Author's Note: I'm a little embarrassed to say it, but I must be one of the oldest people in this fandom (that doesn't have a child on which I can blame watching the Disney channel). I am definitely a lot older than the actors that portray Austin and Ally, which saddens me to no end, but seriously? They sort of remind me of a young Ross and Rachel with their will they/won't they storyline. I am a sucker for this. Every character on this show is so cute and relatable, how could you not like them or want to write about them? At least that's what I think. My first Austin/Ally story, and it's based on the fact that Ross Lynch is seemingly obsessed with Franco Zefferelli's Romeo & Juliet, and that I like cliche fanfiction plots. I tried to write this story in keeping the tone of the show itself, but it would've taken place before any of the Kira/Austin/Ally love triangle stuff ever happened. Hope you enjoy, send me a review if you do.

I do not own anything.

Rating: T to M, for mild language

looking for the one tonight

chapter one: kissing you

"Thanks for shopping at Sonic Boom!" Ally chirped as she handed over a brand new guitar to an expectant little boy. This was her favorite part of her job, seeing kids' faces light up when getting a new instrument.

"Hey, Ally, check out my costume!" Austin bounded down the stairs and did a quick little spin move at the foot of the steps. He was decked out in Victorian garb, complete with the silver cat mask, blue puffy sleeves, and everything. He made the perfect Romeo.

Her pulse quickened as he waggled his eyebrows at her. She thought he looked adorable. She wouldn't tell him that, but she definitely thought it.

"Wherefore art thou, you look amazing, Romeo." She stepped out from behind the counter to take a closer look. Her hand ran over the luxe velvet of his costume.

His eyes twinkled as a tinge of pink lit up his cheeks. "It is the east, and Ally is the sun!" he declared with a flourish of his arm. He kneeled down on one leg, and held his hands out to her.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Well, you are definitely channeling Zefferelli's Romeo to a T."

"Thanks, I'm glad you got the correct reference. Most girls will probably think I'm trying to be the DiCaprio version."

"The DiCaprio version wore a knight costume," Ally answered.

"I'm so glad you know that." He squeezed her against him. "Come with me to the party, Als," he pleaded with his warm, dark puppy dog eyes. She felt her resolve weakening as the funny little butterflies flew haphazardly in her stomach. Austin could ask her to shave her head and she would do it in a second.

She sighed, "You know I have to stay and close up shop tonight."

"You guys aren't that busy, can't you ask your Dad? I need a Juliet," he whined.

She gave him a look, since when had her Dad ever let her leave early? "I don't even have a costume. Go, have fun. Then tell me all about it tomorrow."

"Uggh, okay, but I won't have any fun without you there." He gave her another quick hug before running off. She looked at the empty store and set her head in her hands as she waited for closing time. She sighed again, she wished she could go to the Miami Masquerade with Austin. She wished she could go as his Juliet, although she sort of did prefer the Baz Luhrman adaptation compared to the 1968 version that Austin loved. What teenaged boy even knew about that movie? He was such a romantic, it was one of the things she loved most about her best friend, and probably one of the most surprising things that anyone could learn about him. She was glad they were such close friends that she did know those details about him.

He was always doing nice things and being sweet. She was so glad they'd gotten to be better friends this year. Along with Trish and Dez, he'd helped distract her from the fact that her mother was abroad in Africa, for which she was completely thankful. She had the best friends a girl could ask for. She couldn't wait for her mom to get back next month so that she could introduce her to Austin. Her mom would totally approve.

Trish burst through the door in a ridiculous clown outfit and announced, "Guess who got a job at the costume shop!?"

"Hey, Trish! Wow, that is quite an outfit," Ally remarked, her reverie now completely broken.

"Thanks. I get to wear any costume I want for free, and I can get you one, too."

"You know I'm not going to the party. I have to work," Ally lamented, a whine creeping into her voice.

"What's this about a party?" Ally's dad walked out of the supply room, setting a bunch of boxes on the counter.

Trish explained, "It's this huge charity costume party event thing and Austin's performing. And I'm trying to convince Ally to come."

"I have to close up, Dad. It's fine," Ally insisted.

"Ally, if you want to go, you should go. You work hard enough in the store, and it's pretty slow right now, so I can close and you should go enjoy a night with your friends."

She exchanged an excited glance at Trish. "Are you sure?" she asked incredulously.

