Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own The Mortal Instruments.

Clary POV

"Bye, honey! See you for Thanksgiving!"

With that, my parents left me with five different bags to carry by myself. At least I have my car. I sighed as I picked up a duffel bag, and pulled the handle out of a suitcase.

I had just gotten to Shadow Academy, a renowned boarding school that was in New York. I had applied for a scholarship a few months ago, only to learn that I couldn't get to the school until October; a month after classes had began. The principal of the school didn't seem to mind though, as he had told me that I would be a fantastic addition to the art program.

I stared down at the two boxes, and a backpack that I had to carry to my dorm. The dorm I hadn't thought about finding before.

"You need some help?"

I looked to my right to see a boy who looked about my age. His hands were in the pockets of his dark jeans. He had dark brown hair that was slightly curled and overlapping his glasses.

"Uhm, yeah. I do," I said.

The boy looked at me for a moment, his stare scanning over me. His eyes grew slightly wide, and his mouth opened slightly. "Clary?"

Then, realization dawned on me. "Simon?"

I dropped my bags, and ran to his arms, engulfing him into a hug. He stumbled back a bit and laughed.

"Oh my gosh. It's been, like, three years, Simon!" I finally said after I released him.

"I know. I'm sorry I never called, or anything. I'm a terrible person," he said, hanging his head in shame.

"Yeah, you are!" I said, in between laughs.

Simon joined my laughing, and I looked at his geeky shirt. It was a Star Wars graphic. I rolled my eyes at his nerdiness.

"Anyway," I said, "do you mind showing me to dorm D?"

Simon nodded, picked up the two boxes, and waited as I slipped the backpack on my back, through the duffel bag over my shoulder, and grabbed the suitcase. Then, we started walking.

With my suitcase wheeling behind me, Simon said, "You're lucky your in dorm D. It's the best dormitory here."

"And why is that?" I asked him, smiling.

"Well, it's where my room is for one. And, everyone who lives there is pretty cool."

"I didn't realize these were co-ed dorms," I said, saying my thoughts.

"Yeah, but don't worry. If you have a roommate, they pair you up with the same gender," he explained.

I nodded as we reached a building with glass sliding doors. They opened briefly as we entered the room. Which was a hallway.

"What's the room number?" Simon asked me.

"Thirteen," I replied. "I think it's on the third floor. Well, that's what the paper said."

"It is," Simon said, leading me to an elevator, "there's only one other room occupied on the third floor."

"Oh," was all I said as we stepped into the elevator. The metal doors closed, and Simon hit a number three as he balanced the boxes on his leg.

The ride up was short. It only took a minute of comfortable silence with Simon.

"Here we are," he said as the metal doors slid open, revealing a quiet hallway. Well, not very quiet.

As we passed room 14, which just so happened to be directly across the hall from mine, loud music was blaring from its door.

I set down the suitcase, and fished around in my pocket for the room key. When I found it, I unlocked the door.

The room before me was. . .huge. It was definitely bigger than my room back home. The walls were white, and there were hardwood floors beneath my feet. In a corner, there was bed frame, and mattress already set up: My parents had it delivered before I arrived. There was a pretty large bathroom in another corner of the room as well. My parents also had my desk delivered, a dresser, and a TV.

"Woah," I said. "This room is huge."

Simon nodded his head in agreement as he set the boxes down on the floor. "Do you need any help settling in? I can stay if you want me to."

"I'm fine. But, do you think we could go grab some dinner later? My parents let me bring my car up here," I told him.

"I would love to," he said, very gentlemanly. "Shall we meet here at, let's say, five-ish?"

"Of course, Mr. Lewis," I told him, slightly giggling.

I walked him out the door to the hallway, where the music was still blaring. Simon rolled his eyes, and went over to the person's door.

"Hey, Lightwood! Turn down the music, will ya!" Simon yelled.

The music abruptly stopped. "What? You don't like my taste in music, Lewis?" A voice yelled back.

"I don't care for your music, but you have a new neighbor right across the hall. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to listen

to it!"

There was silence. Then, the voice shouted, "Well, she's gonna have to deal with it!"

The music started again, and Simon looked annoyed. "Sorry about him. I promise he's not a jerk. Most of the time," he said.

"It's fine," I told him. "It gives me all the more reason to turn my music up louder."

I grinned as Simon laughed. "There's the Fray I love!"

"See you at five, Simon," I said after I gave him a hug. "And thanks for helping me."

"What are best friends for?"

I smiled, and headed back to my room. Just before I shut my door, I thought I heard the door to room 14 open and close. I looked back, only to find that it was in fact, closed.

I closed my door quietly, and looked around. The room needed work.

-(•.•-) -(•.•)- (-•.•)-

I stood back an admired my room. I was so thankful that I had remembered to bring some paint.

My room was now painted a bright lime green color. My bed was resting away from the walls, as the paint was still a bit wet. My polka dot comforter was resting on the mattress underneath at least ten pillows that would be arranged when I moved the bed against the wall.

My dresser now had the TV on it, and my clothes filled the drawers. My desk now had a lamp on it, and my laptop. The wood floor now had a lime green rug on it as well. I had old Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the room.

I sighed happily, and checked my watch to see what time it was. 3:30PM. I had to meet Simon soon, so I decided to take a quick shower in the bathroom.

-(•.•-) -(•.•)- (-•.•)-

I was now looking at myself in the mirror. I had thrown on a long sleeved black shirt with a scoop neck, skinny jeans, and tall combat boots. I had put eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss on as well; I wasn't going to look terrible. My red hair was curly and falling down my back.

Happy with my appearance, I walked out of the bathroom. I still heard music blaring from across the hall. Does he ever get tired of that?

I grabbed my phone to see that the time was 4:45PM. Simon would be here soon. I stuffed my phone in my pocket, and grabbed my car keys along with my room key.

Minutes later, someone was knocking on the door. I opened it to see Simon standing in the doorway. He smiled at me, and extended his arm.

I closed the door behind me, and locked it. I took Simon's arm in mine and he lead me to the elevator, leaving the boy across the hall to enjoy his loud music.

-(•.•-) -(•.•)- (-•.•)-

Simon and I got back to the dormitory around nine. Instead of parking in the man lot, I parked my Challenger in the dorm's lot.

"If you ever need anything, Fray, call me. My room is number three on the first floor, by the way," he said before I got on the elevator.

I gave him a quick hug, and said goodbye before the elevator doors closed and took me up to the third floor.

When they opened again, the hallway has silent. Looks like that guy across the hall was done listening to music.

I unlocked the door to my room, and quickly went inside. I changed into some shorts and a tank top to sleep in. After I got ready for bed, and pushed the bed against the now dry wall, I climbed in, relieved for all of the pillows.

Before I forgot, I made sure my alarm was set for 5:30AM. After that, I fell into a sound sleep.

A/N: Hey! :)

Okay, so, I've been thinking of this plot for some time now. I really hope you stick around for this story, because it's gonna be CLACEY!

And, Jace will definitely be in the next chapter. I just wanted to build a foundation in the first chapter. So, yeah.

Please review if you want me to continue!

If not...I guess I won't.