should Alex's powers be?

A) Astral projection/ projection

B) The Hollow's powers

C) Control over all of the elements

D) A version of Piper's freezing powers

E) All of the charmed ones powers

F) another family power

2.) Who should be the father of Alex?

A) Victor

B) Sam

C) a cupid

D) a demon

E) another magical being (please specify)

F) another human being

Here's the next chapter! :)

After learning to make potions from her eldest living sister Piper; Alex was then led to the attic by her sister Phoebe to learn how to write and cast spells.

"So do spells have to rhyme?" Alex asked.

"No, but it does help for them to Rhyme. It's kinda like poetry. It could be a limerick or prose, whatever." Phoebe told her.

"Oh okay."

"So why don't you give it a try." Phoebe handed her youngest sister a piece of paper and a pen."

"Alright." Alex sat down on the couch and began to write.

Demon in this place

I vanquish you through time and space

Alex wrote down. She then handed it to her sister and waited while she looked it over.

"This is pretty good for your first spell." Phoebe commented.


"But usually they're a little bit longer."

"What do you mean?"

"Just that we usually have four lines, but two works just fine."

"Oh okay."

"Well, since you pretty much have spell writing down and are really good at potions..." Phoebe began, "Let's move onto Spell casting." Phoebe walked over to their book of shadows. "First let's start with something small and work our way up."

"What are we going to do first?" Alex asked curiosity getting the better of her.

"How about..." Phoebe trailed off. She began flipping through the pages of the Book. "We cast the to find a lost witch spell. They only thing is that... It requires a little blood." Phoebe told her.

Alex made a face at that. "Do we really need the blood?" She asked not liking the idea at all.

"Yes, unfortunately." Phoebe responded.

Alex turned away and held out her hand. "Just get it over with quickly."

Phoebe did as her youngest sister asked.

The two sisters chanted together as they let their blood drip into the cauldron.

Blood to blood I summon thee

Blood to blood return to me

A figure appeared in a swirl of bright lights startling the two girls. As the lights faded away Alex came face to face with her eldest sister, Prudence Halliwell.

"Prue?" Phoebe said not believing her eyes.

"Yes, It's me Phoebe." Prue said holding out her arms to her little sister. Phoebe quickly ran into her sisters arms and hugged her tightly crying.

"I can't believe this!" Phoebe cried, "You're actually here."

"Yeah, I am." Prue turned to her youngest sister Alex (A.K.A. Poetta). "It's nice to meet you Alex."

Alex ran into her eldest sisters arms and hugged her. Prue held her youngest sister.

"What's going on here?" Piper said as she entered the attic. "We heard all of the noise and-" Piper and Paige froze as they came face to face with their eldest sister. "Prue?"

"Yeah, It's me." She said with a warm smile.

Piper launched herself into her elder sisters arms, and the tears started. "How could you just leave us?"

"I didn't want to sweetie." Prue told her, "But I had to protect you and Phoebe." Paige stood back awkwardly and watched the scene before her. Prue looked to her and held out her arms to Paige. "Don't I get a hug from you Missy Paige?"

That was all that was needed for Paige to run to her eldest half-sister and hug her. Prue smiled at her four little sisters. All of the 5 Charmed ones were together again.

Author's notes: Sorry for the long wait. I know this isn't as long as then previous chapters but... anyways... Should Prue be allowed to stay with them? Or should she only be there visiting from "up there"?