A/N: (At the top only for this chapter for any new readers) Hello again friends! Welcome to my second story. As the summary says, it will be Cheerio!Kurt/Nerd!Blaine. Let me know what y'all think! :)

For this story, the format will be mostly the same, few changes. The perspective of which we are reading the story will change in chapter. We will be switching back and forth between Kurt and Blaine a bit. (This chapter switches more than the others, just to establish the characters. It won't usually jump this much between the two...I think). Anytime you see the GREY LINE (used last time as a time jump indication) that will signify the change of perspective. If we need to do a time jump within a chatacter's perspective we will do four 'X' in a row. Everything else stays the same.

So, in short:

GREY LINE= perspective change

XXXX= time jump within perspective


Emphasis on a word


Chapters will range between 1500-3000 words (approx.). If you have any questions, feel free to ask! As with last story, I'll be writing back to every review and/or question in what I hope to be a timely manner.

Sorry for the long A/N. It's the first chapter, it had to happen. :) (from now on A/N's will be at the bottom, except when a warning is needed). Let me know what y'all think! Enjoy!

I don't own Glee or its characters.


Blaine saw the parade approaching and sighed. He neatly tucked his bag back in his locker and placed his glasses on top of it. He shut his locker and turned in the general direction of the approaching assault. He had long ago resigned to the fact that this was his fate; it still didn't make it any easier to deal with.

"Hey nerd, what no goggles today?" Blaine heard a now familiar voice sneer.

Blaine didn't bother responding, it wasn't like they'd listen anyway. He only braced himself for the still shocking ice bath. When the slushies finally hit, they momentarily took his breath away. He stood in place, shaking, until he heard the laughter round the corner. He wiped his eyes and leaned close to his locker dial so he could see the numbers he needed.

Once his locker was open, he retrieved his bag, a towel, a new shirt, a bottle of gel and his glasses. He sidestepped a group of freshmen who laughed at him as he passed. He made it into the boy's bathroom and locked the door before he allowed the tears to fall. He took his time cleaning himself up; he was late for class anyway, a few extra minutes wouldn't hurt.

Kurt strode into his history class and smiled cockily at Blaine's friend Tina as he passed. The look of realization crossed her face as she glared at him. This made Kurt smile larger, on the outside. Internally, Kurt felt torn. He enjoyed his place at the top of the social pyramid. He was a Cheerio and was a shoe-in for co-captain his senior year with Santana. He was the head of the popular crowd in the junior class. He had earned his rank by spending the previous three years belittling Blaine Anderson. Kurt had always sort of found him endearing and had begun to feel a little bad about picking on the poor kid.

Kurt looked up from his notebook when he heard the door to the classroom open. His expression fell a little, as it always did, when he saw Blaine enter with red rimmed eyes. He had caused Blaine emotional pain, along with the physical pain that the slushies were guaranteed to inflict. 'Whatever. He deserved it. Right? Yeah. Definitely. Uh huh.'

Kurt turned his attention back to his notebook when Blaine had taken his seat next to Tina.

At lunch, Blaine took his usual seat at the Glee table between Tina and Sam.

"Hey B. Did you change your shirt? I thought you had your new cardigan on today." Sam said once Blaine was fully settled in.

Blaine shrunk down in his seat and adjusted his glasses. "Uh, yeah I did."

"Why, dude? I thought you were like really excited about your new sweater-thing or something? You talked about it all day yesterday." Finn said from across the table.

Blaine knew this situation should be addressed lightly. Kurt Hummel was Finn's stepbrother, but also was the head of the slushie brigade. Blaine hated to cause a riff between Kurt and Finn, but every time Finn heard that Kurt had slushied Blaine he had to take things into his own hands.

"Don't worry about it." Blaine simply replied and began opening his sandwich bag.

"No dude. You had me all excited to see it. What happened?" Finn pressed.

Blaine's eyes slid over to the popular table where his eyes connected with Kurt. The boy was dressed in his Cheerio uniform and his chestnut hair was perfectly quaffed. His piercing blue-green eyes were filled with laughter as he chatted with his fellow Cheerios.

Blaine shifted his gaze back to Finn, where he saw that Finn had followed his gaze. 'Uh oh. Quick…think of something…quick!'

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Finn muttered as he began to stand.

"N-n-no Finn. It's okay." Blaine started.

"No, dude. It's not. He has no-"

"What exactly is going on, Finn? Why aren't you sitting next to me anymore?" Rachel squawked from her seat with wild eyes being thrown at Finn.

"Kurt's an asshole, that's why. I'll be back, Rach." Finn said and began walking over to Kurt.

"N-no!" Blaine tried to call after Finn. Finn ignored his call and Blaine's cheeks began to burn as he felt his friends' sympathetic looks on him.

