Hello my dears, this was the story that was working when I found out I was pregnant, got writer's block, and lost all ambition for writing. :/ I have 11 chapters written but I can no longer do this piece justice. Therefore, I will be posting the chaps that I have but I will be putting it up for adoption. Christag_banner made the gorgeous banner and will be willing to edit it.

If you are interested in adopting this story, please message me.

Thank you to my lovely helpers, idealskeptic, Mizzdee, BlazedToker, Twimom817, and Frankielynn. This would be awful without their thoughts.

Working Girl Chapter 1

Carlisle POV

I walked into the club, looking around, hoping not to see anyone that might recognize me. The week had been particularly difficult, starting out with a major highway pile-up and ending with losing both patients from both of the surgeries I performed today. I needed to unwind tonight. Grabbing a drink from the bar, I walked to a table nearest to the side of the stage and waited for the next performer to come out.

When she did, I couldn't help the immediate reaction. I watched the beautiful brunette dance out on the stage, rolling her hips, spinning her hair. She walked over to the pole on the far side of the stage, doing a few spins and dips before walking to the pole closest to me and repeating the actions.

I tried to get a glimpse of her face. I wanted to know if the woman's face matched the perfection of her body, but she kept her face hidden by her flying hair.

She moved to the center stage, where it jutted out from the rest, into the middle of the room. She started removing her skirt, sliding it down slowly, letting the anticipation build. When the skirt was finally off, revealing a lacy-skirted thong, she went for the wrap-style tank top, and removed it one side at a time. Spinning slowly, she showed off the lace bra that matched the panties.

As she turned away from me, revealing the span of her back to me, that's when I noticed it. That scar. It was light, barely visible in the darkness, recognizable as only a trick of the light. But I knew that scar, that scar haunted me. Before I could stop it, the memories from ten years ago flooded my brain.

Her name was Isabella Swan. She had come into the ER with a stab wound to her back. The knife had missed her spine by only an inch, and I, being the rookie, was the one in charge of keeping the knife from moving while they prepped her.

In the two hours that I sat with the sixteen year old girl, I attempted many times to get her to tell me the truth about what happened, not just the "I fell in the kitchen" story. She had bruises covering her body, most of them shaped like hand-prints. Her clothes were raggedy and unclean, and she cringed whenever large men came near.

I knew what happened to her, but couldn't do anything about it until she admitted to it.

"You have 10 minutes before they will come get her. Try and get the information out of her." The chief said to me.

I walked back into the room where she was laying alone. "Are you sure there's no one I can call? Your mom or dad? Sibling? Grandparent?"

"My dad passed away a few years ago and my mom is at work, or something. My stepdad wouldn't come, even if I wanted him here so…no, there's no one."

"Please, Isabella. Please tell me the truth. This is a dangerous surgery and you need to have someone here."

I could hear the sniffles before I saw tears fall from her eyes. "Bella. How many times now have I asked you to call me Bella?"

"I'll make sure I remember if you tell me what happened. I swear."

Her whole frame shuddered as she tried to stay as still as possible. "I came home from school, my stepdad was there. He was supposed to be at work. I don't know why he was home. He came up behind me, trying to get me to have sex with him, like he always does. When I let him, I get bruised and assaulted, when I refuse, I get worse. Today, I tried to refuse. Unfortunately, I refused while he was in reach of the kitchen knives. He grabbed one out of the block and as I turned to run, he stabbed me. When he realized what he had done, he pulled me to his car, dropped me off at the ER doors, and took off…probably to go drink some more."

I had made her give her statement to the police before they wheeled her to the operating room, telling her that I would be there when she woke up.

But I wasn't.

The surgery took longer than was anticipated and when my shift was finally over, they were still working on her, having lost her on the table twice.

I had resolved to stay in the waiting room until she was out of surgery and was heading towards the chairs when I got the phone call. My brother had been killed in a car crash in California and I was needed to put his affairs in order. At twenty five, I had been the only Cullen left in my family.

By the time I returned to Seattle, Bella was gone. I tried to get her information to send her a letter or something, explaining why I hadn't been there; but they were confidential records, because of the police investigation.

The music grew louder around me, bringing me out of my thoughts. Bella had been replaced on the stage by a blonde woman who looked like there was more plastic on her than anything real.

I looked around, wondering if there was a way I could speak to Bella, just as a man walked up to me.

"There is a special request for you from one of our girls. Follow me."

I stood up, grabbing my drink and following the man into the back hallway. He stopped just outside the door marked 'Marie'. He opened the door, holding it wide for me to enter before shutting it behind me.

I looked around, taking in the large couch and side tables. I didn't notice her until she spoke, "Well hello there, Dr. Cullen."