Gomenasai...for very late in update new chapter..

i just got through the final exam for this semestar, so take a longer time for me to update new chapter...

but truly...

i'm really appreciated with all support and review from others...

thank you very mush..

here i presented the new chapter..

enjoy it and please review it...

"Where are you going, Midorimacchi?" ask Kise.

"Thunder is coming… Akashi wants to meet me. It just my feeling that later he will try to call you." Said Midorima more.

"Why?" ask Kise.

" Of course, to ask about Kuroko." Said Midorima.

Midorima watching Kuroko stiff on the bed.

"Don't worry. I'll never tell him about this." Said Midorima before he left the room.

"…Akashi-kun…" said Kuroko softly.




{1 hour later- at park}

"He's always like this. He the one summons me, but he always is the last one to appear. I hope today's meeting is going as planned. I also already bring along my lucky item for today, a pair of ring. This should able to overcome the bad omen for me as predicted by Oha horoscope." Said Midorima while he waiting for Akashi. In his mind, he keeps thinking what Akashi will ask to him and how to avoid him digging deeper about Kuroko. He already makes a promise with Kuroko to keep his secret from Akashi.

'This will be very tough since the one I'll have to face is The Emperor. Nothing ever slips away from him.' thought Midorima, waiting nervously.

"Sorry for you to keep waiting for me, Shintarou. It's been a while for us to meet personally like this, am I right?" said Akashi from behind of Midorima cause a little shock to him.

"Akashi….. Yes, it has been a while for us to meet like this. Therefore, what are you going to ask me about? You know that I really hate if you just call me for nothing important." Said Midorima as he tried his hard to keep calm.

"You always know what I am going to ask, right Shintarou." Said Akashi as he walks nearer to his old former member.

With a long sigh…."How long did you think I know you? We have known each other for the past of three years ago, Akashi. So, what made you think I know something about Kuroko? You should know that I never get along well with Kuroko. As well for him towards me. Either in basketball or in study, we never were getting along well."

"I know about it very well, Shintarou. Just, I cannot cease away this feeling. It seems something bad happen to him, Shintarou. It like I will regret it for entire of my life if I slip this matter. I know, it sound something out of my box, but….when the matter regarding about him, I'm lost. I just…don't know what should I do whenever anything happen to him." Said Akashi, clutching his shirt firmly.

'It hurting me, deep into each time I remember him. Starving for his eyes, voice and his touch. It is driving me crazy.' Taught Akashi.

"Why don't you be more honest to yourself and Kuroko? Both of you are hurting each other's. Akashi, I just did not know what kind of promise that you and Kuroko had made but….both of you are suffer. And, you should know better than me what is right and wrong to each decision of both of you make. We all here only supporting each of you." Said Midorima. He always know the relation between both of his friend. However, he cannot involve in this problem. Based on the current situation, he cannot help both of them unless by their own effort.

'If Akashi knows about Kuroko's diseases, he might be frantically.' Thought Midorima.

"So, what your plans for next tournament against Kuroko? Are you really going to against him?" ask Midorima as he tried to identify what make Kuroko so concern about this game then his own health.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course winning is in my hand without any hesitation even though I'm going to against Tetsuya. Our personal matter didn't include in this tournament. No matter what will happen, I'm going to make the winning is ours. Even, I had to crush him…." Said Akashi although deep in his heart, he didn't want to play against Tetsuya.

Until today, he still didn't know the real reason of Kuroko withdraw from the club. It true that he had broke their promise by crushing Kuroko's best friend, Ogiwara. In facts, during that time, he feels a bit of jealousy by Tetsuya attention towards Ogiwara. Despite of his condition, Kuroko still want to play against Ogiwara although he had been warn by Satsuki and pleading to him to give his best during the game. Hearing his beloved person giving his best to other person make him angry. Remember that incident make Akashi realize how foolish his action because of his own selfishness.



{Flash back-final game}

"Please Akashi-kun. Let me play in this game." said Kuroko after he regain his conscious.

