Basically, this is where the story might begin to seem a bit confusing. I also want to warn everyone who reads this fic that it will have dark and depressing themes eventually, and I will to some extent start pointing towards it with this chapter. You have been warned.

When Dean woke up the next morning, alone on the couch, he instantly remembered the night before. He had kissed a boy – no, an angel even – and it had been nothing short of amazing. He didn't really remember when he'd fallen asleep, or when Castiel had left, but he was alone. No, scratch that, because it only took a few seconds before Sam emerged from his room with a yawn.

"Morning," he said as he slumped down by the kitchen table. "You were fast asleep last night," Sam chuckled, rubbing his eyes. "I got in around ten. Hope I didn't worry you."

"No, it's… uh… it's fine," Dean replied, clearing his throat as he sat up on the couch. "What time is it?"

"It's seven. We've got enough time before school, so don't worry." Sam said. He stood up and went to the fridge to get some breakfast.

"Sorry, but you won't be going to school today." A voice called by the door, making both Sam and Dean turn in surprise. There was Castiel, awkwardly standing in front of the door in his trench coat. "Sam," he said, nodding at Sam. He looked at Dean, and his voice faltered a little as he saw him. "D-Dean," he said, trying to seem as calm as possible.

"Castiel?" Sam asked, sounding a bit confused, whereas Dean had to bite his lip and look away. "What do you mean we're not going to school?" Sam uttered.

"Time is running out. For both us, and the demons that are after you. I'm going to get straight to the case. The necklace Dean has? It's special. We need it for a spell, and so does Crowley. We're going to gather things for the spell today, and we need your help." Castiel replied matter-of-factly, making Dean and Sam look at each other with wrinkled noses.

"Okay? So, what do we need?" Dean asked, finally composing himself enough to look directly at Castiel.

"Several things. To begin with, we need the blood of a truly confused human." He said, squinting.

"You mean we have to kill an innocent person? I don't think so." Dean said, frowning deeply. Sam didn't hesitate to nod in agreement.

"We only need one drop. You could literally just poke their finger with a needle." The angel said, tilting his head a little. "But we still have no idea how to confuse a human to such great lengths."

"Well, that doesn't sound too hard." A voice said from the other side of the room. Dean and Sam turned around to look at the source. Castiel just squinted even more. There, leaning against the wall, stood a boy. He had dark blonde, slightly long hair, and a dirty-green jacket over a black shirt. "Hiya, Castiel. You hanging out with the Winchesters again, I see."

Castiel looked shocked. Very shocked. "Gabriel?" He stuttered, earning a wide grin from the other boy.

"What? Difficult to recognize me, brother? Oh, might be because of my younger vessel. You did the same though, didn't you? Go back in time, possess the same vessel, just a younger version?"

Castiel held a finger in front of his lips, as if trying to silence the boy apparently called Gabriel. Gabriel frowned before realizing that he'd probably said something the Winchesters shouldn't have heard. "Never mind that," he said. "I'm just speakin' nonsense."

"But, how?" Castiel asked, taking a few steps closer to Gabriel. "Back there, you… you died."

"I was brought back," Gabriel said, shrugging. "You should know all about being brought back, shouldn't you? I don't know why, but it just happened. Them's the breaks, am I right?" He laughed.

"Who the hell are you?" Dean asked grimly, standing up from the couch.

"Don't worry. This is Gabriel, the archangel. Technically, he's my brother." Castiel said, holding up a hand to calm Dean.

"Gabriel? As in… the one from the Bible?" Sam asked with wide eyes, and Gabriel nodded.

"The one and only." He grinned, stepping away from the wall. "I'd say we have some work to do. Confuse a human, yeah? I think I can do that, don't you think?" He asked Castiel with a suggestive wink, making Castiel frown.

"I suppose you are right." He said. "You bring the boys with you. We'll meet up later."

Gabriel nodded and walked over to Dean, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Sam, get over here," he said, and Sam didn't even bother asking how he knew his name. He walked over, and Gabriel put his other hand on Sam's shoulder. Right before he was about to leave, Castiel spoke.