"Of course, have fun sweetie. Be home by midnight."

"Thanks, Dad!" She leapt into his arms, giving him a huge hug.

"Thanks, Mr. Dawson! Ally, let's go get you a costume!" Trish squealed.

The party spun around in Austin's eyes as people dressed as bunnies, cowboys, and zombies passed by. He had a few celebratory drinks after his performance, which was a big mistake. Colors and lights swirled around him as he fought the urge to barf all over the girl talking to him. She was wearing a barely there fairy costume and while typically he would have appreciated her effort, the glitter on her face was morphing it into a very confusing jumble of sparkle.

"Excuse me for one second," he muttered as he pushed through the crowd towards the men's room. He felt like shit. He ripped off his mask, splashed water on his face and took a few deep breaths. Shit, if Ally were here, she would have stopped him. She would have lectured him on the detriment of teen drinking, and then he would have rolled his eyes at her, but yet he would have avoided having any alcohol. Then maybe he wouldn't feel so badly. He felt a little pit form in his stomach. He wished she had been able to come with him. He wished she were here.

He stumbled back into the night, grabbing a cup of water from the bar and downing it. He was starting to feel more steady on his feet, but still not completely right. He wiped his sweaty brow; it was probably time to go home. He checked his watch, 11:30. Ally should closed up the store hours ago. He wondered if she was asleep. He searched the crowd for Dez, throwing himself back into a vertiginous spin. He rubbed his eyes, there was still too much stimulation around him. He had to sit down.

He bumped into something while fumbling around for a chair, hearing a small, "Oomphf."

"Sorry," he mumbled. He opened his eyes and stared incredulously. The word barely escaped his lips. "Juliet."

She was a petite girl, several inches shorter than him. She was adorned in an outfit matching his own, a red Victorian dress that draped over her milky skin perfectly.

He held out his hand, watching as her tiny hand fit into his larger palm. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him, her small hands tickling the back of his neck. They swayed slowly to the beat, her head sinking into his chest. His arms enveloped her small form, his hands playing with her dark brown locks.

Her grip on him tightened, effectively pulling him down towards her. He fell into a dizzying spin of fireworks and sparks as he stared into her warm eyes. He felt her stand on her tiptoes, pressing against his body as her soft lips gently grazed his, slowly working their way up to a deep, slow burning kiss. His hands fisted her hair, pulling her into him as his tongue danced along the edge of her lip, meeting hers.

When she broke from his lips, he struggled to catch his breath. He was disoriented, now a different, more uptempo song was playing. How long had they been kissing? He felt like he could do that forever, and it still wouldn't be enough. He reached up to remove the gold, feathered mask that covered her face. She put a hand on his, pushing it away, stopping him from revealing her identity.

Her eyes sparkled mischievously as little laugh lines appeared at their corners. There was something so familiar about those eyes. He blinked, trying to figure out what it was, but there was a fog clouding his memory.

"Don't be so impatient, Austin." Her voice barely registered over the thumping beat. Damn it, it was so loud.

"How do you know my name?" he shouted.

"You're Austin Moon, everyone knows you."

"What about you, what's your name?" he asked.

She smirked. "Juliet."

"No, really. Who are you?"

"I'm...I'm just a nobody. I have to go, it was a pleasure, Austin." She waved a goodbye before turning away. He grabbed her arm, holding her to him.

"Wait, I can't even have your number?"

She tipped her head back and laughed as the crowd swallowed her into its depths. He started after her, but within seconds he lost sight of her. People jumped around him, crushing him. It was too claustrophobic for him to bear.

"Hey, man. I've been looking for you everywhere!" Dez yelled in his ear, appearing at his side in his ridiculous Zaliens get up.

"Did you see her?" Austin scanned the crowd frantically. He couldn't make anything or anyone out in the mess of sweaty bodies.

"See who?" Dez tried to follow Austin's line of vision, but couldn't see anything with all the neon and strobe lights going.

"The girl, my Juliet. She was just here."

"What's she dressed as?"

"Juliet." Austin ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"She's dressed up as a random girl named Juliet? That's a horrible costume," he snickered.

"Forget about it, Dez." Austin's shoulders slumped down dejectedly. Just his luck. He was just another Romeo without a Juliet.

Author's Note: So, what did y'all think, should I continue?