A/N: This idea has been bugging me for a while so... now it is being posted. Yay! :) This is AU in case you didn't notice. I've mixed up the Akatsuki families as well. They are down in the end author's note. By the way, this is YAOI so if you're not into that sort of thing cover your eyes or run away as fast as you can.

Pairings: SasoDei, KakuHida, KisaIta, ZetsuTobi, PainKonan. Other pairings may be included (KakaIru, OroKabu, YamaSai, SasuNaru...) That's all I can remember right now but there may be more. All of the Akatsuki are 15-16 years old.

Don't like, don't read. I apologise in advance if there are any spelling errors. Sorry. NO FLAMES! I'm not making you read this.

Note: I am giving Itachi emotions because he had some before he killed his clan.

Warning: Yaoi (aww yeah...), OOCness and swearing.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did most of the characters killed off would still be alive... And they would all be gay... Yeah...

Chapter 1: Burnt to the Ground

Deidara and Hidan watched their school being swallowed by flames with the type of smiles on their faces only crazy people managed to pull off. Tobi stared up at the building with wide-eyed horror and fought back tears. Why did he let Deidara talk him into participating in this? Tobi was a good boy! Next to him was his cousin Itachi who was biting his lip in worry. He hadn't actually set the building on fire like his friends. But he had witnessed it and hadn't made any move to stop them so he would get the blame too.

It had started off in English that morning. It was their teachers fault... in a way. What the teacher had done was despicable and the four teens thought of the bastard as the scum of the Earth but maybe burning down the school was taking things a bit... too far. Deidara had suggested blowing the school up but Hidan said that that would be too messy and where the hell would they get the bombs so instead they decided to flood most of the school with gasoline and throw lit matches in through the windows.

They most probably will regret it later... but for now they will watch their school be burnt to ashes, two of them with an accomplished feeling and the other two on the verge of a panic attack. The dancing orange flames were reflected in their eyes and they continued to stare as though hypnotised by the scene. Tobi fell to his knees and the tears poured out of his visible eye.

They are all so absorbed with the scene they don't notice the police sirens in the background. However, they do notice when there are four scary men who look more like giants drag them to the police cars, Deidara and Hidan in one, Itachi and Tobi in the other.

"Fuck," Hidan curses angrily, kicking the seat in front of him. "I can't believe we got caught."

"Language, mister," one of the officers warns, glaring at him for kicking his chair.

"I'm not gonna fucking mind my language just because some old shit-head pussy told me too!" Hidan barked back. Deidara, who was getting a tiny bit worried could've sworn he saw a vein throb in the officer's forehead.

"Your parents will know about this, young man!"

Hidan laughed without humour. "Go right ahead! Good luck finding my dad! He fucked off a long time ago! And I doubt my mum will give a shit! She's probably in an alley somewhere letting some old drunken hobo fuck her brains out!"

For a split second the officers looked sympathetic and concerned for the boy but soon went back to their stone-like expression and continued to drive.

"What do you fucking know?!" Hidan yelled suddenly, pointing at something. "I was wrong! She's getting fucked behind a skip, not in an alley!" He rolled his window down and, to everyone's horror began to shout out of the window to his mum, nearly giving two old ladies heart-attacks.


"Sit down, roll up your damn window and be quiet!" The officers growled all sympathy for Hidan long since forgotten.

"Make me, you prick!"



At the police station Deidara, Itachi, Tobi and Hidan sat – Hidan had been giving sweets because he couldn't shout with his mouth stuffed –quietly, waiting for their parents to be called.

As Hidan predicted, no one could get a hold of Hidan's mum. Deidara's dad had answered the phone and after a long silence asked if he could speak to his son. There was a lot of shouting from the other end of the line and Deidara was holding the phone far away from his ear before telling his dad to piss off and then he hung up. He looked like he wanted to punch someone. He hated his parents so much...

Itachi's mum had started to cry and Itachi was biting on his lip very hard to fight back his own tears. Tobi's mum had called Tobi a bad boy and Tobi was instantly sobbing and apologising and rocking back and forth on the floor, hugging himself.

After a good few hours afterwards another police officer – a female this time with long curly hair – came in to speak to them. She sat down across from them and looked at them with a stern expression.

"Your school has been damaged almost beyond repair."

"So fucking what?!" Hidan scoffed.

At least this officer had the patience and the will to ignore him. Women are so much more patient than men sometimes.

"You have been expelled from your school."

There was a long silence.

"Ah well..." Deidara said, breaking it and smiling happily. "Hardly a punishment, is it?"

"You have already been accepted into another school," the lady informed him, wiping the smile right off his face

"WHAT?!" Hidan shouted. "Aw fuck no," he finished miserably. "I hate school. We always get the fucked up teachers."

There was a long silence as they all let that information sink in. Itachi seemed pleased that he would still get an education. Tobi was also pleased because he liked school. Hidan and Deidara were miserable as fuck but, ah well, the law is the law. They had to go to school.

"Okay," Itachi spoke up calmly. "What school is it?"

"Konoha High."

"Sounds nice," Itachi said.

"Okay, I agree," Hidan spoke up this time. "It does sound nicer than the shit-hole we've been in for the past couple of years."

"How old are you four?"

"I'm eighteen," Hidan said. "Itachi is eighteen too and Tobi and Deidara are both seventeen."

"Wow..." Tobi said, amazed. "A whole sentence where Hidan didn't swear..."

"Fuck you lollipop-boy."

Deidara sighed with mock sadness. "You spoke too soon, Tobi."

"Sorry," the seventeen-year-old whimpered.

"Its okay, Tobi," Itachi said in a comforting manner. "It's not your fault Hidan's foul-mouthed."

"I'm eighteen," Hidan said dryly. "I'm hardly going to be called people poopy-heads am I?"

"You overuse the best swears though," Deidara muttered.


"LISTEN!" The officer shouted loudly over the noise. After she had gotten all of their attention she faced Deidara.

"You burnt down your school because of something your teacher did, right?"

Deidara went very quiet for a moment and when he next spoke his voice was barely a whisper.


The officer nodded thoughtfully. "Well, you have no evidence to prove anything, but the other officers and I thought it best to sack him from that school and put a restraining order on him so he won't come near you again."

"Thank you."

The officer left the room so that they could all think.

A/N: Yeah, I know this is short. Sorry about that. Anyway, basically the Akatsuki are split into two groups at the moment and they haven't met yet. This is the more immature group. The other group already go to the school Deidara, Itachi, Tobi and Hidan are going to. If you noticed, they burnt the school down because of something their teacher did. That will probably be revealed in the next chapter. Anyway, to prevent confusion during the rest of this fic I shall tell you who's related to whom.

Sasori's parents died when he was little and he now lives with his Gran. His cousins are Kankuro, Temari and Gaara. Deidara's parents are OC's but he gets kicked out later on and lives with Yamato and Sai's house (they have two houses.) Hidan's mum is also an OC and he leaves and lives with Deidara too. Tobi's parents in this are Jiraiya and Tsunade, his uncle is Kakashi who is with Iruka and they both have an adopted son (Naruto.) Itachi and Sasuke are Tobi's cousins but their parents died in a car crash and they were adopted by Asuma and Kurenai. Kakuzu and Pain were orphans but have been adopted by Orochimaru. Konan lives with her older sister Shizune. Zetsu and Kisame are both orphans.

If you don't like the families I've put them in then sorry but it's my decision. This is an AU and a fanFICTION so I'll write it the way I want to write it.

Read and review. NO FLAMES. Constructive criticism is okay. Hope you enjoyed :)