AN: Ok, seriously, the lack of Bamon updates lately has driven me to write another Bamon story. xD Anywaaaay. I'm here again.

For the record, story-wise, I won't be rushing into things (or so I think), so I hope you guys would be patient as you read future chapters. I'd like to make this Bonnie-centric as possible, but I might be squeezing Damon's POV once in a while. Also, there are only a few elements from the series that I will be including in this story, and I'm sure you'll pinpoint those things soon enough.

A special shout out to psejhan, who gave a whole lotta chunk of ideas and a rather special shove of encouragement to make me write this.

This is for the Bamon lovers—and why Bamon works.

The Marrying Type

by Jacal Ste. Worme


Whenever she saw him, Bonnie couldn't help the irritation that welled up from her being, and no, it wasn't of the sexual kind. Whether he was purposely pissing her off, or for some reason being a boy scout and simply helping an old lady cross the street, (because it didn't matter what he was doing) he was always, always going to annoy the fuck out of her.

The only problem in this situation was that Damon was naturally charming. The vampire was a Casanova who had a century's worth of experience under his mouth-watering belt, and he never failed to remind everyone of this fact. Honestly, Bonnie didn't blame him for being born with such panty-dropping, drool-worthy good looks. Hell, she wasn't even angry that he was unconsciously seducing women with his beautiful yet sinful charisma.

So even if he had been non-discretely trying to get in her pants, wooing her so uncharacteristically, Damon was always going to get on her nerves. Bonnie doubted that anything was ever going to change that, particularly if she wanted to settle down in the not-so-distant future.

Just as everyone was starting to think that the pending "Bamon Situation" was promising—especially the Salvatore's younger brother, everyone wondering why only the fuck now did Damon manage to pull his head from a certain doppleganger's ass, Bonnie was already convincing herself that she was going to say a big N-O to the blue-eyed vamp before he officially asked her out on a d-a-t-e.

That was why as Bonnie entered the Grill that late Monday night, having agreed to 'accidentally meet her possible true love' c/o one, blonde, vamp bestie, her eyes landed on the man who was supposedly besotted with her, flashing a group of co-eds his trademark smirk, and one thought kept on recurring in Bonnie's overactive brain, fuelling her intense dislike for said bloodsucker:

Damon Salvatore wasn't the marrying type, and that just won't do.

AN: This is a very short prologue, but I decided to get this out to urge me not to drop this plot bunny. So if you've given this a shot, please say so and leave a review. Thanks for reading! :)