"And Gabriel," he said, looking over his shoulder at his brother. "For what you did back then… for those two… thank you."

Castiel could just barely see the genuine smile on Gabriel's face before he disappeared with the boys, the sound of wings fluttering echoing through the room. Castiel sighed and disappeared.

"Why are we in school?" Dean asked, looking around the empty hallway they were standing in. It had to be in the middle of classes, considering everything was so quiet.

"Well, I figured since you boys are in school and all, there had to be some people you wanted to get back at."

"Like who?" Sam asked, wrinkling his nose questioningly. Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"What? Dude, there has to be someone here who's pretty much just being a big dick all the time, right?" He asked, frowning, his eyes shifting between Dean and Sam.

"Well, there are those bullies in my class…" Sam mumbled, and Gabriel grinned widely.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get started."

Sam and Dean opened the door to the classroom just enough to be able to peek inside without anyone spotting them. In the back they could see one of the bullies that had been treating Sam so badly the first week he was there. Sam pointed at him, and Gabriel nodded before disappearing. He appeared again behind the target, but no one could see him. He'd cloaked himself to make sure he was hidden.

"Hey there, kid," he said into the target's ear, making him shoot his head to the side. No one there. It must have been the wind. "Yeah, I'm talkin' to you. Stop ignoring me," Gabriel said into his other ear, and now the boy looked genuinely shocked. When his head was turned and his focus on where the voice was coming from, Gabriel moved to the other side of his desk. He picked up his pencil and started drawing different obscenities over his notebooks.

When the kid turned his head back, Gabriel dropped the pencil before he could see it floating in the air, and took a step back. "What the hell?" The boy mumbled, looking closely at his books. "Are those… dicks?" He asked, not really realizing how loud he said that, and he easily earned the attention of his teacher and fellow students.

"Excuse me, Jamie?" The teacher asked, frowning.

"No, uh… it's nothing." Jamie said, shaking his head. "Sorry." He mumbled, and turned back to his books. What was going on? He didn't exactly have time to think a lot more before an invisible foot swiped the chair off its feet, sending Jamie crashing into the ground. And then his desk tilted in the other direction with all its books and papers flying up into the air. This was definitely not how the boy had expected this day to go.

"Dude, something weird is going on," Jamie told his friend during lunch time.

"What?" His friend asked. Jamie looked around before leaning a bit closer.

"I don't know, but some weird shit has been happening. Dude, there were dicks all over my book."

"What? Dude, are you high or something?" His friend asked, frowning. Jamie shook his head. His friend laughed and stood up. "Oh well, good luck with that or something," he mumbled and walked away. Jamie swallowed heavily and looked around, and it didn't take long before, out of nowhere, a cake flew into his face.

"We got the blood," Gabriel grinned at Castiel back in the motel room, while Dean and Sam were still trying to control their laughing in the back of the room. "Our 'victim' was busy wiping frosting out of his eyes when we nicked it from him." He said and handed a little vial of Jamie's blood to Castiel.

"Good. Now we're one step ahead of them," Castiel said and put the vial into a pocket on his trench coat. "Dean, there's something we have to talk about. Come with me," he said and walked outside. Dean swallowed heavily and smiled nervously at Sam.

"It's probably nothing important, Sammy. I'll be right back." He said and walked outside of the motel room, closing the door behind him. "What is it, Cas?" Dean asked, but Castiel didn't say a word. Instead he pulled him around the corner and pushed him against the wall, his lips already on Dean's own.

Dean gasped in surprise, but it didn't take long before his arms wrapped around Castiel's neck and he returned the kiss with the same intensity, his hands clumsily ruffling up the already messy hair of the angel.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sam asked Gabriel, and the archangel just laughed.

"Well, if my memory serves me right… I don't think you wanna know, Sam." He grinned. Yeah, those two never changed. Dean Winchester would always fall for Cas, even when he was only seventeen. That much, Gabriel thought, was inevitable.