"Why are you trying so hard to play in this game? You should know by yourself that you're unable to continue play with your current condition, Tetsuya. " said Akashi as he stand in front of Kuroko.

"I know about that. But…this game is really important for me. It is a promise between me and Ogiwara-kun. Both of us had waiting for so long for this moment. Furthermore, he is an important person for me. So, please give me your permission to play in this game, Akashi-kun." Plead Kuroko as he bow to Akashi.

'Why are you so persistence to play with Ogiwara-kun, Tetsuya? How could you say he is an important person to you in front of me, Tetsuya? How important is he than me?' thought Akashi.

"No. I'm not allowed to risking your life for this game. You should get more rest, Tetsuya. Leave this game to us. I'll make sure that we will win in this game." Said Akashi as he walks out of the room. However, he had been stopped as Kuroko calling for him.

" Akashi-kun…. Please…please give your all in this game. For the sake of me and Ogiwara-kun, can you play with all of you effort in this game?" said Kuroko.

"If this can make you rest, I'll make it. Furthermore, he is your 'important person', how could I didn't give my all in this game, right Tetsuya?" said Akashi although in his mind he will crush that person. Ready to give a nightmare for being Tetsuya's important person that himself.

"I'll give my all in this game. Therefore, you just relax and waiting the ending of this game, Tetsuya. Satsuki, please ensure he didn't escape from this room and get sufficient rest. If not…you should know what I'll be doing to you, right." Warn Akashi to Satsuki.


"Thanks, Akashi-kun. I know that I can always rely to you." said Kuroko as he lie back on the bed while Satsuki placed a wet cloth on his forehead.

"Yep. You can always 'rely' on me, Tetsuya." Said Akashi as he walking out of the room to the court.

The game ended with expectation of the winning of Teiko's basketball team by score 111-11. Seeing the opposite team in depressed after their totally lost make Akashi happy.

'You're deserved for that Ogiwara-kun, for stealing my Tetsuya. None can be his important person others than me.' thought Akashi as he walking to the bench.

However, the sight in front of him made him realize how foolish is him. Regret by his own action as he see Kuroko crying. For the first time in his life, he sees Kuroko looks so broken. Before, he never show his emotion even when they are alone together. However, today is different. Kuroko run to Ogiwara.

"I'm sorry, Kuroko…. I'm too weak for you… I'm really sorry, Kuroko." Cried Ogiwara as he non-stop apologies.

"O….Ogiwara-kun… it's not your fault. I had broke our promise. I never now it would be like this. Please, don't cry, Ogiwara-kun." Said Kuroko as he slowly strokes away the tears.

"It is all my fault. I should never trust them. Please, Ogiwara-kun… don't give up on basketball. Don't hate it because of this." Plead Kuroko to his friend.

"Kuroko, you look more pained than me. Why're you crying for me? Why are you looking like this? I never know what you had been through for making you like this." Said Ogiwara as he know Kuroko is more suffering than himself. He didn't know what his friend had been through that had make Kuroko become hurt during his previous game. That why, he struggle in this game for sake of his beloved friend after he knows the current condition of Kuroko.

Out of jealousy, Akashi walks towards both of them and roughly, he drags Kuroko.

"Tetsuya, what the hell are you doing? You should be at our side, not here, the loser side." Said Akashi in anger develops seeing Kuroko with Ogiwara.

Kuroko slap Akashi hands from him and walks away from him. Since that game, Kuroko didn't come to practice. During class, he always runs away from him by using his misdirection. Since then he never seen Kuroko or talk to him. Until the day, where Kuroko withdraw from the club.



{End of flashback-current}

"So Midorima, do you know anything about Tetsuya? Is he all right or does something happen to him? Along this week, I cannot stop thinking about him. Recently, I keep dreaming about him and the same dream is repeating. It seem like it giving me a hint that something bad happen to Tetsuya." Ask Akashi to Midorima.

"What do you mean by the same dream?" ask Midorima in curiosity.