Kurt saw Finn approaching him and sighed. He looked to Blaine who seemed to have shrunk in his seat and his cheeks were painted a bright red.

"Dude. What the hell?" Finn said aggressively when he reached Kurt's table.

"Finn. I'm not dude, I'm Kurt. And what?" Kurt narrowed his eyes at Finn. Although Finn was still on the football team and technically part of Kurt's crew, he didn't like to be challenged by a Glee nerd.

"Why'd you slushie Blaine? He hasn't even done anything to you!"

"He spreads his nerdiness around my school. I don't need people like him walking around here. If I'm going to be forced to share a hall with him, I thought I'd try to clean his nerd germs with a nice shower. He must be well versed on cold showers since he ca-"

"Dude. Shut up. Listen to yourself. You don't know him. Back the hell off." Finn interjected.

"No Finn, you back off. "

"NO! Leave Blaine alone or I'll-I'll-"

"What Finn? What exactly will you do?"

Finn seemed to struggle for a moment and finally settled for waving his hand dismissively at Kurt. "Man, you're a dick." Finn said as he turned to walk away.

"No, but I like them!" Kurt shot after him, his friends laughed in Finn's wake.

Kurt watched Finn sit down again at the Glee table. Kurt was taken aback as Blaine seemed to be apologizing profusely. 'What did Blaine do?'

Kurt took a moment to really study Blaine. His hair was gelled into its usual helmet on his head. His glasses were square on his face and he seemed obsessed with adjusting them on his nose. He wore extremely preppy clothes that hugged his frame. Secretly, Kurt had felt bad for ruining Blaine's nice grey cardigan that morning. It was one of the few pieces in Blaine's collection Kurt thought was passable, and fashion never deserves to suffer. He had very full lips. His short frame seemed to be well built beneath his clothing, as though he worked out regularly.

"Hummel!" Kurt looked around him, effectively pulled back into his group's discussion about the party Azimio was holding the following evening.

Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed as they recalled the tale of the party from the week prior in which Azimio and Karofsky had shot gunned three beers in a row, causing Karofsky to lose his stomach contents all over the floor.


"Now guys, it could be a fun thing to do together. Next week is the last week of school so it's our last chance to perform for the year." Mr. Schue tried to say over Rachel's screams.

Blaine smiled at the whole debacle. The assembly was the next day, so Blaine knew Mr. Schue had already promised Figgins they would perform. It seemed silly to perform without any proper rehearsal, but it would also be an adventure.

"We perform every day in here, Mr. Schue! This is ridiculous!" Rachel insisted.

"Pick some songs and try to be as prepared as possible by tomorrow. Go New Directions!" Mr. Schue effectively ended the conversation with his over-enthusiasm.

Blaine and Rachel were picked to do solos and the group would do a number. Rachel was going to sing 'Don't Rain On My Parade' from Funny Girl, the group was going to sing 'Somebody to Love' by Queen and Blaine chose to sing 'Teenage Dream' by Katy Perry. Blaine spent the rest of the day buzzing with excitement because he loved that song.

On Friday, Kurt sat on the uncomfortable bench of the gymnasium with his fellow junior Cheerios and Jocks. He laughed as Figgins announced the Glee Club would be performing. He shook his head as Finn's annoying girlfriend sang her solo. She could sing, Kurt handed it to her, but she annoyed him too much to ever comment as much. Kurt's eyes widened as the group attempted Queen's 'Somebody to Love'. 'Damn, they harmonize well.'

Kurt secretly enjoyed singing and could appreciate a group that sounded well together. As the song drew to a close, he felt Karofsky nudge him through his laughter. Kurt looked to him and he nodded his head toward the stage. Kurt saw Blaine take a deep breath as he walked to center stage in the opening notes of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream'. Kurt shook his head and looked at his feet. Blaine had just earned himself another slushie by the end of the day.

Everyone knew both Kurt and Blaine were gay. No one really cared so long as it wasn't flaunted around (as Kurt was so tastefully told by Coach Sylvester on his first day on the Cheerios). Blaine was flaunting with his song choice. As Blaine began to sing, Kurt's head snapped up and he allowed his gaze to settle on Blaine. 'He can actually sing really well.'

Kurt had never been to a performance put on by his step-brother's club, much to his father's dismay. He couldn't if he wanted to keep his reputation intact. Kurt watched Blaine thoughtfully. He imagined being on stage with him. Had he not been a Cheerio, he would probably be a Glee nerd with them. He could have done both, but only Santana, Brittany and Quinn had been adventurous enough to try it. They barely got away with it with Coach Sylvester by posing as spies (though Kurt knew they secretly enjoyed it). He shook his head again, trying to clear those thoughts.

As the song drew to a close, it took all of Kurt's strength not to clap. They had sounded really good and deserved the respect. He stood and exited the assembly with his friends towards the parking lot while quietly humming 'Teenage Dream'.