This is the last chapter. Thank you for your wonderful reviews. They were very inspirational.

I don't own Bones.


As he approached his tent, Booth was surprised to hear his name being hailed. Turning, he saw Hannah walking towards him. "I thought you were hell bent to get to Seattle."

Shrugging her shoulders, the blond reporter smiled at her former lover. "I decided that I needed to talk to you first." Hannah pointed at his tent with a hopefull look on her face. "Let's go in and make ourselves comfortable."

Slowly shaking his head, Booth laughed. "Like Hell. You want to talk to me, you do it out here for the world to see."

Sly, Hannah looked around and saw Sam watchign them. "What's the matter, afraid someone might carry tales to Temperance?"

Clasping his hands in front of his waist, Booth nodded his head. "You're damn right. If you want to talk to me then start talking."

Resigned to have the conversation where they were, his former girlfriend shrugged her shoulders. "Are you really with Temperance? I mean really? If any two people were exact opposites then I'd have to say that's you two."

"So?" Booth didn't see the point of the conversation. "What does that have to do with anything? Bones and I are in a relationship, end of story."

Studying his face, Hannah shook her head. "No, I don't see it. You're a man of emotion and Temperance is a very cold unemotional person. I'd swear she was a Vulcan if they actually existed."

Suddenly angry, Booth glared at the woman he once thought he'd loved. "You hold it right there. You don't know Bones . . . You just think you do. She feels things. She feels them deeply. She's just careful to hide it most of the time to protect herself. If you'd had to put up with half the shit she's been through you'd be careful too. She's no Vulcan and that's a fact."

Shrugging her shoulders, Hannah adjusted her purse on her shoulder. "It doesn't change the fact that you and she are completely opposites. Did you turn to her when I turned you down? Rebound relationships never last, Seeley. They never do."

Exasperated, Booth crossed his arms against his chest. "What do you want from me, Hannah? What's the point of this conversation?"

Hannah smiled at him and tried to convince him that what he was doing was wrong. "I told you when you broke up with me that I loved you and I didn't think we were done yet. I still believe that. You were just angry because I didn't want to get married. Don't you see? . . . You just ran into Temperance's arms because you were angry with me. I get that . . . I do. But, you have to see that you and your partner won't last. She just can't be what you want her to be. If anything she's worse about commitment than I am. She's believes in science. She doesn't believe in love . . . She never will."

Shaking his head in anger, Booth fought not to raise his voice but failed. "Just who the hell do you think you are? You tell me you love me and we're aren't through? Give me a break. We are through Hannah . . . We will never get back together and that's a fact. I love Bones. Do you hear me? I love her and she loves me. You and I are never getting back together, never."

Filled with rage, Booth turned and took several steps towards his tent then thought better of it. Muttering, he turned towards the cafeteria tent instead. "Oh, hell no." Walking past Hannah, Booth warned her. "You and I are through, Hannah. Through . . . I advise you get to Seattle as fast as you can, God knows something interesting is probably happening there and you wouldn't want to miss it."

Watching Booth enter the cafeteria tent, Hannah frowned at his denial.


Waiting in Booth's tent, Hannah sat on the bed. Bored, she pulled out her laptop and sent an email to Karl, her camera man to explain the delay. Typing, she didn't hear the tent flap pulled up.

Entering the tent, Brennan was surprised to see Hannah. "What are you doing here?"

Startled, Hannah looked up and closed her lap top. "I've been waiting for you. I want to talk to you."

Curious, Brennan sat on the chair next to her desk. "About what?"

Confident, Hannah answered her, "About you and Seeley. Surely you see that he turned to you for comfort when I turned down his marriage proposal. He was furious with me and he broke up our relationship, but I knew it was just temporary. He loves me and I love him. This thing he's doing with you won't last. It can't . . . You two have nothing in common. Your mirror opposites. Sooner or later, he's going to ask you to marry him and when he does you're going to break his heart. When that happens, who do you think he's going to run to? Me, that's who. He loves me Temperance . . . You're fooling yourself if you think it will last."

Stepping into the tent, Booth loomed over Hannah. "Who the hell do you think you are, Hannah? What gives you the right to talk to Bones like that? For your information, I love Bones. I love her . . . I've loved Bones since the day I met her. I've loved her for over six years. I told you I love you, but my love for you can't compare to my love for Bones. I don't have the words to describe how much I love her and by God she loves me. Bones and I are going to have a baby soon and if that isn't proof that she loves me then I don't know what it could be . . . Get it into that thick skull of yours, we are through. We are never getting back together. Never! Now, I think you need to leave and I mean leave before I toss you out of this tent on your ass."

Her jaw working back and forth, Hannah stood up and stomped past Booth. "You're making a mistake."

Furious, Booth took a step towards the retreating reporter. "The only mistake I made was hooking up with you in the first place."

Dropping the flap, Booth stood staring at Brennan. Finally getting his temper under control, he walked over to where she was sitting and knelt next to her. "Bones, I love you. I don't care what she said, I love you. I only want you. Do you understand?"

Brennan knew her partner and she believed him. Filled with love for him, she moved her arms around his shoulders. "Yes, I do."

Kissing her, Booth smiled. "Only you, Bones. I love you, don't ever doubt that."


So was my story interesting? This is the end of this story. Let me know what you think of it. Thank you.