A/N: This is my first Alex Rider fanfiction and my first crossover. For Alex Rider it takes place after the series and after the death of the Pleasures. For the Avengers, its under the movie but could work for the comics as well.

Just a brief reasoning for this, I always thought that Alex would get along great with Natasha, Clint, and JARVIS but would freak everyone else out.

Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider or the Avengers. If I did I wouldn't have to write a disclaimer... and I would be fulfilled in life... But I not... well not yet... I will be!... one day... don't judge me!

So read, enjoy, and REVIEW.

Alex was running down the streets of New York City, Scorpia assassins not far behind. He took a hard left off of Broadway onto 87th st, the street was packed with everyone leaving their offices to go to lunch. Fighting against the constant flow of people was like trying to swim upstream in the rapids. His only comfort was that the men after him would be having the same problem. Rounding another corner Alex's destination came into view.

It was a plain looking gray office building. The kind of building no one would notice, let alone guess that it was the main office of one of the most powerful government organizations in the world, SHIELD. Alex slipped inside through the tinted glass door, instantly noticing the six cameras that followed his every move, and those were just the one that he could see.

Trying to seem inconspicuous, but completely obvious to Alex's trained eye, the six people that were in the lobby when he entered left through side doors. Alex bit back a sigh and made sure to keep his face blank as he got down on his knees, took out his two guns and set them on the ground, before putting his hands on his head. Just as he suspected armed guards came through every door, surrounding him in a matter of seconds.

Eventually the two guards directly in front of him separated and a man walks forward. The man, like the building, was plain. He was blond but slightly balding and wore a suit that in no way was form fitting, the bland expression and forgettable features brought back memories of Crawley. "Alex Rider?" The man asks.

"The same," Alex spoke with an American accent. The one man may know who he was but he wasn't planning on letting the guards surrounding him in on the secret. Seeming to catch onto what Alex was thinking the man made a gesture and the security men disappeared just as suddenly as they appeared.

"Please come with me Mr. Rider." Alex hesitated before following the man to the elevator. The man hit a button marked 'G' and they began to descend. "My name is Special Agent Phil Coulson. I'm the handler for the Avengers. The Director has arranged for you to stay in Stark tower for as long as needed."

"What have they been told?" It was strange for Alex to interact with this agent let alone such public figures as the Avengers. Since the death of the Pleasures and his return to MI6 five months ago he had worked with agencies across the world, including SHIELD, but most of the time he would get his orders directly from the head of the agency and then work solo until he had completed his task.

"Only that you are in need of protection. The civilian members do not know of the existence of Scorpia as you defeated them very soon after they were formed. It is most likely that Mr. Stark will hack into our files in hopes of finding out more information. There is a chance that he will find your file, weather it is in our database or another agency's." The doors open and Alex follows Agent Coulson over to a car parked in the garage they have entered, "I would continue to use an American accent it may delay his search. Agent Romanov and Agent Barton will most likely pick up on enough details to deduce your identity. There may not be a lot of proof about your existence but in our world you are somewhat of a myth."

"What can you tell me about the Avengers and where I'll be staying?"

"Dr. Bruce Banner is a very caring man but I would not recommend making him mad, because of his, shall we say condition.

Captain Steve Rogers is old fashioned in his ideas and his morals, he would react worst to your chosen profession but he will also be the one that will want to protect you the most.

Tony Stark likes to keep up a facade of being detached. You will probably not see him that much as he spends most of his time in his lab.

Agent Barton can act childish but that mostly stems from a depraved childhood. He is the best archer in the world and was able to teach himself instinctual shooting, similar to that of Scorpia assassins. He has a close relationship with Agent Romanov, though they do not date each other.

Agent Romanov was raised in Russia as an assassin, she joined SHEILD about a decade ago and is very loyal to the agency and those she considers friends. She is the most skilled agent at SHIELD when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, I'm sure she would love to spar with you at any time.

As for the Tower itself, it is run by JARVIS, an extremely advanced AI system. JARVIS is integrated into all the tower's inner workings. Thankfully Mr. Stark appreciates privacy and JARVIS only report things that could harm an Avenger or one of their guests."

Silence followed this brief summary of the world famous superheroes and Alex was left to his own thoughts. He couldn't help but think about what would happen if they found out about him. Maybe eight months ago after SCORPIA, after Jack they might have felt bad for him but now they would think he was a monster. That thought wasn't terrible for Alex, he knew he was a monster, since the Pleasures were killed he had lost the last bit of conscience he had left. Now he could look someone in the eye and kill them, he had in fact done that on several occasions and it only bothered him while he slept. The Avengers were not like him however, they protected people. Not like him, he did what he did because he was told to. For him there was no one left to protect except himself.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the car pulling up to the back entrance of Stark Tower.

A/N: Don't know if I'm going to continue, so get back to me, tell me what you think. Worth continuing? Not?