"In the dream, Tetsuya keep coming to me, apologizing continuously and he seem really sad and pained. I keep trying asking, but he keeps running from me. It just…. Something that not right. Thinking of it makes me become venerable. I just want to ensure about his condition since he had weak body. So, do you know anything about him, Shintarou?"

'I cannot said anything about current Kuroko's condition. Should I lied to him? But, see him in this state make me feel really wrong. What should I do?' thought Midorima.

"Shintarou, did you know something about Tetsuya? From your expression, I know that you hiding it from me. You better spill it out, Shintarou." Said Akashi in treated tone.

'Shit. He is really sensitive.' Thought Midorima

"I just meet him after our game. Just giving him some advice that maybe useful for his final tournament. That the last time I meet with him. If you want to ask more about Kuroko, its better you ask Satsuki or Kise because both of them always keep in touch to each other." Said Midorima in hope he can escape from Akashi.

"You have a point, Shintarou. Maybe I should ask Kise since he really cares about Tetsuya. Sorry for calling you here out of blue." Said Akashi.

Midorima take a long breath and walk slowly out of the park. 'At last, it over already. Thankful he not noticed how awkward I am.'

However, his steps stop as he feels a cold metal at the back of his neck.

"You know that Shintarou, I really hate people that not obey me especially those who really brave to lied on me. So if you already bored to live in this world, I can help you to others 'world' peacefully." Said Akashi as he suddenly appear at the back.

"Wha….What do you mean, Akashi. You know that….I never lied to you." Stammering Midorima as he tried his hard to undercover about Kuroko.

'What the hell is happening? I think I just see he walk king out from here and now he at my back.' Thought Midorima hardly.

"Do you think I will be like this for no reason? You should know better than me, Shintarou. Now, spill it put or I'll stab your throat." Treating Akashi with a sharp scissor in his hand at the back of Midorima's neck.

'Oh my God! Someone, please save me' pray Midorima.

Akashi waiting until his patience disappears. "You're sure had gut to act like this, Midorima." Said Akashi as he move the scissor to the throat until…..

"STOP, AKASHI-KUN." A voice shouts from behind. Both of them turned back and see the person responsible.




{Current-at Seirin high school court}

"Kagami, where is Kuroko? Does he didn't attend to class today?" ask Riko as he didn't see a glimpse of the shadow.

"Owh, he didn't attend to class and he already informs me that he unable to join our practice today because he feels not well," said Kagami.

"Ok, you better told him to get a good rest. It is really important to maintain a good health before the tournament." Said Riko as he walk to check others player.

'I hope you're alright, Kuroko. It feels really different without you here.' Though Kagami as he miss his shadow.

{6 hour before practice}

'He didn't come to school also for today. Just what is happen to you, Kuroko. As long I can remember, he never acts like this and it very unusual.' Thought Kagami after notice Kuroko also didn't attend to the class.


'Whose sending email to me during the classes?' though Kagami as he pick his phone to see it.

Sender : Kuroko Tetsuya

Title : I'm really sorry

I'm really sorry for late to informing you that I'm not a good state to attend the classes and the practice yesterday and today. Send my apologize to others members and couch. I promise that I'll attend for tomorrow practice and classes.




Sender: Kagami Taiga

Title: RE; I'm really sorry

You had better inform to me earlier. You know how frantic couch and other member yesterday. They all put the blame on me, saying that I had bullied you. They all yelling out on me because of you, Kuroko. You had better come tomorrow or else I will go to your house and drag you out from there.




Sender: Kuroko Tetsuya

Title: RE; I'm really sorry

It true that because of you I fell sick and unable to attend to school. You had pushed me to the edge of my limit during last practice. I hope you get a punch from couch.

You had my words. I am sure that I will come to school tomorrow.


Sender: Kagami Taiga

Title:RE; I'm really sorry

If you come to the practice tomorrow, I will treat your 'beloved' vanilla shake at Maji burger. So, you should better come tomorrow.




"You really a troublesome brat, Kuroko." Sigh Kagami after reading those entire messages.

'You should come, Kuroko. The team felt incomplete without you there. Hope you get better soon.' Thought Kagami as he proceed in his learning class.